A Culture, Not a Costume

A group of Ohio University students urges you to be sensitive in your costuming decisions this Halloween. Don't generate cheap laughs at the expense of other cultures, including vampires, My Little Ponies, mimes, and the cast of Jersey Shore. You're better than that.

http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/were-a-culture-not-a-costume#.Tqcuq96Aq0t -via Boing Boing

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This is crazy, they do have a point, if you belittle and make fun of any culture you really are saying that they do not count. That the are and can be made fun of. So that is how you create bullies because we are saying as a people it is alright to turn any culture into a costume. And as always there is not costumes for whites. So they are not affected at all.
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The lesson here is: When you launch an entire ad campaign devoted to whining about how butthurt you are over silly Halloween costumes, you turn yourself into more of a joke than the costumes could ever make you out to be.
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