A Rifle Design Based on Archimedes's Screw

According to legend, the Greek engineer Archimedes of Syracuse designed a pump that moved water up by using a screw inside a sealed shaft. The Evans lever-action rifle, designed by a dentist in Maine, uses the same mechanical principle. As the lever is cocked, the shaft inside the magazine built into the buttstock turns and feeds another round into the chamber. Why do you think this innovation never caught on?

Link -via Pocket Pistols, Historic Firearms, & Curiosities | Photo: Two Flints

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Helical mags have their problems. They mostly work best for shorter rounds like pistol cartridges, but they don't really fit within the form factor for a pistol. So the only modern gun I can think of that uses them is the Calico SMG. They're also a pain to reload because there is no helical equivalent to the stripper clip.
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Benjamin -- I have never owned a high-end car....I don't know what I wrote that makes you think I brag about doing so. One of my most enjoyable cars was an Izuzu iMark I owned years ago -- it was a fun car to drive, like a go-cart.

I drive old diesel Mercedes because I can run biodiesel, made by a friend from surplus oil. A vehicle I have use of, a truck, also a Mercedes -- ancient - runs on straight veggie oil. Why do me and a few other friends do this? Well, we do it because it's cheap fuel, parts are cheap, and we like simple to maintain cars that last much, much, longer than their interiors, paintjobs and most other cars we can afford to buy, maintain and insure.

Being mechanically inclined from a very, very, early age also has a great deal to do with it....which is why I also developed an interest in watches, and later the mechanical bits of guns. I also loooove old typewriters - but vicariously when I visit friends --- I also have promised myself, friends, and family to keep clutter at a minimum.

Well Ben, I read a couple of your other comments, liked them, your comments look pretty good, so I now understand that you were not trolling me.

I hope this answers things for you, sorry for being kinda abrupt in my first reply.

[John -- thanks for editing my verbiage, and thanks for your diplomatic reply. ;) ]
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I believe one problem was the way it was loaded. Other repeating rifles such as the Winchester could be loaded with any number of cartridges up to their capacity and immediately have a round ready to fire. With the Evans, if you had a 28-shot model but only wanted to load and fire a single round, you would have to put in the round then work the action 28 times to get it into the chamber to fire. While the firepower was impressive, not many people truly needed all those rounds at once, so the pain in short-loading it would have been a detriment to its sales.

By the way, an Evans figures prominently in a Tom Selleck made-for-TV Western, "Crossfire Trail." It is carried by Wilford Brimley as Joe Gill. When someone asks him why he carries the Evans, Joe replies, "Well, it's got 28 bullets, and I ain't a very good shot."
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How nice. With nearly an endless supply of someone elses money you can just spend spend spend and have the coolest building on the block. Spend to much. Pssssh, no such thing, just put your hand out and one government or another will erase your debts and send boatloads of taxpayers money your way with no strings attached.
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