Rattlesnake and Rabbit Sausage with Jalapeños

I've never eaten rattlesnake before, but I'd love to try it someday. I suppose that I could try to hunt them, but it might save time to just buy the meat online.

Have you eaten it? What does it taste like?

Link -via Nerdcore

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Frog legs don't have fishy overtones when cooked right. Fried frog legs with butter is my favorite childhood dish!

Wild rabbit, on the other hand, tastes like chicken. A bit stringy/tough, if I remember correctly.
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ate rattle snake and anything else we could find on a climbing excursion back in the 70's after we ran out of food, i was only 15 at the time, all was good.
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It's Russian, and an automatic translator gave me the word Zagreb, so I thought it might be from a Russian who traveled to Zagreb, but I can't say for sure. Do you recognize the place?
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That's more correctly referred to as a track-hoe instead of a steam shovel. Incidently, they are a tremendous amount of fun to operate.
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