Billionaire Richard Branson Loses Bet, Must Serve as Flight Attendant

Richard Branson, the eccentric billionaire owner of Virgin Atlantic Air, lost a bet to Tony Fernandes, the owner of Air Asia. Consequently, he must serve as a flight attendant on an Air Asia international flight:

Branson made the wager with Lotus racing team principal Tony Fernandes , who owns Air Asia, over which of their Formula One teams would go better this season.

The loser had to serve as a "stewardess" on the winner's airline.

Although neither of the men's teams scored a point in their debut season, Lotus slightly outperformed the Virgin.

Fernandes said today "it's time for Richard to start preparing himself for some hard work and the likely pain of a pair of high heels."

The date of the Kuala Lumpur-London flight has yet to be set, but seats will be auctioned off and money given to Branson's chosen charity.

Link | Photo: Reuters

The flight attendants on these respective airlines must feel very proud indeed that their owners' idea of HIL-ARIOUS humiliation for losing a bet is to have to work as a... flight attendant!

Well, maybe he'll take two beers and jump down the inflatable ramp....
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Rich people are so cute when they try to act like normal folks.

You almost forget that they could buy and destroy your life with the interest they earn in the time it takes for them to spit on your shoes.
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