The Senator Bald Cypress tree measures close 18 feet in diameter and stands 118 feet high. The Senator's age is estimated between 3,400-3,500 years old, the 5th oldest tree in the world.
From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by lannaxe96.
The Senator Bald Cypress tree measures close 18 feet in diameter and stands 118 feet high. The Senator's age is estimated between 3,400-3,500 years old, the 5th oldest tree in the world.
From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by lannaxe96.
Next time you see a tree, say 'hey' for me, & ask him 'Wha'sup?" Be sure to report back. :rollseyes:
From a naturalistic standpoint,trees are the eyes to history. They are living, as are we. So to say they experience nothing, well it's just impossible.
" said that The Senator is a "species" of bald cypress? That would mean that there are at least several of these "Senators." But your article implies that there is only one."
"The Senator", a species of Bald Cypress, is the only Bald Cypress referred to as "The Senator". Senator is the name, it's the largest known individual specimen and a species of conifer native to the southeastern United States.
Uh, it's a tree, so like, none.