World's Tallest Man Meets World's Shortest

Bao Xishun [wiki], the world's tallest man, shakes hand with He Pingping, the world's shortest! Link

Previously on Neatorama: Mongolian Tradition for World's Tallest Man

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For crying out loud, they ARE both Asian. If they're both Mongolian, they are necessarily both Asian. Poor Lala. Geez. She was just making an observation.
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As the Tithonus Pednaud Said: Pingping is technically yet to recognized as the world’s shortest. and still dont convence me! i know a African man DEMBO DJassi, 34 years old, and 57 cm. he live's at small village, and small contry( Guine Bissau)..its dificult for someone poor, without any knowledgeto be reconized...
anyway! I still believe, that has someone somewhere more small than Pingping and even than Dembo Djassi.
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^You're right, of course. I became irritated with Lala because, from the tone of her(?) post it sounded as though her opinion was that all 'asians' are the same... an attitude of 'us versus theirm'.

Mongolia is a vastly different country to, say, Sri Lanka or Israel.
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I'm confused. Mongolia is not part of Asia?

Asia = continent
Mongolia = country

And if they are both from the same country, I smell a conspiracy here!
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