24 Survival Tips For Living Alone

Yes, it's much easier to open a stubborn jar when you put rubber bands around the jar and lid to get a better grip. My aunt, who lives alone, once sent me a gadget to open jars with. I appreciated the gift, but as I had recently found myself single at the time, it depressed me to think that there's an entire line of products for people who don't have spouses or even roommates. But once you get over the connotations of reading a list that implies you are lonely and "Forever Alone," these are some pretty useful tips. In fact, you don't even have to live alone to find them quite handy! Link

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Dr Steve Brule had some advice for living on your lonesome. I'll try to remember the main points:
1. Make a bunch of sandwiches on Sunday so you've got lunches made for the whole week.
2. Sleep, in your dreams you can be anybody.
3. Make your own puzzles. Cut apart photos and then re-arrange them.

Well worth watching a repeat of his segment if you can find one.
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Some of these were great...but putting a shower cap on your smoke detector? Not so brilliant.

Washing your computer keyboard in the dishwasher? Good luck.
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#7 has nothing to do with living alone. (Does having a roommate give you x-ray vision? :) It's a great tip even if people don't find you intolerable.
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mie, I think it's like this: shove the blanket inside the cover, line up one edge of the blanket with the open edge of the cover, and hold the edges together. Then shake the whole thing while holding the one edge straight until the blanket lines up to the available space inside.
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