Should Bert and Ernie Get Married?

It has long been a topic fascinating to some fans of the long running classic children’s television program Sesame Street; Are roommates Bert and Ernie actually a couple? Now a group , is petitioning to have PBS let the male puppets get married and people from all over the political spectrum are weighing in for and against it. What do you think? Should the puppet pals get hitched?
Through, the group is petitioning to have popular Sesame Street roommates Bert and Ernie get married. While the creators of Sesame Street have never confirmed the long-standing rumor that the puppet pals are actually gay, the petition (signed by more than 700 people) argues that the move would teach tolerance and acceptance to the young viewers of the children's program. Is it time for Bert and Ernie to say "I do"?


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I think everyone has forgotten that Bert and Ernie are not adults. They are supposed to be six years old. That's why they collect bottle caps, and share cookies. I don't think there is any onus on Seasame Street to teach our kids about the tolerance and complexities of homosexuality. Leave that for older age shows. If its important for a parent to have thier children be aware, then teach them yourself, and stop pushing others to do your work.
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They's PUPPETS, for God's sake. Global warming, economy in the crapper, starvation, prickly heat, Brain eating Amoeba, the Neanderthalic GOP Presidential candidates and YOU spend all this time on THIS topic?
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This is most certainly germane to the topic at hand. The topic is whether Bert and Ernie should get married.

Along with teaching tolerance of others (which I wholeheartedly support), for those of Seasame Street age and mental/emotional development, this also teaches acceptance of the lifestyle - a lifestyle which is not the ideal for raising children (something a lot of non-traditional families are trying to do).

As it is not possible at this young age for children to differentiate between tolerance for alternative lifestyles and acceptance of that lifestyle as an equal alternative to traditional families - and as children are not really ready to discuss things like this scientific study at the Seasame Street age - I believe it best if the alternative lifestyle indoctrination is left to things like Glee, where children are more able to differentiate between tolerance and lifestyle acceptance and are more able to understand things like this study and others (like the CDCC study that recently showed ALL sexually active groups declining in HIV/AIDS transmission EXCEPT homosexual males).

It is irresponsible to expose children this young to subjects that they cannot fully discuss or understand.
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squishyalt, are you sure you're not Ryan S in disguise?

You're quoting scientific studies at length, to discuss a point that's not even germane to the topic.

The topic is not about homosexuals raising kids, but teaching all kids to be tolerant of all types of people, considering that Bert and Ernie have long been considered by some groups as very similar to a homosexual couple.

to top it off, your conclusions are backed up not by the article you quote, but by your own biased (i.e., non-scientific) observations.

Well done. I'm glad you were able to resolve that issue for us. All children should be raised by heterosexual, caring parents. Any widows or divorcees should remarry immediately. Single mothers should immediately marry. And make sure that your hubby is caring. We don't want to mess with that brain development.

Bert, Ernie, put down that turkey baster - no children for you!
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