Zeon Santos's Blog Posts

Should Your Dog Eat Raw Meat?

It's a debate all dog owners have been a part of at one time or another, a debate that many pet owner have a passionate opinion about- should you feed your dog raw meat?

Some dog owners swear by the healthful properties of raw meat, insisting dogs were born to consume raw meat just like their wolven ancestors, but many vets insist feeding them raw meat does more harm than good.

According to a recent study posted on VetRecord bacteria and parasites such as E. coli and Salmonella found in commercial frozen raw meat may hurt a dog's stomach, but the real danger comes from them spreading the bacteria to people:

The recent study in the Veterinary Record analysed 35 commercial frozen raw meat products from eight different brands. It found E. coli in 28 products, Listeria monocytogenes in 19 of them and Salmonella species in seven. Several products also contained parasites. Other studies have previously highlighted similar contamination of raw pet food in Canada, North America and New Zealand.

By comparison, unprocessed raw meat from the butcher is less likely to be an issue than the products in the study, in the same way it is safer to eat rare steak than raw mince.

For dogs, the bacteria and parasites found in food aren’t actually that much of a problem. Dogs are pretty resistant to many of the possible bugs that can be isolated from raw meat and they rarely become ill, though they can suffer gastric illness as a result of Salmonella.

But dogs can become carriers of these bacteria and spread them through their faeces, which can lead to serious illness in humans.

What is especially significant is these food products’ level of contamination with bacteria that are resistant to treatment with antibiotics. This is a concern for both pet and human health. Infections with these bacteria are increasingly difficult to treat, and the spread of antibiotic resistance is a critical public health issue.

Read Analysis: Should Your Pet Eat Raw meat? here

This Circular Concrete Apartment Building Is The Pinnacle Of Brutalism

Brutalist architecture looks exactly like it sounds- cold and stony, devoid of embellishment but made to last, with an overall look that says "you have to be tough to live here".

This austere style of architecture was popular in the USSR and eastern Europe for obvious reasons, and this circular apartment building in Moscow nicknamed "Bublik" is the pinnacle of Brutalism.

"Bublik" was built by Soviet architect Eugene Stamo and engineer Aleksandr Markelov in the Ochakovo-Matveevskoe district of Moscow in 1972, and although six "Bubliks" (Russian for bagel) were supposed to be built only two were ever made:

This massive building holds 913 apartments and as far as architects claims, five more similar buildings were supposed to be built before 1980 Summer Olympics.

Five buildings resembling the Olympic sign were intended to be constructed, but as they were too massive it would be hard to associate them with actual Olympic rings. Soviet housing was oriented strictly on practicality and affordability but it turned out these buildings were expensive to maintain so the whole project was abandoned and only two stand to this day.

-Via design you trust

Learn The Ins And Outs Of Wine With This Handy Chart

There's a lot more to wine than just type, color and alcohol content, but you really don't need to know a whole lot more than that to enjoy wine. Wait, let me rephrase that- there's not much more to know if you want to enjoy wine casually rather than embracing the science and the culture like a vintner or sommelier.

Most of us started out drinking wine for that warm and fuzzy feeling the alcohol provides but soon found ourselves wanting to learn more about wine to enhance our enjoyment of the drink.

Well, whatever you want to know aside from a breakdown of varieties, flavors or prices is probably covered on this chart created by Wine Investments appropriately entitled A Beginner's Guide To Wine. Cheers!

See full sized graphic here

-Via Lifehacker

Black And White Portraits Of Celebrities From The 60s And 70s By David Bailey

B&W was the original film flavor and is still the best color palette to use when shooting portraits, and back in the colorful 60s and 70s photographer David Bailey ditched the Kodachrome and shot his famous subjects in black and white.

David started out as a fashion photographer working as an assistant to famed fashion photographer John French, but by the 60s David had a contract with Vogue and became an important part of the Swinging London scene.

David's iconic black and white portraits not only made his subjects look extra cool- they capture the look and feel of an era caught between the avant-garde past and the far out future.

See Extraordinary Black And White Portraits Of '60s and '70s Celebrities Taken By David Bailey here

The Physiology Behind Generalized Anxiety Disorder

From your sweaty brow to your pounding heart to the churning in your gut, the physical symptoms of anxiety make it hard to sleep, eat or concentrate, and those who have it more days than not for six months may have general anxiety disorder.

Before treatment comes the research, and this video by AsapSCIENCE will teach you a thing or two about what makes you anxious, and general anxiety disorder, in just under four fast moving and informative minutes.

But the whiteboard animation drawn by Mitchell Moffit and Gregory Brown in the video is a bit twitchy, so you may not want to watch it while you're anxious!

(YouTube Link)

-Via Laughing Squid

Identical Tests

Did you ever get accused of cheating as a kid because your test had the exact same answers as another student in your class?

It's one thing if the person was sitting right next to you, but when you were sitting on the opposite side of the room from each other it makes you feel like the teacher's got it out for you.

But as this Lolnein comic shows, if you're friends with a copy machine it's your own damn fault!

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

Everything Is Connected - Dirk And The Soulswapped Dog

Everything is connected by Matt Parsons

If you knew what this corgi has been through you wouldn't look at him like just another dog, and if Dirk had been able to access that cute little critter's mind when they were first introduced he wouldn't have run around investigating and whatnot- because the case would have been solved in a flash. However, had Dirk not met Rapunzel the corgi he never would have met Todd and Amanda and the Rowdy 3! Okay, that last one probably wouldn't have been such a bad thing...

Take the key to the mystery with you wherever you go with this Everything Is Connected t-shirt by Matt Parsons, it's the fun and stylish way to pretend like you're a holistic detective every day!

Visit Matt Parsons's Facebook fan page, Instagram and Twitter, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more delightfully geeky designs:

Dino Days Odin Art Mewveau Power Blazers

View more designs by Matt Parsons | More TV T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

A.I. Artificial Intelligence - Star Droids

A.I Artificial intelligence (black) by Geek Me That 

People keep saying a future with artificial intelligence will be bleak, with robots and androids either self destructing or destroying us all thanks to their newfound "consciousness", but if C3 and R2 are any indication A.I. is going to be awesome! Who wouldn't want a droid that speaks every language in the known galaxy by your side while adventuring? And if you don't think R2 would be the most radical robot friend ever you must be an anti-droidite- because he's been bip-bop-booping in my heart since he first rolled on screen!

Get geared up for some out of this world adventure with this A.I. Artificial Intelligence t-shirt by Geek Me That, it's a great way to alleviate people's fears about artificial intelligence and show love for your favorite movie droids at the same time!

Visit Geek Me That's Facebook fan page and official website, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more designs that do compute:

Michelangelo this is not a democracy anymore The guardians team I'll find you

View more designs by Geek Me That | More Sci-Fi T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

A Wizard Is Never Late - Punctuality Is For The Ungifted

A Wizard Is Never Late by Kempo24

When you spend the time, spirit and mental energy to become a master wizard the ways of the world that were once important seem to fade away, as your mind is consumed with mystical matters few normal human minds could ever comprehend. Social niceties are also thrown out the window, as are thoughts of a career or the need for romantic relationships, but the main bonus of becoming a wizard is you never have to give a damn about being late ever again!

Show the world another reason why it's cool to be a wizard with this A Wizard Is Never Late t-shirt by Kempo24, it's both a great design and the perfect excuse for your constant tardiness!

Visit Kempo24's Facebook fan page, official website and Instagram, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more magical designs:

Magic Lands Coffee As Black As My Soul Susuwatari Cereal I Survived the Last Year

View more designs by Kempo24 | More Fantasy T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

How To Figure Out The Day Of The Week For Any Date Ever

We assume people who can figure out the exact day of the week for any date you throw at them are geniuses or some sort of clairvoyant, but the bubble bursting truth is they're just doing a type of mental magic trick.

More specifically they're using an algorithm developed by mathematician John H. Conway in 1973 called the Doomsday rule, and as you'll see in this video by It's Ok To Be Smart using this algorithm isn't as hard as you think.

(YouTube Link)

Now with a little practice you can start wowing people with your astounding mental abilities!

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

Pirate Traditions Most People Don't Know About

Pirates are one of the original subcultures, and like the punks and goths who appropriated their style centuries later their lifestyle and fashion choices were considered questionable by polite society- especially considering male pirates wore earrings and married other men.

Pirates didn't just wear earrings to be fashionable- they wore them to protect their hearing while firing cannons and as a form of life insurance:

The crafty sea criminals would hang wads of wax from their earrings to prevent this sound damage. They popped the waxy contraptions into their ears like a makeshift earplug when firing cannons.

The infamous piercings that pirates wore in their ears were actually insurance to make sure that they'd be given a proper burial. Whether gold or silver, the precious metal could be melted down and sold to pay for a casket and other funeral necessities even if a pirate's dead body washed ashore.

Some pirates went so far as to engrave the name of their home port on the inside of the earrings so that their bodies could be sent home for a proper burial.

Pirates also practiced gay marriage as far back as the 1600s, which is quite the practical practice when you consider practically every pirate and sailor on the High Seas was male:

Pirates spent long periods of time on ships surrounded by other men so it’s no surprise that some shared intimate relationships. Other pirates formalized same-sex relationships through a practice called matelotage, a French word that may be at the root of the pirate greeting "Ahoy mate."

In pirate society, two men could join into matelotage and share all their plunder, even receiving death benefits if one died before the other. Pirate mates would live together, exchange gold rings, and sometimes even share female prostitutes.

Read 12 Bizarre Pirate Traditions Most People Don't Know About here

The Most Effed Up Things People Have Seen A Coworker Do At Work

Working in an office can be a horrifying experience, and when overworked and underpaid cubicle dwellers face a daily combination of boredom, stress and forced socialization the rat race can drive previously sane people batty.

"I once had a coworker who showed up to our office in a wedding dress. Like, an obvious white wedding dress with a crinoline and beading, the works. When our manager asked why she wore a wedding dress to the office, my coworker replied, 'I was out of clean clothes and didn’t feel like doing laundry.'"

—Lauren Emily, Facebook

"There was a lady who brought her little container of paper clips into the kitchen and washed them."


But workplaces are strange no matter where you work, and unless you work alone you're bound to work with someone who's a bit of a kook.

Still, I've never worked with anyone who brought rotten teeth in a jar to work:

"I stopped asking my coworkers how their weekends were after one had responded with, 'Not good, my husband’s teeth rotted and we had to spend all night at the dentist getting them pulled.' As if that wasn’t bad enough, she proceeded to pull out a pill container, open it, and say, 'They’re so gross. Smell them,' and tried to hand them to me. Nope."


Members of the BuzzFeed community were asked to share "the most WTF thing they've ever seen a coworker do on the job", and their responses made me very happy to work from home...so nobody sees the gross stuff I do!:

"I saw a coworker use his fingers to pluck out his beard hair, then bit the hair, and used it to floss his teeth in front of a number of other coworkers!"


See 18 WTF Things People Have Done At Work here

Disney Movies As Seen From A Different Perspective

Disney movies center around the main characters by default because they're the most important figures in the storyline, so background characters get a few lines in the script but are otherwise ignored. But if you could see the story from a background character's perspective you'd see each enchanting tale a little differently.

For instance- The Lion King is descended from a line of murderous lions, so why would the animals he preys upon swear fealty to him as their king?

And, as this comic by Willie Muse shows, Sleeping Beauty is basically a tale about a rich prince taking advantage of a drugged and vulnerable woman...how's that for happily ever after!

See 5 Disney Movies As Seen From A Different Perspective here (NSFW language)

New Anime Memes To Impress Your Senpai

(Image Link)

Discovering a new batch of memes is like uncovering a treasure trove of visual comedy, only this trove is guarded by a geek who spends way too much time online, breathes Cheeto dust instead of fire and is married to his pillow.

(Image Link)

That's right, this treasure trove is full of anime-themed memes, so you can take your online meme-ing power level to well above 9000 and impress your friends with the power of

(Image Link)

Now good anime memes don't come along every day, so when you find a stockpile of anime-themed visual tomfoolery you've gotta snatch it all up byte by byte, because a well-crafted anime meme can really make you stand out in a crowd.

(Image Link)

See 20 New Anime Memes That Hit Way Too Close To Home here

Comparing The Sizes Of Movie Monsters

Godzilla has battled some mighty giant kaiju during his storied career as a movie monster, and he even battled King Kong at one point, but if you think about it on-screen monster meetings are few and far between.

Therefore we have no real idea how Clover the Cloverfield monster measures up to Godzilla, or how big Mike Wazowski from Monsters, Inc. is in comparison to Frankenstein.

But now thanks to this cool CGI visualization created by MetaBallStudios we can see how puny they all are when compared to the King of the Monsters!

(YouTube Link)

-Via Laughing Squid

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