What Happened In My Birth Year?

It may seem like a simple thing to research, but simply typing in the year of your birth and getting a instant history lesson on pop culture, politics and the news is somehow very entertaining. Type in your year and let us know what were some interesting facts you found out about the year of your birth.


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I remember 1984. I can still hear the squealing of my 1200 baud modem connecting me to the BBS across town because there was NO INTERNET! Now that I think about it, I might just have tinnitus.
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pt64: Too bad it didn't sound like a TTY. Now that would have been great. Was way too fast for a TTY though.

ZS: Manuel probably thinks '84 was pretty significant.
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Lame. if you've ever been in a Bob Evans Restaurant, they sell cheap booklets about the year you were born with more engaging facts about your birth year. And you don't have to be spoon fed the words one....at....a....time.... And, dude, I'm 42, I'm well aware that there was no Internet in 1969.
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