A zorse is a zorse, of course, of course.

In most animal hybrids, you see a gradual blending of traits from each parent. In the case of this “zorse”, there is no question about which body part came from each parent! Eclyce’s mother is a horse, and her sire is a zebra. http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2007290649,00.html -via Fark

Speaking entirely through my hat here, but this may be similar to calico cats where different traits are expressed differently along the animal.

The animal will always be female to express this due to one of the X chromosomes (of which there are two in females) being expressed differently at different places.

Males only have one X chromosome so they would look more "blended"

Or, I am completely wrong. One of the two.
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Actually, this animal is known as a Kwagga, and is actually extinct. Currently there is a process underway to try and revive the species, but they've not wholly succeeded yet... The Kwagga was found throughout Southern Africa in the late 1800's...

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no, thats not a kwagga, its a zorse! kwagga's went extinct in the late 1800's and this is a recent photograph so it has to be a zorse.

btw, i thought "zorse" was the name for all zebra/horses no matter their blending of traits?
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No its not photoshop.. wikipedia zorse before making an ass of yourself

and to poetic guy.. if u want to put a wiki page.. at least put it ENGLISH, and that's no freaking extinct animal.. just mix a zebra stallion with a horse.. both are not extinct.. so u can get a zorse anytime, get it?
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Sorta reminds me of a mule or a hinny...telling which part is from which parent is really easy if you've been around them a bit...of course this really beats them for obviousness :P
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Hej to all of you ..

FIRST: this is NOT photoshopped! This Zorse actually exists - it's living in a safari park in Germany. Whoever is fluent in German is welcome to check out this link: http://www.safaripark-stukenbrock.de/

There's an article about the zorse on the homepage of the safari park which states at the end of it: "Most known Zorses have throughout Zebra stripes. Little "Eclyse" is with her looks even among other Zorses unique - she's a remarkable beauty."
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See what happens when you let a zebra do the house painting? They get more on themselves than onthe house. Anyone have any tips on how to get white paint out of a zebra's coat?
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Dang. Thanks for that link, KiM; without that, I was sure it was a Photoshop job. I know a zorse is for real, but that patchwork hide thing she's got going is bizarre.

As for the "remarkable beauty" comment, guess that's an eye of the beholder thing. ;o)
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I love the "It must be real - it's on Wikipedia" comment.

I woulda called it a "Hebra" - or does that sound too much like "manzere"?
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i thought it was photoshop for sure - but here's a video of this particular animal. in the video they're calling her a 'Hebra' b/c her father is a horse and mother is, of course, a zebra. it's usually the other way around and that's when you got yourself a 'Zorse'

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This is not shopped. Heh. It is in fact a zorse. The white coloring/spots comes from the fact that the horse parent was a Paint/Pinto, specifically a Tobiano. That means the horse has white splotches all over its coat and on all four legs. A tobiano pinto can be mostly white or more evenly colored. As for why the zebra stripes are only expressed in the non-white portions, I'm not really sure, but I suspect it has something to do with the pinto coloration covering them up along with the base color.
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I saw four horse-like animals on and a foal on a game preserve near Boerne, Texas while traveling a back road through Luckenback last weekend. Their front ends were zebra striped but from about the withers on back to the hindquarters were solid mouse-colored. Their bodies looked almost like tarpans. I was researching on the internet to see if I could find
such an animal and came across this site. I wondered if someone has succeeded in breeding back Quaggas. These animals I saw look very much like photos of those extinct animals.
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