In most animal hybrids, you see a gradual blending of traits from each parent. In the case of this “zorseâ€, there is no question about which body part came from each parent! Eclyce’s mother is a horse, and her sire is a zebra.,,2-2007290649,00.html -via Fark
In most animal hybrids, you see a gradual blending of traits from each parent. In the case of this “zorseâ€, there is no question about which body part came from each parent! Eclyce’s mother is a horse, and her sire is a zebra.,,2-2007290649,00.html -via Fark
The animal will always be female to express this due to one of the X chromosomes (of which there are two in females) being expressed differently at different places.
Males only have one X chromosome so they would look more "blended"
Or, I am completely wrong. One of the two.
You got zebra in my horse!
btw, i thought "zorse" was the name for all zebra/horses no matter their blending of traits?
and to poetic guy.. if u want to put a wiki page.. at least put it ENGLISH, and that's no freaking extinct animal.. just mix a zebra stallion with a horse.. both are not extinct.. so u can get a zorse anytime, get it?
And her favorite uncle is a Photoshop hacker.
Mmmm. Zorse meat.
FIRST: this is NOT photoshopped! This Zorse actually exists - it's living in a safari park in Germany. Whoever is fluent in German is welcome to check out this link:
There's an article about the zorse on the homepage of the safari park which states at the end of it: "Most known Zorses have throughout Zebra stripes. Little "Eclyse" is with her looks even among other Zorses unique - she's a remarkable beauty."
As for the "remarkable beauty" comment, guess that's an eye of the beholder thing. ;o)
I woulda called it a "Hebra" - or does that sound too much like "manzere"?
such an animal and came across this site. I wondered if someone has succeeded in breeding back Quaggas. These animals I saw look very much like photos of those extinct animals.