Richard Branson, the eccentric billionaire owner of Virgin Atlantic Air, lost a bet to Tony Fernandes, the owner of Air Asia. Consequently, he must serve as a flight attendant on an Air Asia international flight:
Link | Photo: Reuters
Branson made the wager with Lotus racing team principal Tony Fernandes , who owns Air Asia, over which of their Formula One teams would go better this season.
The loser had to serve as a "stewardess" on the winner's airline.
Although neither of the men's teams scored a point in their debut season, Lotus slightly outperformed the Virgin.
Fernandes said today "it's time for Richard to start preparing himself for some hard work and the likely pain of a pair of high heels."
The date of the Kuala Lumpur-London flight has yet to be set, but seats will be auctioned off and money given to Branson's chosen charity.
Link | Photo: Reuters
You almost forget that they could buy and destroy your life with the interest they earn in the time it takes for them to spit on your shoes.