The Worst Beer in the World

According to the connoisseurs at, Old English 800 is the worst beer in the world. Here's one review:

Bad aftertaste, rancid mouth. Not fit for students, bums or the desperate for a drink. Nothing but horrible taste and booze. I am less of a person for having consumed this.

At the link, you can see a list of the fifty worst beers as determined by these reviewers.

What's the worst commercially available beer that you've tasted? via Ace of Spades HQ | Photo:

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can anybody please, tell me where i can find Canadian Ace. i havnt seen it like since 1983 it was 1.oo for a half gallon. it taste like crap but, it will put wheels under you.
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It should be pointed out that it isn't regular ol' Olde English 800 that topped the list, but 3.2% OE 800 (regular OE is 5.9%).

The 3.2% (ABW, not ABV) version is a low-alcohol version for some states that have silly alcohol laws, like Minnesota, Kansas and Colorado (probably a small handful of others). I know in those states, grocery/convenience stores can only sell the "three-two brew", and anything over 3.2% can only be sold in licensed (or sometimes state-run) stores.
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worst beer in the WORLD is Egyptian beer called STELLA

as far as I know, it was the only beer in Egypt at the time ('91) and I never finished a bottle. Eventually I just give up on it and switched to gin and Teem.

my worst homebrewed disaster tasted better than Stella.
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