Zeon Santos's Blog Posts

As Seen On TV Products That Are Worth The Money

Commercials for As Seen On TV products are often laughably bad, and the products themselves tend to be shoddily made overpriced junk that falls apart or flat out doesn't work as advertised.

But when the products work well they go from being Not Sold In Stores to As Seen In Lots of Stores, and we start to wonder how we ever lived without them.

The Ronco Food Dehydrator has been a product my family can't live without since we first got one in the 90s, and it makes great jerky, delicious dried fruit and homemade fruit leather!

And who wants to stand there chopping onions and peppers all day when you can use the Mueller Onion Chopper Pro and dice 'em up fast? It's not super durable, but it does make perfect dicing a breeze.

And speaking of not super durable but very useful- the Wonder Hanger works just as advertised, and really helps clear up your closet provided you have a strong rod and don't hang anything too heavy on the hangers.

See 29 As-Seen-On-TV Products That Are Actually Worth The Money here

The Legend Behind The Real Sword In The Stone

(Image Link)

The sword in the stone lies at the center of the King Arthur story, serving as both the instrument of fate that allowed him to assume the throne and his introduction to the supernatural world.

But King Arthur's sword in the stone is fiction inspired by a real life, and somewhat more boring, sword embedded in stone that was once wielded by a knight who saw the light too- St. Galgano Guidotti in the 12th century.

Guidotti was an arrogant and violent knight who did bad deeds until he started having holy visions:

The affluent nobleman is said to have had visions of the Archangel Michael, the warrior saint. One of these visions supposedly led him to the Twelve Apostles on the hill of what is now known as Rotonda di Montesiepi.

It is here that Michael suggested that Guidotti should give up his life of wealth and dedicate his existence to God instead. Guidotti snickered at the Archangel’s request and stated that the task would be as difficult as splitting a stone. To prove his point, the knight thrust his sword into a rock and, to his surprise, cut through it like butter.

Sometime after, while on horseback, he wandered to a hilltop much like the one he had seen in this dream. He was so struck that by the sight that he decided to plant a cross. However, without a cross or any wood handy, he unsheathed his sword plunged it into a stone, where it has remained ever since.

Guidotti's sword, and the stone it's still embedded within, resides in Montesiepi Chapel in Siena, Italy, which was built to house the relic after Pope Lucius III declared Guidotti a saint in 1185, just one year after his death.

Read The Legend Of The Real Sword In The Stone And The Person It Actually Belonged To here

The Adventures Of Super Mario Cat And Luigi

Mario always looked cuter and more approachable when he was wearing an animal costume, so casting a cat to play Mario in a live action Super Mario Bros. short is a brilliant idea.

Then they cast a cat as the damsel in distress Princess Peach, which was a similarly perfect casting job, so why is Luigi played by a human in this MrTV Cow production?

Because somebody needed to wrangle the cats! All kidding aside SUPER MARIO CAT BROS. is seriously cute and very fun to watch, so hopefully it's the first in a new series!

(YouTube Link)

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

Glitch - Don't Blink Or You're Dead

Glitch by Bongonation

Our eyes can play tricks on us at the most inopportune times, like when we're about to face off against an enemy who wants nothing less than your head on a spike. A fool runs away to become hunted like a scared little rabbit, while the foolhardy rushes in blind and gives their opponent exactly what they want. But the true warrior learns to work with the visual glitch, timing their parries and blows so the fractal snow blurring their vision doesn't stop them from dropping their foe...

Add some visual interest with just a hint of impending action to your geeky wardrobe with this Glitch t-shirt by Bongonation, featuring a truly original design that'll blow people's minds!

Visit Bongonation's Facebook fan page, official website and Instagram, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more mighty geeky designs:

Winter Boomstick Castle Bear and Catz

View more designs by Bongonation | More Artistic T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Forever Young - Some Characters Are Truly Timeless

Forever Young by Getsousa!

There has never been a bad boy quite like Bart, and even though decades have passed since we were first introduced to Bart he's still the baddest boy on the block- and we wouldn't have it any other way! The citizens of Springfield think their town would be better off without Bart Simpson rolling around causing trouble, but they have no idea how boring their town would be without the presence of El Barto!

Prove that Bart is your homeboy by wearing this Forever Young t-shirt by Getsousa!, it's the fun way to show the world you've been a Simpsons fan since way back!

Visit Getsousa!'s Facebook fan page, official website, Instagram and Twitter, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more retro-tastic designs:

Fireball The Running Man Lobo The Last Czarnian Stranger League Baseball Back In Hell

View more designs by Getsousa! | More Cartoon T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Fresh Prince Of All Sayans - Chillin' Like An Old School Villain

Fresh prince of all sayans by Pescapin

This is a story all about how Vegeta's life got flip turned upside down, so just sit still for a moment if you can and I'll tell you all about how Vegeta became the fresh prince of all Saiyans. Vegeta was a brat who liked to get in fights, so his mom said "that's it!" and locked him up tight. Then one day he broke out and hit the street, and who did Vegeta happen to meet? Goku, that's who, the coolest guy in school and the one who made Vegeta look like a total fool. Vegeta hated Goku passionately, so he thought to himself "time to show him the real me..." And just like that Vegeta flipped his wig, energy crackling in the air as Vegeta grew real big, and as he let his anger rise Goku saw that little twerp grow to super Saiyan size!

Add some silly anime aweseomeness to your geeky wardrobe with this Fresh Prince Of All Saiyans t-shirt by Pescapin, it's the mighty cool way to declare your love of DBZ and 90s TV shows at the same time!

Visit Pescapin's Facebook fan page, official website and Instagram, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more retro-tastic designs:

Yellow sailor Lis symbols Chibli friends


View more designs by Pescapin | More Funny T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

How People In Different Physical States See The World

Everybody sees the world a little bit differently, and aside from the effect of our mental state the physical state we're in affects our vision in weird ways too, making our own unique view of the world even more unique.

Add vision factors like eye defects, injuries and vision imparing substances like drugs or alcohol and your sight just keeps getting weirder and weirder!

To understand what all these different physical states do to our eyes check out this Bright Side video, it isn't necessarily medically accurate but it will get you thinking about the factors that are affecting your vision.

(YouTube Link)

Amusing And Astonishing Hedgehog Facts

If you've never fallen in love with a hedgehog then you've never met Princess Pricklepants, and if you don't think hedgehogs are adorable then you probably don't dig cute critters and therefore won't dig these silly Hedgehog Facts.

But if you love Pricklepants, and all hedgehogs, as much as I do then these Hedgehog Facts will amuse, amaze and astound you, because they're absolutely astonishing!

Who knew hedgehogs were such mighty and mysterious creatures?

Hedgehog Facts like these don't come along every day, so when you have the chance to right click and save a bunch of them to share with your social media circles you should grab that JPG treasure and run!

See more Hedgehog Facts at The Pleasantries of Princess Pricklepants

How Did South America Become A Haven For Nazis?

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Ever since the 2016 election it has become clear the U.S. is full of Neo-Nazis and white supremacists who have been hiding in plain sight until they felt comfortable revealing themselves and their patently stupid brand of hate.

But now that most of them have been exposed to the light the vast majority of Americans have proven they won't put up with them, or their hate-filled message, without a fight.

And these were just the 21st century wanna-be Nazis, so how could South American countries like Chile, Argentina and Brazil happily invite Nazis and their collaborators into their countries after World War II?:

Due to the hundreds of thousands of German immigrants who lived in the country, Argentina maintained close ties with Germany and remained neutral for much of World War II. In the years after the end of the war, Argentine President Juan Peron secretly ordered diplomats and intelligence officers to establish escape routes, so-called “ratlines,” through ports in Spain and Italy to smuggle thousands of former SS officers and Nazi party members out of Europe. As with numerous other fascist-leaning South American leaders, Peron had been drawn to the ideologies of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler while serving as a military attaché in Italy during the early years of World War II. The Argentine president also sought to recruit those Nazis with particular military and technical expertise that he believed could help his country, much like the United States and the Soviet Union who both poached scientists from the Third Reich to assist them in the Cold War.

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If you've ever wondered how many Nazis and collaborators made their way to South America after WWII here are the educated estimates, which are staggering:

According to a 2012 article in the Daily Mail, German prosecutors who examined secret files from Brazil and Chile discovered that as many as 9,000 Nazi officers and collaborators from other countries escaped from Europe to find sanctuary in South American countries. Brazil took in between 1,500 and 2,000 Nazi war criminals, while between 500 and 1,000 settled in Chile. However, by far the largest number—as many as 5,000—relocated to Argentina.

Read How South America Became A Nazi Haven at History

When Zoos Get Into A Brutally Adorable Cute Animal Tweet Off Battle We All Win

Twitter has become one of the most annoyingly political, and volatile, social media platforms since the 2016 election, and most people I know happily ditched Twitter and never looked back.

But if there's one thing Twitter is good for it's advertising and promotion, and if there's one thing that could bring people back to Twitter it's pictures of cute animals.

So when the National Zoo tweeted a pic of an adorable gray seal pup other zoos saw it as a challenge, so they started a cute animal tweet off battle with the hashtag #challengeaccepted.

Soon the Bronx Zoo, Zoo Atlanta, Virginia Aquarium, Zoo Miami and the Philadelphia Zoo started battling it out by tweeting their most adorable critter pics, at which point people must have started coming back to Twitter in droves!

See Zoos Get Into Brutal #CuteAnimalTweetOff Battle, And It's Exactly What The Internet Needed here

This Cute Fat Cat Doesn't Want To Leave His Beloved Heater's Side

Housecats ain't no dummies when it comes to the ways of humankind, and they know exactly which things in their owner's house are most scratchable, most delicious and most fun to bat around.

And kitties who live in a cold area always know exactly where to go in the house when they want to get warm, which is why Ryuji Tan's cat Busao doesn't wants to leave his beloved heater's side.

You see, Ryuji and Busao live in Ibaraki Prefecture, where winters can get particularly cold, so Busao has made it his life mission to stay right next to the space heater at all times.

Ryuji shares pictures of Busao and his Akita Rin on their Facebook fan page Busaophoto and on their Instragram account @tanryug, but there's something about Busao's special relationship with the heater that warms my heart!

See more at Laughing Squid

Eyes Without - Mutant Moods

Eyes Without by Wiskow

They say mutants got no human grace because they're genetic abominations, creatures who should be exterminated before they spread their mutant seed throughout the normal population. And yet mutants like Cyclops persevere, keeping the dream of unity alive and hoping to be seen as equals by the humans they fight to protect. And yet thanks to anti-mutant propoganda people still see mutants as eyes without a face, inhuman monsters who threaten the very existence of humanity, even though this X out agenda has been proven to be nothing but lies. So why do the shadowy figures pushing this anti-mutant propoganda keep the fight going? Because they're afraid the superpowered men and women who fight to keep us all safe from the forces of evil will interfere with their dark conspiracty to control the world's finances...

Add some radical retro style to your geeky wardrobe with this Eyes Without t-shirt by Wiskow, it's a powerful way to show the world you're on the side of mutantkind and ready to fight for their right to equality!

Visit Wiskow's Facebook fan page, Tumblr and Twitter, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more retro-tastic designs:


View more designs by Wiskow | More Comic T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

My Bookshelf

My bookshelf is actually three bookshelves, one large two medium, and no matter how hard I try I can't seem to whittle my collection down to one bookshelf because I keep finding new books to fall in love with.

And since I stopped collecting comics for the most part and now collect graphic novels instead my book collection has to be trimmed down a bit every so often because I'll be damned if I'm gonna buy another bookshelf!

Although...this Incidental Comics strip by Grant Snider does remind me I have two boxes full of books that fit in to many of these categories sitting in my garage waiting to be shelved...BOOKS! *shakes fist*

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

What Would It Be Like To Live On Venus?

There's been a lot of talk about going to Mars lately, talk that includes plans for human settlements on Mars, which doesn't sound like a very good idea considering what sci-fi has taught us about off-world colonization.

But do you know what's an even worse idea? Trying to settle on Venus, where life would literally feel like hell thanks to the sulfur dioxide clouds in the sky, intense heat and ten-mile-thick toxic cloud that covers the surface.

(YouTube Link)

This animated video by Second Thought breaks down all the horrible things awaiting anyone foolish enough to move to Venus, but I think Venus might be okay if it had a theme park...Disney Venus anyone?

-Via GeekTyrant

Researchers Discover Orcas Can Imitate Human Speech

Orcas aren't holding a grudge over the whole Sea World/Blackfish thing, in fact they've been getting a bit chummier with people since whaling has gone out of style.

And according to the research team led by José Zamorano-Abramson the orcas they've been studying at Marineland in Antibes, France are now able to replicate the sound of human speech surprisingly well.

Wikie, the main orca in the study, was born in captivity and had already been taught to imitate behaviors on cue by a trainer at Marineland, but now she can deliver "recognizable copies" of words like hello, bye-bye and one, two, three:

"We are interested in the possibility that other species also have cultural processes," the study's lead author, José Zamorano-Abramson, told The New York Times.

For this study, the trainers used that motion after noises instead of actions. They started by presenting her with sounds she already knew how to make on command, like a noisy breath or a high-pitched peeping sound.

Then they introduced "novel sounds" she had never been trained to make before. Some of them were orca sounds, which Wikie would copy either from her calf, Moana, or from a recording. She might hear a squeak like a creaky door, a wolf-whistle-esque siren, or a noise like an elephant call — sounds she had never been heard to make on her own.

Then there were the human sounds: "Ah ah," "hello," "bye-bye," "Amy," "one-two" and "one-two-three."

Those were definitely new to Wikie. But she gave it a shot. She caught on to "hello" and "one-two-three" on her first attempt, although some of the others took far longer.

(YouTube Link)

Read Whale Hello: Orcas Can Imitate Human Speech, Researchers Find at NPR

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