Scary Clown Ride Sparks Protest

Alton Towers is a popular theme park in Staffordshire, England. The resort recently opened a thrill ride called the Carnival of Screams, featuring "killer clowns" that reach for visitors. However, the new attraction is touching a sore spot with clowns, who are protesting at the park's gates.
One protestor, Fips the Clown, said: ”We are protesting because we feel the Alton Towers Resort’s new horror maze, Carnival of Screams, is an unfair depiction of clowns.

”It only serves to reinforce stereotypes of clowns as evil.

”I can’t believe this – it has taken us years to get over Stephen King’s ‘IT’ and now this just adds to further damage the reputation of clowns worldwide.

”This will do for clowns what Jaws did for sharks.”

The Carnival of Screams will only be open from October 16 through the 31st. Link -via Arbroath

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I guess if the parking lot was crowded, as they can be at theme parks, these guys have no problems since they can fit all their clowns into one car and will only need to find a single parking space then.
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I do love a good clown, but it's just inevitable that some clowns are creepy. I think they're overreacting. Does count chocula get in a tizzy when vampires are in scary movies? Or twilight? I rest my case.
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