Hello, I'll Be Your Wait-Monkey This Evening

(YouTube link)

Would you like me to read you the specials? Well, that's unfortunate because I'm a monkey in a ladymask! Yeah, bet you haven't seen anything this weird since that stranger gave you those "aspirin" at that Happy Mondays show back in '94, huh? No, but I'm sure the Health Department is totally OK with this.

This monkey works in a Japanese restaurant like it's no big deal.

It looks like something from the darkest corners of DeviantArt, but it's just Japan being Japan.

According to a blog post written by the folks who took the video, the restaurant had terrible service. Imagine.


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Another Neatorama "Japan is weird" post. At least this one links to a blog that someone who has actually stepped foot in Japan wrote. Frankly, it has been irritating this week that Neatorama has been perpetuating this stereotype. To the effect that the last article was not properly researched. Frustrating. Japan is a wonderful county and it's a shame that the most outlandish (and sometimes false) things are posted to the net. Think about all the wacky stuff we do in America.
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