A zorse is a zorse, of course, of course.

In most animal hybrids, you see a gradual blending of traits from each parent. In the case of this “zorse”, there is no question about which body part came from each parent! Eclyce’s mother is a horse, and her sire is a zebra. http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2007290649,00.html -via Fark

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I saw four horse-like animals on and a foal on a game preserve near Boerne, Texas while traveling a back road through Luckenback last weekend. Their front ends were zebra striped but from about the withers on back to the hindquarters were solid mouse-colored. Their bodies looked almost like tarpans. I was researching on the internet to see if I could find
such an animal and came across this site. I wondered if someone has succeeded in breeding back Quaggas. These animals I saw look very much like photos of those extinct animals.
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This is not shopped. Heh. It is in fact a zorse. The white coloring/spots comes from the fact that the horse parent was a Paint/Pinto, specifically a Tobiano. That means the horse has white splotches all over its coat and on all four legs. A tobiano pinto can be mostly white or more evenly colored. As for why the zebra stripes are only expressed in the non-white portions, I'm not really sure, but I suspect it has something to do with the pinto coloration covering them up along with the base color.
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i thought it was photoshop for sure - but here's a video of this particular animal. in the video they're calling her a 'Hebra' b/c her father is a horse and mother is, of course, a zebra. it's usually the other way around and that's when you got yourself a 'Zorse'

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