Yes, it's much easier to open a stubborn jar when you put rubber bands around the jar and lid to get a better grip. My aunt, who lives alone, once sent me a gadget to open jars with. I appreciated the gift, but as I had recently found myself single at the time, it depressed me to think that there's an entire line of products for people who don't have spouses or even roommates. But once you get over the connotations of reading a list that implies you are lonely and "Forever Alone," these are some pretty useful tips. In fact, you don't even have to live alone to find them quite handy! Link
Yes, it's much easier to open a stubborn jar when you put rubber bands around the jar and lid to get a better grip. My aunt, who lives alone, once sent me a gadget to open jars with. I appreciated the gift, but as I had recently found myself single at the time, it depressed me to think that there's an entire line of products for people who don't have spouses or even roommates. But once you get over the connotations of reading a list that implies you are lonely and "Forever Alone," these are some pretty useful tips. In fact, you don't even have to live alone to find them quite handy! Link
Does anyone wonder if people-- the aunt in this case-- have any clue that they have an unconscious (I hope) bias against single women?
That said, I put everything in my dishwasher that fits!
Use an old can opener to introduce a little air under the rim. Once you've done that, the lid will unscrew with no difficulties.
Washing your computer keyboard in the dishwasher? Good luck.
1. Make a bunch of sandwiches on Sunday so you've got lunches made for the whole week.
2. Sleep, in your dreams you can be anybody.
3. Make your own puzzles. Cut apart photos and then re-arrange them.
Well worth watching a repeat of his segment if you can find one.