In an update on last week's story, 18-year-old Kimberley Vlaminck, the girl with 56 stars tattooed on her face, has recanted her story. She had blamed the tattoo artist, Rouslan Toumaniantz, for overdoing the three small stars she requested and said she fell asleep during the procedure.
Toumaniantz says he will now get written consent from clients before inking any tattoos. Link -via Arbroath
But the 18-year-old has finally confessed she did not fall asleep, that she wanted all the stars and was "fully aware" of what Mr Toumaniantz was doing.
Ms Vlaminck told a Dutch TV crew: "I asked for 56 stars and initially adored them. But when my father saw them, he was furious. So I said I fell asleep and the that the tattooist mad made a mistake."
Toumaniantz says he will now get written consent from clients before inking any tattoos. Link -via Arbroath
That's how I feel about fat rolls and mustaches but my girlfriend won't lose weight or shave her stache.
I feel sorry for the artist, though. He obviously love his work, and i'm sure he's very talented as a tattoo artist. It really sucks that he was blamed for this girl's poor decision making.
Wow. You're an ass.
-Girl with tattoos.
Everyone is entitled to an opinion.
I would go even further and say that everyone looks worse with a tattoo. As far as self-expression goes, it's kind of a copout -- it's not like you climbed the Himalayas or write a novel. You sat there and let yourself get drawn on with permanent ink.
@Jason Argos
if "Tattoo’s only detract from the innate perfection of the female form" then you must agree they detract from the male form. I hope you're not discriminating.
I firmly do Not agree with "Tattoo’s only detract from the innate perfection of the female -or male- form”.
- I think that this is entirely up to the one that wants those tattoos. We do not have to agree, but we have to respect the personal choice of that person.
- Tattoos visually add to the personal story of a body. Apparently the owner of that body found it important to make that addition and anyone else has to respect that. We do not have to agree, but we have to respect that personal addition.
- I have seen more often the most wonderful tattoos that are True Art and True Beauty, adding incredible perfection to an already wonderful body.
In this case I do hope that the whole thing was orchestrated in advance, including the treading back on her footsteps in her now admitting that she lied.
I hope she in fact is at peace and in agreement with what she did when she took place in that chair and when she first looked in the mirror at the final outcome.
My personal opinion about her starry face is that I like it. I think that it looks real fine and I would respect her that she took such a powerful yet friendly tattoo.
The tattoo artist was really nice... I like that he varied the stars a bit and strategically placed them. I can't believe she had the heart to sue him... the only reason it looks terrible is because of her idea, not the tattoo artist, who actually did a really good job considering her idea... poor guy
"Tattoo’s only detract from the innate perfection of the female form. All woman look worse with a tattoo."- Jason Argos
Curious as to what your opinion is regarding women who have had partial breast or full breast removal due to cancer or other illness. Then have gone on to get reconstrcutive surgery and a tattoo of nipples, where there are none.
Is the female form still "innate perfection"?
As for tattoos on women. Different tastes folks. I don't personally agree with it (having tattoos myself), but not gonna get mad b/c someone doesn't like it.
That'd be like getting mad at someone for not liking blondes, or liking long hair or some such thing. Just silly.
Why can't you all just relax? =S
Why does it matter if someone likes the fact that you have a tattoo or not? It's only a form of art.
In my opinion, it detracts from people because it has nothing really to do with them. That person didn't make the tattoo, most likely, an artist did. That person just had money to get it done.
"Saturday the uncle of Kimberley Vlaeminck visited the tattoo shop of Toumaniantz and started to tear the place down. He threatened Toumaniantz and tried to force him to sign a statement but Toumaniantz refused."
In the last video from that page the doctor estimated 10 laser treatments at 200 Euro a pop. (2000 Euro total, not cheap but a lot less than some figures circulating in the media.)
In any case, it has been reported that three hospitals already offered to treat the girl for free.
Was this sarcasm? The only thing I have to base my opinion of his talent is this girls face and these stars are mediocre at best. Maybe Im too much of a tattoo snob because Ive seen a lot of great tattoos by great artists.
I bet she could turn her 15 minutes of fame, even if it was for being stupid, into a little bit of money to put towards her tattoo removal. I think she is probably stuck with them anyway. Tattoo removal is much more painful than getting the tattoo in the first place and takes several visits over a long period of time and its not cheap.
just kidding, but if I see a guy I might be interested in and he gives that '.....wth' face when he sees mine, I know it's not going anywhere.
as for them on women at all, yes, some DO detract from the beauty of the female form. the 'redneck single breaster' usually a rose, is horrible. most of the time, the trampstamp. those are the worst offenders, imo.
Since I have my share of tattoos, I must admit that "falling asleep" was never part of the procedure. Not that it hurts like hell, but somehow getting a tattoo is a titbit too painfull to fall asleep. (And in my case pretty exciting).
I am glad she admitted her lies, but I wonder how good business will be for the artist...
I love girls with tattoos, but not the facial ones. It is kind of disturbing to say to a girl (after she asked if you think she's pretty) that you like the color of her eyes and the stars around her face...
You mean he wasn't doing that already?! I got my first tattoo almost 20 years ago and had to sign a buttload of forms back then, plus every other time since! Way to not cover your ass there, buddy. Guess you won't do that again, will ya?
There's a lot of good, interesting tattoo work out there and majority of the folks who have put thought into them have a story to tell about each. Most people I know who have gotten tattoos relate similarly to them as I do: Rather than something to show off, it's a personal scrapbook about our lives.
I agree that there are people out there who see a piece of flash on the wall and want to get it done because 'it looks neat'... those people, also, seem to moan loudest about other people having tattoos out of some guilt/regret response from there.
Be mindful of how strongly you react to tattoos. It says more about you than it says about the person you're reacting at.
Wow. That was a whole lot of crazy in a little paragraph.
The work itself is actually quite good. The blacks are very solid, not patchy. The lines are crisp and consistent. Honestly, based on that, I'd welcome the artist who did that kind of work... on facial tissue at that! (it's quite difficult compared to other parts of the body)... to do work on me. He clearly has control over the needle and the skill of an experienced tattoo artist.
You should like the kind of person who wants to demonize the whole concept of tattoos for nothing other than your personal distaste for them. (I'm sure you have other excuses to rationalize your bigotry, but I'll just leave it at that)
But please, if you're going to criticize tattoos and the work put into them, don't pontificate on points that you clearly have no knowledge of or experience to speak on.
The other thing you should understand is that in a "civaL" [sic], people have the full freedom to express themselves, even in ways that you would disagree with. It's called "free will." If I am unable to exercise my free will, my desires for what I want to do with my life, to my body and all that it entails... then I wouldn't be living in a CIVIL society.
Rule One: CYA!!! (And not necessarily with ink)
Then please to clarify it for me.
The girl is an adult in age only. She obviously does not have the maturity to contemplate any sort of consequences of her actions, or she would have expected some pretty extreme reactions, if not from her father, from others.
really it doesn't matter if you like tattoos or not, it's more about making yourself happy. can't please everybody. it's only sad she felt like she had to lie and blame someone else for her mistake. at least she's 'fessed up.
I may do it yet...
I'd like it colorful though. It'll cost me more than $50, that's for sure !
Why all the negative remarks?
If you don't like it, justlook the other way, but you cannot can you?
I believe it is the coming thing (if not the cumming thing...)
Dreaming about it, Erica.