Zeon Santos's Blog Posts

Love Is In The Air, And On These Romance-Inspired NeatoShop T-Shirts

They Love by Hillary White

Even though many people eschew the commercialized aspects of the holiday everybody has love on their mind around Valentine's Day, and with spring right around the corner romance is in the air no matter the species.

So if you're a romantic at heart, or you're looking for something cool to give a loved one, then you should check out the NeatoShop's amazing selection of geeky tees, including lots of love-themed designs you're sure to adore!

Love is something that cannot be denied

Heart Attack by Tobe Fonseca

Something that sweeps us off our feet and puts us under a spell

Uni-Bunny Loves Jackalope by Shadowind

And those who have truly fallen in love wouldn't have it any other way!

Little Plumbers by OneBluebird Art

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The Best Air-Cleaning Plants For Your House According To NASA

Houseplants not only add a splash of color and life to your home's interior space- they help purify the air in your house, cleaning pollutants and chemicals like benzene, formaldehyde and ammonia out of the air.

NASA researchers were looking for the perfect plants to help filter the air in space stations when they created A Study of Interior Landscape Plants for Indoor Air Pollution Abatement, which is very informative but a bit dry to read.

So Love The Garden created this colorful infographic complete with visual references to help us easily understand NASA's research and pick the perfect houseplants for our homes. Looks like I've got some fern shopping to do!

See full sized graphic at design you trust

Making Bread Without A Recipe

Bread at its most basic is made with flour, water, yeast and salt, and once you've made bread a few times you can easily identify the proper consistency and add more flour or water as needed.

But making bread from scratch without a recipe, and with little to no prior baking experience, sounds like a recipe for disaster, so can The Try Guys make an edible loaf of bread when left to their own devices in BuzzFeed's Tasty Kitchen?

It's like the Great American Bake-Off only with less impressive results and with way more alcohol! (NSFW Language)

(YouTube Link)

Satisfying Timelapse Of A Keyboard Slowly Melting In Acetone

Whenever my computer starts acting up on me I daydream about smashing it to bits with a hammer or setting fire to it with a torch, but since I can't afford to buy a new computer every week I let it live to piss me off another day.

So for me this Amazing Timelapse video showing a computer keyboard being dipped in acetone and slowly melting over a 70 hour period is like PC therapy, and now it's my go-to video when I feel like killing my computer!

(YouTube Link)

-Via Laughing Squid

Does Cracking Your Knuckles Give You Arthritis?

The myth that cracking your knuckles will give you arthritis is one of the most common lies told to kids by their parents, up there with "don't do that or you'll go blind" and "your face will get stuck like that".

But this myth has been busted just like the rest, and Dr. Donald Unger even spent over 60 years proving it's not true, cracking only the knuckles in his left hand to compare to the right.

So what actually happens when we crack our knuckles?:

When you make the motion to crack your knuckles—either by stretching your fingers or bending them backwards—you expand the joint. This causes the pressure between the joint  to decrease, as well as the ligaments that connect the bones and the joint capsule that holds all of it together. That depressurization causes gasses like carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and oxygen that are dissolved in the synovial fluid to form into little bubbles that rush into the empty space. As the joints settle back into place, the fluid also returns to its rightful place and pops those little bubbles, causing that recognizable cracking sound. 

The sensation of cracking your fingers feels good because the stretching of the joint also stimulates nerve endings found along the fingers; joints can’t be cracked more than once within 15 minutes to a half hour, which is about how long it takes for those gasses to dissolve back into your synovial fluid.

Dr. Unger's findings were published in a journal called Arthritis & Rheumatism back in 1998, and yet I still constantly hear parents telling their kids they'll get arthritis if they crack their knuckles. So what's it going to take for this myth to die?

-Via Mental Floss

Book Love - They May Not Be As Warm As People, But They're Way More Interesting!

Book Love by rocketman

There are three main things that make books better than people- they will never let you down because they always do their job, they'll never get in your way or hold you back, and they're usually way more interesting than most people you talk to! It's no wonder so many people have given up human contact in favor of befriending books, and the great thing about collecting books is you'll never be alone or homeless- because books speak to you with their words, and if you have enough books you can build a house out of them!

Show the world you prefer the written word to those words spoken by annoying humans with this Book Love t-shirt by Rocketman, it's antisocial in all the right ways!

Visit rocketman's Facebook fan page and Twitter, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more sweet and sassy designs:

Hot Stuff Pugbow Stop Talking I Lava You

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Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Moon Destroyer - The Cheesiest Mashup Ever!

Moon Destroyer by Jim Murrin

The Sith made great villains for a minute, but then their broody Emo schtick got a bit tiresome for audiences- so they were sent away to a silly cinematic universe full of sight gags and slapstick comedy. Darth hated this transition at first, but after a while he started to get in to his new role because he could smack down any character he wanted- even the Emperor. And as the sequels rolled on, and Vader became a slapstick comedy star, his bloodlust and desire to wage war began to wane. But then some wacky writer came up with the bright idea for a short involving Vader's star destroyer getting stuck in the moon, and all that pent up Sith anger came bubbling to the surface once again...

Give people an eyeful of funny everywhere you go with this Moon Destroyer t-shirt by Jim Murrin, it's an instant classic that's sure to make you smile every time you slip it on!

Visit Jim Murrin's Facebook fan page and official website, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more out of this world designs:

National Trifle Association Rawk Gawd! HOSER John Carpenter's Bambi

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Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Travel Tips And Hints To Make Your Life Simpler

Whether you enjoy camping, going on cruises, taking road trips or flying to far off destinations your trip will go so much smoother if you pack a few tips and tricks in your bag.

Did you bring an air mattress but totally forgot to pack the pump? Use a plastic bag to trap air and fill the mattress up manually, it will take a little bit longer but at least you won't be stuck sleeping on the floor!

And forget about packing a frying pan when you go camping, just pack some foil and use that on the campfire instead.

Tired of losing your rings when you go swimming and do outdoor activities while on vacation? Cut the rolled end off a balloon and roll it on to your finger- it will hold your ring in place and it's waterproof!

For these great tips and many, many more check out this fun video by 5-Minute Crafts and learn some cool new tricks to make travel less of a pain in the neck.

(YouTube Link)

The Contactless Fight

Have you ever gotten into a fight with someone that involved a lot of swinging and yelling but very little physical contact? You were probably quite young and inexperienced in the way of the melee, like a pawn swinging wildly for the sake of someone else's entertainment.

Pawns are forgiven for their lack of fighting skills, but when a big bad bishop steps up and attacks a pawn we expect their quadridirectional combat abilities to prevail.

But, as this Chilikto comic shows us, when a bishop slides up next to a pawn they end up looking like just another pawn in a stalemated game.

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

Custom 1967 VW Bus Inspired By The Time Machine From Back To The Future

DeLoreans were used in the Back To The Future movies for one reason- their gullwing doors, which made the time machine look way cooler than a standard car with boring old horizontal opening doors.

And while DeLoreans turned out to be pretty crappy cars the VW Bus is a classic that will be on the road now and forever more thanks to their simple yet durable engines and endless customizability.

So a Back To The Future-inspired VW Bus may not be the time machine we expected, but it's the only time machine that's truly outta time!

This custom 1967 VW Bus created by Velocity Motorcars was heavily inspired by Doc Brown's shiny time machine yet retains its classic good looks, and inside there are all kinds of fun additions to make passengers feel right at home in any time or place:

This is truly a one of a kind build paying homage to Marty McFly and Doc Brown featuring a working Flux Capacitor and accurate recreation of Doc’s time machine from the original film! The van is beautifully restored both inside and out. Rear seat passengers enjoy a beautiful screen to view movies. Driver and passenger doors are custom built gullwing style for added flair! It’s time to go “Back to the Future” and enjoy this VW Bus today!

-Via Laughing Squid

Transportation Methods Of The Future

(Image Link)

Flying cars and starships look really cool in sci-fi flicks so people can't imagine the future without these cutting edge vehicles cluttering up the airspace above our cities.

Well, if you've always wanted to see flying cars take to the skies or rocket ships used as commercial air transport then you'll be happy to hear the wait is almost over, but first check out this super spacy water taxi known as Sea Bubbles:

(YouTube Link)

Sea Bubbles made their debut on Paris' River Seine in summer of 2017 so their future is now:

Each individual Sea Bubble can hold up to five people, and can be accessed via special docks along the river. They are battery-powered, and have a 50-62 mile range at speeds of up to 20 mph. What’s particularly interesting about these vehicles is their ability to glide over the water surface, thus reducing friction with the water, and improving both its speed and range in the process. They do this by making use of two wings submerged below the water surface. When in motion, the Sea Bubble lifts up from the water, with only its two wings making contact. Because of this, the ride will be less bumpy as compared to ordinary boats, and there will be little to no waves generated. And because it is battery-powered, the Bubble is completely silent.

Now on to the fan favorite- flying cars. Uber and NASA have teamed up to make Uber Elevate, airborne taxis utilizing VTOL Vertical Take Off and Landing technology to fly people to their destinations and help with road congestion. But first some major changes to airspace management must be made:

NASA has been working on a project called Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration in the National Airspace System (UAS in the NAS) which aims to achieve just that. In a statement, Uber’s Chief Product Officer said that “Uber Elevate will be performing far more flights over cities on a daily basis than has ever been done before. Doing this safely and efficiently is going to require a foundational change in airspace-management technologies.”

(YouTube Link)

And lastly we have the possible evolution of air travel- city-to-city rockets, allowing passengers to travel to any city in the world in a flash:

One such rocket would be able to transport 100 people from New York to Shanghai at speeds of 17,000 miles per hour and in just 39 minutes. It would, thus, take most people more time commuting to work every day than it would to travel half-way around the world.

(YouTube Link)

See 10 Transportation Methods Of The Future at TopTenz

The Old Person's Guide To Hip Young Modern Lingo

Have you listened in on a conversation between a group of kids these days?

They sound like they're speaking in some sort of shorthand with all those letter clusters, shortened words and those weird sounding made up word like fleek and bae.

On fleek

A newer, hepper, sassier version of the urban phrase “on point,” which means something is as it should be. If a girl has prepared her eyebrows in an alluring and sensuous manner, her eyebrows are said to be “on fleek.”


Noun. Term of endearment variously thought to either be a truncation of “baby” or an acronym meaning “before anybody else.”

It's as if they're speaking in code to keep their conversations secret from the older folks, but now you can break the code by reading The Old Person's Guide To Hip Young Lingo- your definitive guide to AF, FOMO and HMU.


Acronym meaning “as f#%k.” Example: “Those pancakes were delicious AF.”


Acronym meaning “Fear Of Missing Out.” It has nothing to do with homosexuality, or at least I don’t think it does.

Read The Old Person's Guide To Hip Young Modern Lingo here (NSFW language)

Mushroom Princess - Something's Not Quite Right About That Plumber...

Mushroom Princess by Geekydog

When Mario's creators started working on his Super Bros series of games they originally wanted to go with a more realistic version of Mario, so they developed a version of the Bros we never got to see. In it Mario and Luigi were more like barbarians than plumbers, they rode massive dinosaur steeds that were later turned into Mario's cute dino friend Yoshi and instead of a damsel in distress Princess Peach was a fierce shield maiden sworn to seek revenge against the dragon Bowser for killing her family. This badass version of Mario sounds like it would have been pretty cool to play, but judging by this design the whole thing may be nothing but a fable told by that brat Link!

Show the world how Mario could have looked with this Mushroom Princess t-shirt by GeekyDog, it's an imaginatively alternative way to show love for your favorite video game heroes Mario, Yoshi- and Link too!

Visit Geekydog's Facebook fan page, Instagram and Twitter, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more geek-tastic designs:

Jumping Since The 90s Nerd Unjenged The Truth

View more designs by Geekydog | More Funny T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Fire Department/EMS Flag - They Save Lives At Risk To Their Own

Fire Department / EMS Flag by Dave Paranteau

Fire fighters and EMS personnel have earned our utmost respect and admiration with their very lives, and without their service people wouldn't just lose their lives- our very society would fall apart. Fires can start anywhere at any time, and despite advanced fire fighting technology they still have a hard time keeping fires from spreading out of control, so without firefighters one house fire would lead to entire neighborhoods being destroyed. And without emergency medical services people would die where they fall when their lives could have otherwise been saved by paramedics who often bring them back from death's door before they even make it to the hospital. So thank you for your service fire fighters and EMS pros, we appreciate you!

Wear your support for the people who save our lives for a living with this Fire Department/EMS Flag t-shirt by Dave Paranteau, it's a refreshingly un-political way to say "we appreciate all you do for us!"

Visit Dave Paranteau's official website, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more life saving designs:

Fire/EMS Maltese Cross USA! Anbody But New England - White Sweet Jimmy Beverages

View more designs by Dave Paranteau | More Artistic T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Hilarious Drug Ad For Adults Suffering From PAR*ENT*ING

Parents are always looking for some rest and relief from their busy and stressful lives, so they head out to happy hour after work or send the kids off for a night or two on the weekend so they can relax and decompress.

However, some parents can't handle the pressures of parental life without a little help from prescription drugs like Xanax, Ambien or Hydrocodone, but what they really need is to get high on life by taking some AphukenbrakE.

And once parents everywhere see this ad by The Dad they'll get hooked on that AphukenbrakE feeling too! (NSFW audio)

(YouTube Link)

-Via Laughing Squid

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