Shopping Rage Guy: Why Are You Closed?

When a Toronto shopping mall was closed during the G20 Summit (AKA New World Order meeting, for all you conspiracy theorists), a citizen became furious because he couldn't shop.

Of course, the Internet was there to document the whole shopping rage thing. Folks, I think we've found just discovered what would happen if you cross the Epic Beard Man with Nancy Kerrigan: Link [Break video]

In other news, scientists discovered that shopping is actually dangerous for men: shop register receipts were found to contain Bisphenol A, a chemical compound that could lead to - gasp - impotence. Of course us guys often feel weak when taking a look at the receipt, but we've always figured it was the effect of being punched in the wallet. But it turns out that we're being kicked in the nuts, too.

Between the Shopping Rage Guy and the impotence-inducing receipt, I think we've got a bulletproof excuse not to go to the mall!

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Actually the last 10 seconds may display the reason for his 'explosion'. He seemd quite in despair when he said that '...I have just walked over here for Christ's sake.'

That camera man and the two teens seem like real arseholes.

Also, @Joe please see some of the dregs of Canadian working hard below
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