Happy Meal at 137 Days

New York artist Sally Davies bought a plain hamburger Happy Meal from McDonalds. She didn't eat it, but took pictures of it every day -for 137 days so far. The project will likely continue at least until the meal starts to look different. Link -via Cynical-C

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yeah, yeah, we get it. corporations evil, soybean, tofu-eatin' liberals glorious heroes.
what the hell? don't eat food unless it gets moldy and hideous in a certain amount of time? what's the point...unless this is the best she could do to draw attention? more power to you, sally. maybe work on that bicycles good, autos evil project now.
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Yes, the food has dried out and is not likely to change further. I'm wondering if part of the reason they did not turn green is because they are loaded with salt. Salt is a preservative which restricts bacterial growth in many foods by, you guessed it, lowering the moisture content. Golly, wish I had a double cheeseburger right about now.
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They always do this with a Happy Meal. Because they know the smaller the patty, the quicker it will dry out (in their temperature- and humidity-controlled air conditioned room). It is intellectually dishonest.
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The burger and fries have dried out for heavens sake,thier appearance will no longer change. How long are you going to continue to monitor and document these items?

All you have done is make me and many others crave a hamburger - a Mcdonalds hamburger.
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Ditto lulu -

If you hate McDonald's so much, just don't go there. If you don't go there now, then shut up, you don't have any meaningful argument.

And yawn.... This has been done before. Someone above had it right; its not the preservatives its simple dehydration. ANY low humidity environment is going to produce the same results on almost any food...
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