New York artist Sally Davies bought a plain hamburger Happy Meal from McDonalds. She didn't eat it, but took pictures of it every day -for 137 days so far. The project will likely continue at least until the meal starts to look different.
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I can't find those posts, however, so they may have been somewhere other than Neatorama.
the thing i wanna know is, why pick on mcdonalds? they at least try to make healthy foods. look at a place like long john silver, that greasy shit will kill you in a week....
Heres a 12 year old mcdonalds hamburger
Also, would you rather have food without preservatives? Good luck with your botulism.
Yes, I would definitely prefer food that way and it's not impossible, even for fast food. In-n-Out is a fast food company that uses only fresh vegetables, meat that is never frozen (this is the reason they refuse to expand outside of the south-western states nearest their beef farms), and they cut fresh potatoes into french fries.
There's never been an outbreak of botulism at In-n-Out as far as I know. Don't fight the fear of truth with fear-mongering, you nazi.
McDonalds' food is very salty. Salt has long been our number one preserver of food. Case closed.
Salt kills and inhibits the growth of microorganisms by drawing water out of the cells of both microbe and food alike through osmosis.
Microbes are what cause decay, the saltiness of their food ensures there are few microbes, therefore the food does not decay.
Here's a shocker: when you irradiate meat to remove the preservatives, then cook it well-done because the health department is always on your ass, it lasts a long time. Duh.
It's not news (and even if it was, it'd been covered to death). It's not interesting. I'm sick of seeing it.
I'm glad you have posters here who engage their brain and recognize this pointless fear-mongoring for what it is. Kudos to Michelle, Minnesotastan, gryt and Agricola. We need more critical thinkers in the world, and less "artists."
Unnecessary and also inaccurate. The Nazi's never fought the "fear of truth" with fear-mongering. They distorted the truth / told lies / made stuff up / motivated hate and aggression with fear-mongering.
So if you cannot control your need to label Michelle a Nazi, then at least be accurate with you hyperbole.
So, ted, although a total non-story it is art because it is art.
Would you prefer the burger cooked rare and loaded with bacteria that decomposes quicker?
Come on, engage the brain here. Are you seriously saying that eating well-cooked clean food is "worry-some?" I'm not saying that McDonalds food tastes good, but come on! People act as if it's a biological weapon.
And I'm really sick of seeing people doing this same old boring stupid experiment over and over again to get free pageviews from blogs like this one. But I guess it works because people think it's "worry-some" even though they have absolutely no reason to think that.
If I bought the happy meal, rolled the fries in glitter and bedazzled the heck out of the rest of the meal, then I am the artist.
Non-story: cliché, unoriginal, and uninteresting. I'm glad you agree on that point.
Not artistic: although the person claims to be an artist and may consider her creation as "art", this can not in any way be considered "artistic" or created with any skill or art. It's a picture (or series of pictures) of a desiccating happy meal. Simply intending something to be art does not make it artistic, in the same way that putting on makeup does not necessarily improve one's looks. Or, in the same way that calling someone a nazi does not make that person a nazi.
If you hate McDonald's so much, just don't go there. If you don't go there now, then shut up, you don't have any meaningful argument.
And yawn.... This has been done before. Someone above had it right; its not the preservatives its simple dehydration. ANY low humidity environment is going to produce the same results on almost any food...
All you have done is make me and many others crave a hamburger - a Mcdonalds hamburger.
what the hell? don't eat food unless it gets moldy and hideous in a certain amount of time? what's the point...unless this is the best she could do to draw attention? more power to you, sally. maybe work on that bicycles good, autos evil project now.