Zeon Santos's Blog Posts

Skull Aztec - Don't Stare At His Empty Sockets, He Hates When People Do That!

Skull aztec by Albertocubatas

The Aztecs appreciated the beauty of death and how important it was to life, so they offered human sacrifices to the Lord of Mictlan in life and were buried with offerings for Mictlantecuhtli and his wife so they could safely navigate the dark dangers of the underworld after death. And while the Lord of Mictlan is not necessarily seen as a heroic figure he's still given his proper dues as one of the most important gods in the Aztec pantheon, plus the skull-faced helmets the Mictlan priests wore were so metal!

Add some deadly cool style to your geeky wardrobe with this Skull Aztec t-shirt by Albertocubatas, featuring a brutal yet colorful design that will blow people's minds.

Visit Albertocubatas's Facebook fan page and official website, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more dark and geeky designs:

Wolves Attack Princess Attack Tribal Unicorn Dark Circle

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James Corden Handed Out 'Consolation Puppies' To Grammy Losers

Thanks to James Corden it paid to be a loser at the 2018 Grammy Awards, because the three "losers" in the Best Comedy Album category received something way better than a Grammy- they got a consolation puppy.

James handed out adorable puppies to Jerry Seinfeld, Jim Gaffigan and Sarah Silverman after they all lost to Dave Chappelle, so they would feel better about their loss, and the on-screen moments created by this warm and fuzzy gag were priceless.

Some animal rights activists had a problem with Corden's decision to use real puppies, but his father went on to LBC and set them straight:

“A guy across the aisle from me he got one of these puppies… he had his children there, they were stroking the puppy.

“Almost as soon as the camera [was turned off] the puppy was handed back to the handler as were all the puppies.

“It was a lovely moment that just lightened the mood.”

Are you kidding? Of course they were fine, those lucky dogs got to hang out with three of the greatest comedians of all time!

-Via 22 Words

Inventor Creates Device To Beat Arcade Machine And Discovers It's Totally Rigged

Have you ever felt like those arcade machines that give out prizes seem like nothing but a money munchin' scam?

You drop quarters and shove dollars in the slot yet the claws refuse to pick up those plush toys, the razor refuses to cut through the string and the light never stops on the right spot when you hit the button no matter how quick your reflexes.

This isn't just paranoia, these machines were made to sucker people out of their money, and inventor Mark Rober was sick of losing money to these greedy machines.

So he created a device to beat a redemption game called Cyclone and ended up discovering the arcade's dirty little secret- the game is totally rigged, so your chances of winning tickets from Cyclone are virtually nil.

(YouTube Link)

Keep The Good Times Rolling With These Ridiculously Funny NeatoShop T-Shirts

Adulting: Failing by Tobe Fonseca

People who sport funny shirts are a special breed of human, one who knows the value of a smile and a laugh and actually enjoys spreading warmth and happiness to their fellow humans instead of negativity.

These are the people who have a geeky fashion sense and a passion for artfully funny designs on tees, and they will absolutely adore the hundreds of amazingly funny t-shirt designs found in the NeatoShop!

Are you one of these funny tee loving folks?

Dreaming of the Rebellion by Jim Murrin

Do you have a soft spot in your heart for geeky tees?

Dead Inside by BeezleBub Ross

Then the NeatoShop is going to change your life with their spectacular assortment of tees!

Stop Talking by rocketman

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Artist Creates Geeky And Colorful Worlds Out Of Paper

Artists who create artwork using only paper run in to one major problem with the medium- the flatness.

Without ink or paint to create the illusion of depth, shading and shadows those cut up pieces of paper end up looking way too flat, and flatness in artwork is far from impressive.

The geeky and colorful scenes created by Brazilian artist Nathanna Érica are anything but flat, and although she does use a little ink or paint here and there for texture her pieces are pretty much all paper and absolutely awesome!

Nathanna sells prints of her artwork and the pieces themselves through her Etsy shop, but if you want to look at it all over and over again 32 of her works have been collected in the art book Samba.

See I Create A World Of My Own Using Paper, Scissors And A Little Too Much Color here

Famous People Who Are Pure Madness On Social Media

Social media has allowed us all to put our thoughts, feelings and favorite memes out there for the entire online world to see which, as we all know, is both a good and bad thing.

For the average person this social freedom allows them to rant, share pics and thoughts from their day and basically act like they normally do with their friends, but for celebrities social media gives them the chance to go bonkers.

Norm Macdonald is a bit of a goofball, so you'd expect his Twitter feed to be full of jokes and funny observations, but instead he uses the power of the tweet to dump hours of sports play-by-plays on his followers:

Is it a joke? Is Norm drinking heavily again? Nobody is really sure, but I guess if you hate comedy, love sports and don't have a TV or a radio then Norm's your guy!

But if you prefer social media feeds related to food then you might enjoy the Instagram account @onionringsworldwide, which was started by the singer Lorde as an inside joke.

There you'll get to see "every onion ring I encounter, rated" and absolutely nothing about Lorde or her music, which may actually expand her fanbase to include chefs and foodies who respect her opinions on onion rings.

Plus Lorde isn't above eating onion rings "from the service stop Burger King near Hatfield", now that's what I call adventurous eating!

See 5 Famous People Who Are Pure Madness On Social Media here (NSFW language)

Watch A Guy Drop A £30,000 Bottle Of Champagne In A Nightclub

People with way too much money who don't know the meaning of the words "savings" and "frugality" like to drop a bundle on expensive bottles of booze at nightclubs so they can look really cool to their fellow clubgoers.

But to their credit these people normally drink the booze they've just dropped a bundle on, unlike the clumsy guy in this video shared by Ibiza Club News who fumbles a bottle of champagne that cost him £30,000 like an absolute idiot.

(YouTube Link)

Later when his kids ask him why they have no college fund he can tell them that in his younger days dad was the kind of guy who literally threw tens of thousands of pounds away while livin' that flashy nightclub life. Sorry kids!

-Via Munchies

Not The Face - Some Rules Aren't Made To Be Broken

Not the Face by Brinkerhoff

There's an unspoken rule that applies to all sports, physical activities involving two people and most non-professional and non-lethal fights, and that rule is- not the face! This rule was put into place because most people don't want their faces to get permanently jacked up from a bit of roughhousing, since our faces are how we get dates and they're an important part of how people perceive us when we first meet. And while this unspoken rule should be known by all it seems some people are unaware of this important rule, and it seems like these face-breakers always have claws...

Make sure everyone knows the rules by wearing this Not The Face t-shirt by Brinkerhoff, it's a fun way to educate people about the importance of preserving your precious mug!

Visit Brinkerhoff's Facebook fan page and Twitter, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more fun and informative designs:

NYET! Empire Boards Starfighter! Starfighter! Starfighter! Bit Bit-8

View more designs by Brinkerhoff | More Funny T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Librarians Recreate Sexy Kardashian Magazine Cover

Kardashians are known for being loud, flashy and ostentatious, while librarians are known for being modest and subdued enforcers of quiet, so it's hard to imagine what would bring such disparate groups together.

Well, believe it or not the thing that brought the Kardashians and the librarians together is that sexy cover from The Hollywood Reporter at the top of the post.

This cover inspired the digital and communications manager from the Invercargill Library in New Zealand, Bonnie Mager, to team up with her co-workers and show the world that smart is sexy- by recreating the cover photo with librarians instead of Kardashians.

-Via 22 Words

See 130 Years Of National Geographic Covers In 2 Minutes

National Geographic magazine is known for their breathtaking cover photos, but did you know they didn't start using a cover photo to help sell their magazine until the 1959? Before that it was just a bunch of text describing each issue's contents, which didn't do much to help them become one of the most popular and successful magazines of all time.

This year National Geographic is celebrating their 130th anniversary, so they created an amazing timelapse video showing how far their cover photos have come from 1888 to 2018.

It shows not only how important the cover photos became for the magazine's image, it also shows how far nature photography has changed since the mid-20th century.

(YouTube Link)

-Via Laughing Squid

Nintendo Switch Vs. Cardboard Crafts

Nintendo has been one of the most innovative and original companies in the video game industry since the very beginning, and their commitment to creativity means the best is yet to come.

But when Nintendo came out with the Labo kits for the Switch they took both the gaming and crafting worlds by storm, and as you can see in this comic by Lolnein Comics those old fashioned crafting supplies don't stand a chance!

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

NO PIZZA! - Dinosaurs Versus The Pizza-Geddon

NO PIZZA! by Alexander Medvedev

Many humans think of pizza as the greatest food product on the planet, and to them the thought of giant pizzas raining down from the sky sounds like a delicious gift from the heavens. But dinosaurs hated pizza storms for one main reason- they're the reason the dinosaurs went extinct! Apparently the herbivores had bad allergic reactions to the pepperoni and cheese so they started dropping, and the carnivores couldn't stop eating all that yummy pizza so they essentially ate themselves to death. Well, I guess that's more fun than having your world destroyed by a meteor...

Teach people about the tastiest apocalypse ever with this NO PIZZA! t-shirt by Alexander Medvedev, it'll help you rewrite the history books and make your fellow pizza fans want to eat you all up!

Visit Alexander Medvedev's NeatoShop for more deliciously geeky designs:



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Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Meet The Welsh Willy Wonka

When adventurous eaters want to put really weird tasting chocolate in their mouths they don't visit Willy Wonka, they visit Liam Burgess- the chocolate maker some are calling the Welsh Willy Wonka because of the bizarre flavors he comes up with.

Want to chew on a hunk of chocolate that tastes like an old book? Liam's got a chocolate bar for you that has all the flavor of an old leatherbound edition without all that pesky reading!:

“I’m not sure I want to put this in my mouth,” jokes the interviewer in the amusing clip below. Burgess reveals that ‘Old Book’ is made up of “leather essence, cigar tobacco, frankincense, patchouli, smoked sea salts” and maintains, “it smells [just] like an old book.”

Liam started his company NOMNOM Chocolate out of a camper on his mom's property at age 18, and now he has taken over "the Abandoned Chocolate Factory" in his hometown of Llanboidy and employs several of his friends full time.

And if you're keen to invest in Liam's wild chocolate adventure you can buy a "chocolate brick" in any flavor you'd like and help him build up his company brick by brick. And he does mean any flavor at all, because Liam and his team love a challenge!

-Via DesignTAXI

Dashcams And Doorbell Cams Capture The Big Michigan Meteor Of 2018

An extremely bright meteor lit up the night sky above southeastern Michigan on January 16th, 2018, and thanks to all the dashcams and doorbell cams out there this freaky astronomical event was caught on video.

Here's dashcam footage of the meteor from Jalopnik reader Mike Austin:

(YouTube Link)

NASA has since confirmed that it was actually a meteorite, more specifically a small asteroid that burned up as it entered our atmosphere:

NASA officials had a simple explanation, saying a meteoroid entered Earth’s atmosphere about 8:08 p.m.

“It was definitely a meteor,” Bill Cooke, lead for NASA’s Meteoroid Environment Office at the Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama, told The Washington Post.

Cooke said the fireball was caused by a small asteroid about one to two yards in diameter, moving at 28,000 mph. When it entered into the atmosphere, he said, it heated up and began to melt away, producing the bright light that people saw.

Here's how it looked to Dan McGhee from Ypsilanti's doorbell camera:

(YouTube Link)

Like a flare made of space stuff...freaky!

-Via Jalopnik

That's No Moon - Rebel Bunnies On The Run

That's No Moon by Captain RibMan

The rabbits of the Rebellion used to look up at the night's sky and stare at that beautiful moon beaming down at them, but ever since the evil ermine Empire had destroyed their home planet those poor little bunnies had been forced to hop from planet to planet in a war for survival. The loss of their home had hurt but it had also made them stronger, and as they took the fight to those stinking Sith rats the rabbits of the Rebellion became a force to be reckoned with, and their days of being preyed upon felt like such a long, long time ago...

Share a different view of that war in the stars with the world by wearing this That's No Moon t-shirt by Captain RibMan, featuring a mashup that'll make you feel like a kid again!

Visit Captain RibMan's Facebook fan page, official website and Twitter, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more delightfully geeky designs:

Pees (Peace) On Earth Fartruvian Man Walter's Sweet Shoppe The Jung Ones

View more designs by Captain RibMan | More Funny T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

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