World's Largest Sperm Bank Says No to Gingers

It may be hard being a ginger seal pup, but it ain't a walk in the park for humans as well. Add this to the long list of insults that redheads suffer:

REDHEADED men are being rejected by the world's biggest sperm bank because demand for ginger kids is so low.

Ole Schou, director of Cryos in Denmark told Ekstra Bladet newspaper the sperm bank’s stores had reached their peak capacity of 70 litres of semen and there was a waiting list of 600 people willing to lend a hand.

Now that the bank is full, Cryos has decided to be more selective about who can donate.

And gingers are on top of the culling list. Why? Because no one wants them.

Link (Image: Shutterstock)

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truce heads are equally beautiful...and unique....just keep them out the sun or they cook like bacon in momma's frying pan for a Sunday morning breakfast...mmmmm...i think i might be hungry.
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@myrasam79, chill. I didn't imply you were attacking me at all. I was just asking if you had any evidence to back up your claims as I am not familiar with health risks associated with red hair beyond sensitivity to the Sun. I didn't go on a wild Google chase because I happen to be trying to get an assignment done and I'm a little too busy.
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Unfortunately this story has been taken out of context and twisted to give it an anti ginger angle. I heard an interview last night with the director of the bank on PRI's "The World" that made no such claims about parents not wanting ginger children. Parents using the bank generally want a donor that "looks like" the father (or like one of the moms in the lesbian case). They don't just pick willy-nilly. The bank is located in Denmark and draws its donors mainly from Scandinavia and Northern Europe where there is a higher than average prevalence of redheads and blonds. They've also stopped taking donations from blue-eyed blond men too, but this isn't getting reported because it doesn't draw any hype or linkbait.

FWIW, I have red hair and was bullied in school. I'm not sure if it was due to my coloring or because I was a shy nerd though.
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