Zeon Santos's Blog Posts

Cats Dine Peacefully Next To Their Adopted Crow Sibling

I recently shared a video with a little yellow bird who wasn't afraid to dine next to two dachshunds, which was kind of an odd sight but not too strange considering some dogs don't see birds as prey.

On the other hand cats usually see birds as prey, so you'd think any bird dumb enough to go around bunch of house cats during mealtime would become an additional entree.

But redditor AusSpyder discovered birds and cats can actually coexist peacefully when they recorded this amazing footage while visiting the home of their friend "Doctor Doolittle":

This crow showed up at my friends house one day. It had an injured wing and couldn’t fly at first, but It’s been like 3 or 4 months now and the crow can fly again though not quite as good as it originally could. It’s just chosen to hang around and it still eats with the cats or my friend if she eats outside. He will happily sit on your shoulder and eat biscuits if you have any. It’s not exactly a pet, like it isn’t stuck in a cage and could easily fly off any time it wanted, it just chooses not to and for some reason the cats never chose to attack it.

(YouTube Link)

-Via Laughing Squid

Beekeeper Uses His Bee Colonies To Make Synth Music

Beekeepers normally use their colonies to make honey, beeswax, pollen and to provide starter hives to their fellow apairists, but beekeeper Bioni Samp does something unusual with his bees- he records their noises and makes synth music.

Samp uses recordings taken from the hives to create minimal synth music he feels represents the life pulse of the bees:

He records and analyzes the frequencies of his bees, such as the soothing “songs” queen bees chirp to their hives, and uses them in his compositions. He wields a hive frame “scanner” to pick up electromagnetic smog and sticks electrodes in his homegrown honey to reap its rich, viscous sound.

Samp’s gear is part function, part symbolic. For example, one of his setups has three oscillators, representing the hierarchy of a hive: one for the workers, one for the drones, one for the queen. Some of his other bizarre, original instrument creations include the Electronic Beesmoker, BeeVerb, BFX, and the Binaural Beeframe.

(YouTube Link)

Bioni Samp creates experimental hive music to raise awareness about colony collapse disorder, and he feels his telling people about the bee plague in this way is better than being preachy:

“If I went around with a Greenpeace badge on and started shouting about deforestation, people quickly tire of that, it doesn't really connect with people,” Samp says over video chat. “So I worked around the idea of presenting something that's got an underlying ecological message, but it's put over in a way which interest geeks and people interested in electronic music and computing.”

His art and sound installations have travelled across the globe, performing at environmentally-conscious festivals and art galleries as far flung as Slovakia, Poland, Canada, Austria, and others.

Read The Beekeeper Who Makes Synth Music With His Bee Colonies here

Car Spins Out Behind Reporter Doing Report On Safe Driving

When news reporters head out into the field to deliver their reports on the scene they generally assume the event they're covering is already over, or that the background will simply add a bit of color to their PSA.

But WSB-TV Atlanta's Tom Regan got more than he bargained for when he headed to an overpass over I-85 to warn drivers about the icy road conditions, and just as he said drivers seemed to be driving safely a car spun out behind him.

(YouTube Link)

-Via TVSpy

Philadelphia Prepares For The Eagles To Go To The Super Bowl By Greasing Lamp Posts

The Philadelphia Eagles have officially made it into Super Bowl LII, and that means the city of Philadelphia has some work to do to get ready before their team takes to the field in February.

But they're not preparing to host the game, Super Bowl LII will be played in Minneapolis, Minnesota, they're just getting ready for the madness in the streets to ensue after the Eagles win or lose the game.

And how does a city prepare for packs of insane football fans? Why, by greasing the lamp posts, of course!

In Philadelphia they rubbed Crisco on lamp posts to prepare for the NFC championship game, so people won't climb the poles like drunken fools if there's a riot, and they'll surely grease the posts again before the big game on February 4th.

-Via Yahoo! Sports

Skeski - Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder

Skeski by Ilcalvelage

The dark-minded Skeksis will never be thought of as an attractive species, nor will they be seen as friendly and approachable like the sweet Gelflings, but when they look at themselves in the mirror they see a fine crystal-lovin' creature too Skeksi for their shell! Unfortunately for their species the Skeksis are only attracted to themselves so they're bound to disappear soon enough, since self-obsession generally leads to dying alone!

Show the world that physical beauty is only skin deep with this Skeski t-shirt by Ilcalvelage, featuring a funny design that'll make your fellow fans cackle with delight!

Visit Ilcalvelage's Facebook fan page, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more ridiculously geeky designs:

Strawberry Smiggles The Ruckus Hoors Light Quid Pro Quo

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Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Genius At Work - Cats Really Know How To Manage Their Time

Genius at work by Coconutman 

Cat's don't sit on our computer keyboards because they're trying to interrupt our work, they lounge on the keys because that's how they get their work done! And what, you may ask, is a cat's job? Their job is to be as lazy, playful and unproductive as possible, and they get a great big bonus when they keep their humans from being unproductive because unproductivity is the key to the kitteh's plan to take over the world!

Throw on this Genius At Work t-shirt by Coconutman and people will purr with delight everywhere you go!

Visit Coconutman's Facebook fan page, Twitter and Tumblr, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more delightfully furry designs:

Best Shower Singer Best Friends Forever Do you wanna marry me? House-elves Association

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Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Gryffindor - Wizardry Is A Noble Pursuit

Gryffindor by Firebeard

I'm sure you've seen all kinds of symbols and logos drawn for the various houses of Hogwarts, and some of them probably looked like something you'd be proud to wear, but house sigils have never looked as mighty as this fierce Gryffindor crest created by Firebeard. It's got the ferocity, it's got the magical edge, and it's got the ribbon banner with the house's motto scrolling majestically along the bottom for all to read. It's the best thing that has happened to Potterheads since the Magical World opened at Universal!

Show some pride in your chosen house with this Gryffindor t-shirt by Firebeard, featuring a bold design that's sure to make your fellow HP fans roar with delight!

Visit Firebeard's Facebook fan page, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more mighty cool designs:

The Amazing Vader "I Bring You Love!" Hakuna Walkerata The Moes on Abbey Road

View more designs by Firebeard | More Fantasy T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

A Little Taste Of Home - Ariel Likes Her Seafood Like She Likes Her Friends - Super Fresh!

A Little Taste of Home by Rocky Davies

Ariel always said she wanted to go where the people are and swore she wanted to do what the people do, so as soon as her tail turned into legs Ariel hit the town hard with Eric so she could make up for lost time. They went out shopping, sightseeing, riding, dancing and drinking, but Ariel's favorite part of the day was when they sat down at a sushi bar and ate some fresh and fantastic tasting food. Ariel loved all the colors and the flavors, and as much as she loved human food she had been missing fish, but there was something really familiar about those rolls, something about the color she couldn't put her finger on until she heard Sebastian's voice in her head...

Show the world you have great taste in geeky clothing with this A Little Taste Of Home t-shirt by Rocky Davies, it's the darkly funny way to update the story of Ariel and Prince Eric and make people smile wherever you go!

Visit Rocky Davies's Facebook fan page, official website, Instagram and Tumblr, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more tasteful designs:

Tenderloin Meat Juicy Burgers You Gotta Fight Fantastic Swords A Knight to Remember

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Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Rude Demodog - One Totally Crude Toon With An Unhealthy Appetite For Cats

Rude Demodog by ClayGrahamArt

The strange events that transpired in Hawkins, Indiana back in 1985 somehow ended up being a good thing, as the creatures from the bleak Upside Down got to live on our much greener side and humanity was introduced to the coolest new pets around- the demodogs. Soon every family was in the market for a demodog of their own, and a show called Rude Demodog and Dustin's Dweebs took the airwaves by storm one Saturday morning at a time.

Add some radical color to your geeky wardrobe with this Rude Demodog t-shirt by ClayGrahamArt, it's the perfect combination of retro 80s nostalgia and new school sci-fi cool!

Visit ClayGrahamArt's Facebook fan page, official website, Twitter and Tumblr, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more totally geeky designs:

Eternia Fighter Holiest of Hand Grenades A groovy kind of love Eel eyes

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Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Sematary Here - Horror Rod Hijinks

Sematary Here by Anderson Green Devil

Everybody has heard about what happens to animals, or humans for that matter, who are buried in the old Indian sematary by now, but what you don't know is the critters who resurrect are dead and loving life! They play all kinds of graveyard games, hang around and party all night long, and on Sundays they have drag races the likes of which no living human has ever seen! Imagine all those critter-sized cars zooming down the line, without fear of crashing because they're already dead!

This Sematary Here t-shirt by Anderson Green Devil is anything but a drag, and it'll make the perfect addition to any hot rod or King fan's wardrobe...unless you're too square to handle this tee!

Visit Anderson Green Devil's Facebook fan page, Instagram and Tumblr, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more mind-blowing designs:

Total Ack The Tomb of David Trick or revenge? Sorry

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Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

A Curious Kitty Tries To Catch A Hot Wheels Car As It Zips Around The Track

Cats love to chase mice, RC cars and Roombas, so it's only natural for them to go after anything that is zooming around in their line of sight, especially if it's small enough for them to catch and possibly chew on.

So when the curious kitty in this video saw a Hot Wheels car zooming around the track he had to spring into action.

But he probably would have been better off chasing a mouse, because that Hot Wheels car left him eating dust!

(YouTube Link)

-Via Laughing Squid

Fantastic And Funny Illustrations By Sergey Svistunov

It's good to have an artistic arsenal stocked with a wide range of genres, styles and color palettes when working as a concept artist, because you never know what the client is looking for so versatility is the key to success.

Which means Russian illustrator Sergey Svistunov is going to be a very successful artist, because he's so versatile it's scary!

Sergey's digital paintings are all over the place, from action packed sci-fi scenes to cartoony comedy plates full of personality, but my favorites are the far out fantasy pieces because the vibrant palettes take my breath away.

See more Fantasy And Funny Paintings By The Illustrator Sergey Svistunov here

Contraceptive App In Hot Water Due To Unwanted Pregnancies

People use smartphone apps to make their lives easier in many ways, from finding a nearby restaurant to taking notes to getting directions to their destination, but would you trust a smartphone app to help you avoid unwanted pregnancies?

The app 'Natural Cycles' promises to help prevent unwanted pregnancies and it's catching on in a big way in the UK and Europe, here's how it works:

‘Natural Cycles’—yet to attain FDA approval—was founded by husband-wife team Dr Raoul Scherwitzl and Dr Elina Berglund. It scans the body’s temperature during the menstrual cycle to identify if it is safe for the female user to engage in unprotected sex.

Days that are safe are marked in green on the app’s calendar. Otherwise, a red color warns the user to use protection. Last year, Engadget reported that a study conducted by the app revealed, “After testing 22,785 women throughout 224,563 menstrual cycles, the startup found the app provided 99 percent contraceptive effectiveness if used perfectly. If used ‘typically’, the app was 93 percent effective. The contraceptive pill, meanwhile, is 91 percent effective.”

Hundreds of trusting Swedish women used 'Natural Cycles' believing it would work as advertised, and yet in at least 37 cases the app failed and the users wound up pregnant.

(Image Link)

Now the app is being reviewed by the Swedish Medical Products Agency, a regulatory agency for medical devices, but the creators of the app insist the amount of unwanted pregnancies is quite normal:

“To have 37 unwanted pregnancies out of the 668 mentioned in this study at Södersjukhuset means that 5.5 per cent of women who stated they used Natural Cycles also had an unwanted pregnancy. This is in line with what we communicate as the risk of unwanted pregnancy with typical use, and which is comparable to other types of contraception.”

“As our user base increases, so will the amount of unintended pregnancies coming from Natural Cycles app users, which is an inevitable reality.”

“Today there is a big trend for women to move away from hormonal contraception, and Natural Cycles can provide a helpful option for these women. We therefore expect, in fact, overall to decrease the unwanted pregnancy rates because we’re increasing contraceptive choice, and see that many of our users are women that have not used any type of contraception before.”

-Via DesignTAXI

What A Non-Furry Learned While Attending A Furry Convention

Furries are one of the most misunderstood and maligned groups in the world of geekdom, and even though people should know better than to think of Furries as mere sexual fetishists the stigma remains.

So, in an effort to demystify the world of the Furries, Cracked's Mark Hill attended Fur-Eh in Edmonton, Alberta, one of the largest Furry conventions in the world, and he made some interesting discoveries.

Mark discovered Furries are fans of anthropomorphic animal-themed visual media, and even though there are lots of people rockin' their amazing looking fursuits at Fur-Eh there were plenty of plain clothed fans too, because not all Furries are cosplayers.

He also found out that the Furry community goes off during Cons like Fur-Eh because they have very few chances to hang with their fellow Furries during the year so they make those Cons count by partying all night long.

See 5 Things I Learned Attending A Furry Convention at Cracked (NSFW language)

Death Bear - He Doesn't Care About Your Warm And Fuzzy Feelings

Death Bear by Dooomcat

Those bears who care have been hogging the spotlight for decades because their nice and pleasant powers make people feel good, but the light must always be balanced out by the darkness and the good always comes with the bad, which is where the uncaring bears come in. Their powers are far less pleasant, and the humans they meet usually don't survive the encounter, so if you ever come across a cute little bear with dark colored fur sporting a scowl and a grim symbol on their tummy RUN!

Show the world what the lesser known uncaring bears look like by wearing this Death Bear t-shirt by Dooomcat, featuring a killer design that'll make your fellow fans die laughing!

Visit Dooomcat's Facebook fan page and official website, then head on over to her NeatoShop for more dark and geeky designs:

RevengingBFFs Horror Club Caffeine Bear Evil Bear

View more designs by Dooomcat | More Funny T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

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