Karen Jepp of Calgary, Alberta has given birth to four daughters, a rare instance of identical quadruplets. The babies were conceived without fertility drugs, and were delivered two months early. The odds of identical quadruplets are about one in 13 million. Less than 50 cases appear in medical records. The Jepps traveled to Great Falls, Montana for the Caesarian birth, making the four girls American citizens. Link -via Fark
Karen Jepp of Calgary, Alberta has given birth to four daughters, a rare instance of identical quadruplets. The babies were conceived without fertility drugs, and were delivered two months early. The odds of identical quadruplets are about one in 13 million. Less than 50 cases appear in medical records. The Jepps traveled to Great Falls, Montana for the Caesarian birth, making the four girls American citizens. Link -via Fark
What does that tell you about the state of the Canadian socialized medicine program? They had to drive 6 hours from a modern thriving city like Calgary (I've been there and it's nice, not run-down) to bumpkinville (relatively speaking), Montana in the next COUNTRY in order to get decent health care. Hmmm... What do we learn? Maybe when you make a good like health care "free", the supplies get really low!!!
Straight talk from Sid!
I was just thinking the same thing.
Can you imagine what might have happened to those children if the US had the socialized medicine people are pushing, and they couldn't give birth here either? It would have been tragic.
Neatorama is one of the best pop culture blogs going, but it seems to me they could use your sort of perspective on things to balance some of the wayward co-bloggers they've brought on recently. (And I don't mean Miss Cellania.)
It's not "socialized medicine" itself that's the problem. It's the government and all of its cutbacks in funding. We've had socialized medicine for many years, and it's only in the last few that there have been stories about bed shortages and sending people elsewhere for treatment. Living right next to the U.S. doesn't help either (where do you think the doctors choose to go? The country with socialized medicine, or the country where they can charge for every Band-Aid and blood test?).
Continue to bash our system all you like. But it does make me wonder whether:
A) you are rich.
B) you have excellent (expensive) insurance.
C) you have ever needed the services of a hospital.
If you are poor, have no insurance, and have been in the unfortunate position of needing medical attention, I can't understand why you'd be so eager to tear apart a system that, for the most part, helps a lot of people.
If I ever need the services of a hospital, I'd much rather be in Canada than in the U.S.
The universal coverage *is* socialized medicine - and the service will not be up to par, but it's better than *no* coverage.
Sid, consider this an invite to be an author on Neatorama. Unfortunately, the email I have for you never seem to reach you.
A "straight invite" from Alex. ;)
No intent at bashing your fine country... just trying to help us avoid from falling into a similar health pitfall. Remember, though, these people's need for medical care was not sudden ... the nature of the pregnancy was known and the Caesarean birth planned for months. Frankly, I'm amazed that the Calgary hospitals couldn't accomodate them with all the notice given and the press coverage they knew this birth would bring. How is this covered in the Canadian press? Isn't it a tremendous embarassment for health care advocates there? Is something being left out of the US reports?
Alex - I used an alternate email address this time. I'm not sure why it's not going through ... one of us must be being flagged as spam somewhere as I know I got the Damocles email from you (but no others) and responded. Hmmmm.
I seriously doubt "Sid" got the "rest of the story" right at all. Perhaps they wanted their daughters to have dual citizenship from birth, who knows?
It's a shame this site is infested with Republiscum like Sid, turning everything into a wedge to drive people apart.
Alex: why is it that every time I post to Neatorama I see the message "Your comments are awaiting moderation" and sometimes have to wait half a day before it appears, and yet you let offensive trolls like this one get away with comments like this?
Our medical system is also suffering as a result, along with everything else. I'd take the Canadian Health care system over the US any day! It's always been very good to us; and boy we've needed it!