Zeon Santos's Blog Posts

Everyday Tasks That Are Tricky For Left Handers

For me growing up left-handed meant remaining adaptable and constantly improving my ambidexterity, because it was often easier to learn how to do things the right-handed way before trying it with my left.

I've also learned a few tricks to keep tasks from being so annoying, like filling a notebook up backwards to avoid smearing and keep the rings out of your way, and sitting on the left of people at the dinner table to avoid knocking elbows.

(Image Link)

But there are plenty of other lefty problems that are still annoying, like the fact that most scissors are made for righties so they hurt my hand when I use them, and manual can openers can be a real pain to use too. Too bad there isn't a Leftorium in my town...

See 11 Everyday Tasks That Are Tricky For Left Handers at Mental Floss

Simple Tips For Picking The Right Cooking Oil

A well-stocked kitchen should have a variety of cooking oils available so you always have the right oil for the job, but many cooks keep only a couple of oils on hand that they're familiar with, like vegetable, corn or olive oil.

The good news is oils don't cost much to try out, they can sit around for years without going bad, and they add the flavor your dishes have been missing!

I love the flavor almond oil adds to cakes, and vegetables sautéed in sunflower oil are pretty darn tasty, but my favorite non-basic oil is sesame oil because it works so well in both sweet and savory dishes, and a little dash goes a long way.

This chart created by myfitnesspal breaks down fourteen different types of cooking oils available at the market today, so you can make an educated choice and expand your horizons in the kitchen.

See full sized chart here

-Via Lifehacker

Kim K. Has Louis Vuitton Trash Cans Because Of Course She Does

Kim Kardashian has been known to take a break from saying "look at me!" to add "look at how rich I am!" and "look at how foolish I am with my money!" to the social media mix, and people usually see these posts and smirk.

But when she posted a pic of her Louis Vuitton trashcans on Snapchat the internet community couldn't help but dump on her for throwing away her money on something so dumb.

I couldn't find any info on whether these trash cans are actually made by Louis Vuitton, although they did sell a monogrammed waste basket that cost $4,000 so if they're truly Louis then they must have cost a bundle.

Of course you could always just buy one of these stencils on Etsy and put that LV logo all over your own trash cans for about $30, but wouldn't that make them knockoff trash cans?

-Via DesignTAXI

Voyager Returns To Earth To Find Tech Has Taken Over In This Animated Short

Humanity has dreamed of exploring the cosmos for centuries, but once we realized those dreams were still centuries away we created devices like the Voyager probe to bring the citizens of the cosmos to us.

As far as we know these devices never succeeded in bringing extraterrestrial life to Earth, but we have no idea how many beings, planets or spacecraft those satellites came in contact with over the years.

Nor do we have a clue what the world will look like when these probes return to Earth hundreds of years after being launched into space...

(YouTube Link)

Voyager is a fun and fantastic looking animated short written and directed by Loïc Magar and Roman Veiga that imagines what the world might look like if the Voyager space probe ever returns to Earth. Two words- not pretty.

Stunning Post-Apocalyptic Artwork By Rostislav Zagornov

Post-apocalyptic themes abound in the world of fan art, which makes it hard to find artists who present an original view of the world after the fall of human civilization.

But when an artist with a fresh artistic vision comes along and presents us with a new look at that grim near future world it's instantly obvious the artist is showing us the apocalypse like we've never seen it before.

Digital artist Rostislav Zagornov is one of those visionary artists with an eye on the dark future, and he creates cool concept art showing glimpses of a post-apocalyptic world that feels familiar yet fresh, an odd and broken world that is unmistakably our own.

See more "Forgotten Heroes Of The Old Republic": Stunning Post-Apocalyptic Illustrations By Rostislav Zagornov here

People Share The Wildest Places They've Had Sex In Six Words

When having sex in the home has lost its thrill and couples are looking for ways to spice up their sex life they come up with some pretty wacky ideas about where to "do it", especially when alcohol is involved.

“The candy stockroom at Blockbuster Video.” - Jess, 39

“In tube slide at a playground.” - Katie, 23

“An elevator; lots of going down.” - Alisson, 33

“A men’s bathroom at Disney World.” - Johnny, 33

“In the basement of a convent.” - Ben, 45

These bored couples are out looking for new ways to heighten the experience, which almost always leads to having sex in strange and dangerous places, and as long as they don't get arrested that one crazy time usually does the trick.

“Ice machine room at Ritz Carlton.” - JD, 39

“After hours church alter, then aisle.” - Olivia, 39

“Straddling the driver, New Jersey Turnpike.” - Monica, 37

"In the woods. Mosquitos covered everything." - Carol, 24

But when somewhat risky isn't sexy enough bored couples keep upping the ante until the stakes are so high regular sex will forever pale in comparison. So where do they go from there? I hope I never find out!

“His car while parents were inside.” - Michelle, 25

“Trampoline sex is tricky but awesome.” - Andres, 38

“In a police station parking lot. - Mike, 35

“Santa's chair at the local mall.” - Julie, 27

Read People Told Us The Wildest Place They've Had Sex In Six Words at VICE (barely NSFW due to language)

The D'oh Effect - Homer Have Thinky Pain

The d'oh effect by udesign

Have you ever experienced a moment when your mind was so empty you couldn't think of anything at all? We're talking about much more than a mere brain fart, more like a brain explosion resulting in total eradication of all gray matter, aka the D'oh Effect. Scientists have been studying the D'oh Effect for decades, ever since their first subject Homer Simpson failed to register on an EKG machine and was shown to have a zero IQ, but they're no closer to finding an answer now than when they started. The only thing they do know is the brain can be brought back to life by thinking about either donuts or Duff beer...

Make a smart fashion choice by bringing home this The D'oh Effect t-shirt by Udesign, featuring a smart looking design that'll make people smile wherever you go!

Visit udesign's Facebook fan page, official website and Instagram, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more tooneriffic designs:

Genius Galaxy Eleven Upsidedown Giraffe love How to watch a movie, rule number one. Shut up!

View more designs by udesign | More Funny T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Spooky Love - Fox + Dana 4 Ever!

Spooky Love by DesignLagartija

If anybody in the world of television has that elusive "X" factor it's Dana Scully and Fox Mulder, the two paranormal investigators who make our hearts soar! They're the agents of love who help keep the planet safe from shadowy government agencies and the aliens already among us, and even though most of the people they meet while working on a case file live in fear of being abducted by aliens they'd let Fox or Dana abduct them any time!

Show some <3 for your favorite fictional FBI agents with this Spooky Love t-shirt by DesignLagartija, it's a great design to wear while you're out solving mysteries or simply kicking back at home watching your favorite sci-fi TV series!

Visit DesignLagartija's official website, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more geek-tastic designs:

Support Women in Science Make Everyday Earth Day Don't Let Boys Be Mean Bitchin'

View more designs by DesignLagartija | More TV T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

The Ultimate Unboxing Video

The Ark of the Covenant sure is purrrty, but anyone who has seen Raiders Of The Lost Ark (meaning everyone) knows you're not supposed to open that sucker up unless you're looking to get a really, really deep tan.

But if a maker of YouTube unboxing videos got their hands on the Ark I guarantee it would play out exactly like this Gone Into Rapture comic, to be quickly followed by two remixes and ten really dumb reaction videos. Kids these days, what with the YouTubing and the unboxing and the reacting, phooey!

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

Inventive Brothers Build A Flying Bathtub To Take Them To The Bakery

Bathtubs aren't made to move because most bathers don't want to be slipping and sliding around the bathroom as they try to relax in the tub, but tubs do make surprisingly good vehicles once wheels are attached.

And if comedies and cartoons like Wacky Racers have taught us anything it's that a tub on wheels looks really funny as it rolls down the road, but as it turns out a flying bathtub looks even funnier as it soars through the sky!

(YouTube Link)

Inventors Philipp and Johannes Mickenbecker of The Real Life Guys felt they needed a new and more interesting form of transportation, because going grocery shopping in a car is so 2012.

So they created a 120-horsepower 'Flying Bathtub' drone and soared to the bakery in style, wowing all the non-bathers in the parking lot.

-Via DesignTAXI

This Spunky Little Aardvark Doesn't Want To Be Weighed

It must be difficult for keepers to weigh all the different animals that come to their zoo, especially the ones that don't take kindly to being cornered by humans.

But 3-week-old Winsol the aardvark is probably a pleasure compared to the really feisty critters found at the Cincinnati Zoo, even though he refuses to sit still long enough to get weighed.

(YouTube Link)

Winsol was born on the same day as the Winter Solstice, December 21, 2017, hence his strange name, and he hasn't left his mom's side since he was born, which is probably why he was so squirrely while he was being weighed.

-Via Laughing Squid

Prankster Fools Cops With Car Made Out Of Snow

Playing a prank on police officers is a good way to get arrested or worse, but when the prank is both harmless and hilarious the prankster behind the stunt may actually get props from the cops for pulling it off.

Simon Laprise is a cabinet maker and machinist from Montreal who likes to flex his artistic muscle in his spare time under the name L.S.D. Laprise Simon Design, and Simon sees every pile of snow as a possible sculpture:

“It was a beautiful day,” Laprise told VICE. “So I decided to do something out of the mountain of snow, to do a little joke to the snow guys, and have fun sculpting a car. It’s not my first one, just the first I do in the street on snow removal day.”

“To me snow is a great free material to sculpt anything out of.”

Simon sculpted a snow Delorean on a street where nobody is supposed to park in order to prank the cops, but as awesome as his sculpture is it was only able to fool the cops thanks to one small yet crucial detail- the windshield wiper.

The cops left a note under the wiper that said "You made our night" so I guess they're not too mad about Simon parking his snow Delorean in a no parking zone.


What's Happening Outside The Frame On Famous Album Covers

Album cover photos help create a band's image by showing members of the band as super cool, super tough or super sexy, but if we could see what's happening outside the frame the facts wouldn't measure up to the fiction.

Russian photographer Igor Lipchanskiy has been busy destroying the carefully cultivated images of famous musicians by giving us a peek at what's happening outside the frame of the album cover, and it's a real mess.

Sometimes Igor's additions take the musician's sexiness down a notch or two, other times his comical off-screen antics leave the artists looking all wet, but when he added to John and Yoko's cover the story became straight scandalous!

See more from Here's What's Happening Outside The Frames Of Famous Music Album Covers here

A Salesman Makes A Suicidal Sheep An Offer He Can't Refuse In "Cosmos Laundromat: First Cycle"

Don't you hate it when a salesman approaches you in a place where there's no escaping their sales pitch? It makes you feel like a sheep being sized up by a hungry wolf, and once they've hit you with the product demonstration it's almost impossible to turn them away.

But before you turn them away you should really see what they're offering, because it could be something amazing that will make your life worth living again. (NSFW language)

(YouTube Link)

Cosmos Laundromat: First Cycle is an awesome looking and really far out 3D animated short by the Blender Institute in Amsterdam. The film, and all the artwork files used to make the film, are free and open source and available for digital artists to play with here.

Skittles Created A Super Bowl Ad That Will Be Seen By Only One Person

Super Bowl ads are really big business, and companies pay millions for the chance to get millions of people talking about their ads, but this year Skittles is skipping the Super Bowl and going ultra exclusive with their ad.

Skittles has decided to change things up a bit by creating "the most exclusive Super Bowl ad ever made" which will be seen by only one person- a 17-year-old from Canoga Park named Marcos Menendez.

(YouTube Link)

So marketing VP Matt Montei- WTF and why?:

“We’ve been a big part of the Super Bowl and continue to be a big part of the NFL," Matt Montei, marketing VP, fruit confections at Mars Wrigley Confectionery explained. “We really felt like we wanted to continue to reinvent ourselves around this timeframe and one way to do it is to just try a completely new way in.”

Montei elaborated that Menendez was chosen because he’s a true Skittles fan. Menendez will get to watch this “exclusive” commercial during the Super Bowl, while everyone else will just get to see Menendez’s reaction to the ad, streamed on Facebook.

-Via DesignTAXI

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