Karen Jepp of Calgary, Alberta has given birth to four daughters, a rare instance of identical quadruplets. The babies were conceived without fertility drugs, and were delivered two months early. The odds of identical quadruplets are about one in 13 million. Less than 50 cases appear in medical records. The Jepps traveled to Great Falls, Montana for the Caesarian birth, making the four girls American citizens. Link -via Fark
Karen Jepp of Calgary, Alberta has given birth to four daughters, a rare instance of identical quadruplets. The babies were conceived without fertility drugs, and were delivered two months early. The odds of identical quadruplets are about one in 13 million. Less than 50 cases appear in medical records. The Jepps traveled to Great Falls, Montana for the Caesarian birth, making the four girls American citizens. Link -via Fark
Our medical system is also suffering as a result, along with everything else. I'd take the Canadian Health care system over the US any day! It's always been very good to us; and boy we've needed it!
Alex: why is it that every time I post to Neatorama I see the message "Your comments are awaiting moderation" and sometimes have to wait half a day before it appears, and yet you let offensive trolls like this one get away with comments like this?