$5 Heli-Rocket

(Video Link)

While spending only $5 for the necessary modifications, Douglas Desrochers gave a rocket helicopter blades which it could use to make a smooth descent:

The HeliRocket is propelled by a standard model-rocket engine, but instead of the engine’s ejection charge deploying a parachute, it releases the rocket’s 3 tail fins. The fins then swing up into a helicopter blade configuration, which slows the rocket’s descent by converting much of its kinetic energy into drag and angular momentum (spin).

Link via CrunchGear

Comments (4)

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Looks like his rocket bodies are made out of junk. That being the case why does he need to retrieve them in one peice.

Sure take your junk home with you, but who cares if it comes down gently or breaks on landing when it's just some old cardboard tube?
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I had a rocket of this nature long long ago. Estes, model name something like "Gyroc". Engine ejecting caused spring-loaded fins to assume a helicopter configuration, corkscrewing it down like a maple leaf. For extra fun, it had only two fins, making the potential for instability in flight almost a surety. Whee.
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