Girl with 56 Stars Admits Lying

In an update on last week's story, 18-year-old Kimberley Vlaminck, the girl with 56 stars tattooed on her face, has recanted her story. She had blamed the tattoo artist, Rouslan Toumaniantz, for overdoing the three small stars she requested and said she fell asleep during the procedure.
But the 18-year-old has finally confessed she did not fall asleep, that she wanted all the stars and was "fully aware" of what Mr Toumaniantz was doing.

Ms Vlaminck told a Dutch TV crew: "I asked for 56 stars and initially adored them. But when my father saw them, he was furious. So I said I fell asleep and the that the tattooist mad made a mistake."

Toumaniantz says he will now get written consent from clients before inking any tattoos. Link -via Arbroath

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Atta-girl ! I wish I had the nerve to have my face tattooed !!
I may do it yet...
I'd like it colorful though. It'll cost me more than $50, that's for sure !
Why all the negative remarks?
If you don't like it, justlook the other way, but you cannot can you?
I believe it is the coming thing (if not the cumming thing...)
Dreaming about it, Erica.
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oh jason- finally! where have you been!? i've been waiting for a guy ** to come around so i can stop brushing my teeth, cutting my hair, shaving my legs, trimming my bush, washing my clothes- heck, even WEARING clothes- because this whole keeping up appearances simply to please a man has gotten really old.


really it doesn't matter if you like tattoos or not, it's more about making yourself happy. can't please everybody. it's only sad she felt like she had to lie and blame someone else for her mistake. at least she's 'fessed up.
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I especially liked how in the original article the tattoo artist was being accused of drugging the girl or hypnotizing her. And her story about falling asleep? Please. Her father must really be clueless if he believed her for even a moment.

The girl is an adult in age only. She obviously does not have the maturity to contemplate any sort of consequences of her actions, or she would have expected some pretty extreme reactions, if not from her father, from others.
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I can't believe the tattoo artist wasn't getting written consent forms from anyone, much less this girl.

Rule One: CYA!!! (And not necessarily with ink)
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