This is obviously some sort of mental disorder, and if you read the attached article, it kind of makes sense (in an odd sort of way). It's apparently a control thing. Well, think about it. An inanimate object can never talk back or hurt your feelings (but if it does, that's probably a sign of some other mental disorder)!
Allowing gay marriage will not open the door to allowing other forms of unconventional, and even twisted "marriage". I wish people would let go of that stupid idea that they use as an excuse to rob gay people of basic rights and lower them to the level of a mentally ill or otherwise sick individual that would marry a wall or a tower or a sheep. I'm not even gay, and I find that idea completely insulting.
Off the soap box... I agree with Neatoramawontsendmeapassword. Marrying an inanimate object is a control thing. It has to be, because there is really no other benefit involved, and I don't even want to think about the physical side of things if they exist at all. :P
If a man is allowed to marry another man, every US citizen will immediately be legally required to marry a dog. The people who refuse will be sent to internment camps and will be summarily terminated by our lizard overlords who rule from the inside of the earth. I don't see what's so hard to understand about that.
Hope its made out of something toxic.
Off the soap box... I agree with Neatoramawontsendmeapassword. Marrying an inanimate object is a control thing. It has to be, because there is really no other benefit involved, and I don't even want to think about the physical side of things if they exist at all. :P
On a humorous note, Does she get half its income when they divorce?