Zeon Santos's Blog Posts

Powered By Pizza - Brain Fuel For Foodies

Powered By Pizza by thriftjd 

Pizza is more than just a delicious food that can be eaten warm or cold- pizza is fuel for our crazy modern lives. And when you fill your body up with pizza you're not only eating a bunch of great tastes that taste great together, you're eating a dish so good it's super! Now, we can't technically call pizza a "superfood" but do you know any other food more worthy of such a title? Of course not!

Share a slice of foodie humor with the world by wearing this Powered By Pizza t-shirt by Thriftjd, it's the tasty way to declare your love for the most delicious dish mankind has ever created!

Visit thriftjd's Instagram, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more delicious designs:

Powered By Beer Beard - Once You Wear A Beard Nothing Will Be The Same Baller Lifeguard

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Tech Rules And The Technologically Illiterate Drool In 'Computer Show'

Back in 1983 computers were new and exciting technology that few people had in their homes and even fewer knew how to actually use, so not knowing how to use a computer in the 80s was forgivable.

Cut to the early 21st century, when a show called Computer Show appeared on the internet looking like it was made in the 80s, with a host who seems to be stuck in the 80s discussing modern computing.

(YouTube Link)

Computer Show was created by the fine folks at Sandwich Video, so you know it's a quality product, and even though the show's host doesn't know much about computers he really wants to learn.

He's especially excited about a community site called Reddit, or more specifically the parts of Reddit full of color photos of people without pants.

(YouTube Link)

Computer Show is a show for comedy enthusiasts, computer enthusiasts, or any combination of the two, but if you don't own a funnybone or a computer then it's probably not the show for you...and how are you reading this right now?!

-Via Dangerous Minds

Muggle Games

The young wizards who study magic at Hogwarts learn a great many things, but Muggles 101 is an elective that few students care to take so they know very little about Muggle stuff.

However, the wizards who have dabbled in the ways of the Muggles have been known to enjoy booze, corn cob pipes, poker and Pokemon video games, not necessarily in that order.

And, according to this Good Bear Comics strip, they don't know how to game responsibly so Muggles should never game with a wizard. 

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

Dog Wants A Turn On The Sled

Some dogs take to snow like a fish to water, others simply abhor the way that cold and wet stuff feels on their paws so they're miserable when their humans force them to walk around in the snow.

But whether they love it or loathe it all dogs can agree on one thing- sledding through the snow is way cooler than walking around with cold paws like a mangy mutt.

The dog in this video from Bogart, Georgia wants to be cool but he's not brave enough to sled on his own, so he decides to ride piggyback on his owner instead!

(YouTube Link)

-Via Tastefully Offensive

Love In The Time Of Advertising

For some people love at first sight is nothing but an illusion, for others it's pure physical attraction, but for the advertising salaryman in this animated short the apple of his eye represents a warmth and freedom his life is missing.

He sits inside his billboard watching her work away in her garden, but not in a creepy way but rather in a hopeful way, hoping to someday break free of his advertising duties and speak to her in person.

But the life of a billboard advertiser is a lonely one, and when you literally live at work you don't have a lot of time to date...

(YouTube Link)

Love In The Time Of Advertising is a sweet 3D animated short created by David Bokser and Matt Berenty of Wolf & Crow Studio, with an unique rom-com style storyline sung by the narrator.

Christopher Walken's Coffee Shop

Christopher Walken has one of the most distinctive faces and voices in Hollywood, and his signature speaking style makes him stand out in every role he plays.

So if Christopher Walken opened a coffee shop people would pour in just to hear him take their orders and see his famous face behind the bar making coffee drinks for jittery customers.

But then he'd start to lose customers by running the shop the Walken way, aka badgering people about the lingo they use to order a cup of joe and being too tough to take crap from customers.

Christopher Walken's Coffee Shop from Leah Dubuc on Vimeo.

This sketchy animated short was created by filmmaker Leah Dubuc using completely improvised dialogue from the Famous Lost Works podcast.

-Via Laughing Squid

Don't Stop Me Meow - He's The Finest Caterwauler On The Block

Don´t stop me meow by Dingul Dingul

Freddie Mercury is gone but he will never be forgotten, and thanks to his reincarnation Freddy Purr-cury he can continue his singing career for nine more lives! Unfortunately humans have no idea what the kitty version of Freddie is saying, and they find his singing and cavorting annoying, but people seem to like his little kitty moustache and yellow jacket!

Celebrate the undying legacy of your favorite singer and the effect his voice has on housecats with this Don't Stop Me Meow t-shirt by Dingul Dingul, it's sure to make you feel like a superstar every time you slip it on!

Visit Dingul Dingul's NeatoShop for more purr-fectly geeky designs:

Future Rhapsody Geek Cola Bach Sabbath Yellow Express

View more designs by Dingul Dingul | More Funny T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Vintage Photographs Of Women Getting Tattoos

It used to be taboo for women to get tattoos, and women with tattoos were considered immoral, uncouth and not fit for marriage in "polite society" where men with tattoos were just considered a bit rough around the edges.

Now that tattoos are totally normal these old timey photos of rebellious women getting tattooed may not seem like a big deal, but gals like Britain's former most tattooed lady Janet 'Rusty' Skuse must have caused quite a stir with the squares in their day.

Women have always liked tattoos every bit as much as men, and these days tattooed women outnumber the men, so it's hard to imagine a time when visibly sporting your ink would make you a target of hatred and public outrage.

But Flappers knew what it was like to be treated like s#%t by "decent" folks just because they proudly displayed their tattoos, and this young lady being tattooed by the legendary Charlie Wagner looks like she's seen some decent hatred in her day.

See Tattoo You: Vintage Photographs Of Women Getting Tattoos here

Pinky The Punisher - Insanity Was His Cover, Vengeance His Bloody Future

Pinky The Punisher by Warbucks Design

Pinky returned to his cage one day to find the Brain dead of an apparent suicide, but even though he'd been playing dumb for years he knew who had actually killed the rodent mastermind- the Humans in White Coats. They had been pulling Pinky's strings for years, using him to keep Brain on task as he created the greatest and most devastating weapon ever made- the Spielberg Cannon. Pinky had kept his eye on the device since Brain first received orders to construct it from on high, and even though the Humans had obviously tossed the cage after killing poor Brain they'd somehow missed the cannon. But now that Pinky had the mouse-sized cannon in his paws he wouldn't miss, he would make every shot count...

Show the world why elephants are scared of mice with this Pinky The Punisher t-shirt by Warbucks Design, it's so hilarously geeky people will marvel at your silly shirt wherever you go!

Visit Warbucks Design's Facebook fan page and Twitter, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more toon-tastic designs:

The Savior Amity is Good Episode IV


View more designs by Warbucks Design | More Cartoon T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Lemon Problems

Lemons and limes seem like pretty similar fruits unless you're actually a lemon or a lime, because their societies are so different they consider their species to be superior to the other- which is why they've been at war for centuries.

As the Citrus Wars progressed a sour lime scientist came up with a surefire way to cripple the lemon forces and eliminate their sunny yellow species forever- lime disease.

I'm pretty sure that's what this Napalm Soda Comics strip is all about, either that or it's just a punny comic about lemons...yeah, probably that, eh?

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

Artist Draws Sad Clown Faces On Discarded Objects Around Los Angeles

Maybe I'm just projecting human emotions on to inanimate objects, but every time I see discarded stuff sitting on the curb waiting to be taken away it looks so sad and lonely.

A post shared by Lonesome Town (@lonesometown9) on Nov 26, 2017 at 10:00am PST

And even though I feel for those tossed out couches, mattresses, TVs, chairs and aquariums I don't have room to give them all a new home, nor a truck to haul them home with, so I must turn away from their sadness and drive on.

A post shared by Lonesome Town (@lonesometown9) on Sep 18, 2017 at 10:22am PDT

But Los Angeles-based street artist Lonesome Town doesn't just drive by discarded and depressed home furnishings- he stops and gives them a sad clown face so they'll look even more pitiful than before.

A post shared by Lonesome Town (@lonesometown9) on Jul 21, 2017 at 10:00am PDT

-Via Laughing Squid

'End Of Ze World', One Of The Earliest Viral Videos, Finally Gets A Sequel

Watching videos in the age of dial-up was a real pain, when it could take an hour to watch a five minute video, and yet despite this lag Jason Windsor's freaky animated short End Of Ze World went viral in 2003. (NSFW language)

(YouTube Link)

End Of Ze World was (arguably) the first viral video, and definitely helped start the viral video craze, but Jason never wanted to make a sequel to his totally terrifying film, and then 2017 happened...

“No one likes a sequel that’s not as good as the original. :)” Windsor told Gizmodo in an email. “But watching 2017 unfold made me want to make something. Maybe it’s just a way to deal with my own fear and anger and frustration.”

(YouTube Link)

END OF ZE WORLD...PROBABLY FOR REAL THIS TIME is a darkly comedic update of the original film, and it not only shows how chaotic the world has become in the last fifteen years but also how much Jason's animation skills have improved.

And despite all the madness Jason remains optimistic about our future:

“I’m certainly still hopeful we can avoid doing something silly like blowing ourselves up, or not listening to scientists when they’re like, ‘No seriously, s#%t’s effed, and we need to stop this,’” Windsor said. “But there’s also action to be taken right away to avoid that stuff.”

-Via Gizmodo

Fight Sadness Wherever You Go By Wearing A Fun NeatoShop T-Shirt

Palpatino's Pizzeria by BeezleBub Ross

Seasonal affective disorder is the real deal and it's in full effect, as the snow and frosty weather makes it hard for folks to leave their homes, much less hang out with other people and socialize so they don't feel so lonely.

If you want to help battle the forces of sadness and make people smile when you finally manage to leave your home then you need to grab a NeatoShop t-shirt or hoodie featuring a fun design that'll warm hearts wherever you go!

Serving up smiles is easy when you're wearing a shirt with a funny graphic

Senor Wilson's Taqueria  by TeeKetch

And the NeatoShop has the most powerfully funny print on demand designs in the universe!

Total Ack by Anderson Green Devil

Continue reading

Retro Rollers - Old School Skaters Rule

Retro Rollers by Stationjack

Before people thought rollerblades were cool for a minute we all used to roll around on roller skates, and the skaters would bounce, rock, skate and roll around the rink to old school jams that made us want to groove. The rollerbladers took themselves so seriously yet looked so silly, especially when they started sporting spandex biker shorts and silly helmets, but rollerskaters are cool, were cool and will always be cool. But if the only kind of rollerskaters you can think of are those who did the disco then you must not have experienced the joy of skating free!

Show the world how you roll with this Retro Rollers t-shirt by Stationjack, featuring a fun design that'll take people back to the good old days when feeling free and easy meant rolling down the sidewalk in your sweet skates.

Visit Stationjack's Facebook fan page, official website, Instagram and Tumblr, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more old school cool designs:

Club Cheetara Chocolate Traders Punch It Halloween Monster Mash

View more designs by Stationjack | More Funny T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Spaceship Designs Inspired By Household Objects

The more futuristic a spaceship looks the harder it is to identify which real life object inspired the design, but at their core all sci-fi spaceship designs are based on something from the real world.

Most concept artists conceal their inspiration by adding detail until the ship looks too complex for our minds to pick apart, but San Francisco-based freelance artist Eric Geusz doesn't care about hiding the truth.

A post shared by Eric (@spacegooose) on Nov 27, 2016 at 10:42pm PST

He's just having fun drawing ships based on stuff he finds lying around his house so he doesn't care who knows where the inspiration for his ship designs comes from.

And his willingness to share this part of his artistic process may open up new worlds for budding artists looking to draw unique and interesting vehicles.

A post shared by Eric (@spacegooose) on Sep 18, 2016 at 11:04pm PDT

-Via Laughing Squid

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