Zeon Santos's Blog Posts

Lord Of The Stars - God Bless Him And His Awesome Mix

Lord of the Stars by Creative Outpouring

The varied and numorous citizens of the galaxy don't know anything about God or Jesus or Mother Mary of Earth, nor do most of them understand the idea of sainthood or how some guy with mystical powers could be the savior of an entire planet. But then they met the one who calls himself Star-Lord and his group of guardians and realized that saints are essentially superheroes- and Star-Lord is truly worthy of sainthood. He's not the vow of silence type, nor is he too humble to sing his own praises, but Saint Peter of the Quill is a holy terror when it comes to handing the bad guys their asses!

Bless your wardrobe with a geeky masterpiece by bringing home this Lord Of The Stars t-shirt by Creative Outpouring, it'll make people say "holy hell that's a funny shirt!" wherever you go.

Visit Creative Outpouring's Facebook fan page, official website, Instagram and Twitter, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more glowingly geeky designs:

Doctor Rockwell The Magic Catbus I Love You Where the Wild Monsters Are

View more designs by Creative Outpouring | More Movie T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Pugtrooper - No Wonder They Can Never Seem To Hit Anything With Their Blasters!

Pugtrooper by Kellabell9

Viewers always feel like booing and hissing at the screen when the Imperial stormtroopers come marching in waging war and killing innocent people, but would we feel this way if their shiny white suits were full of pugs? If any dog could get away with blowing up a planet with a death star and still look like the cutest, sweetest pooch in the galaxy it's the pug, and if the Sith Lord Vader himself took his helmet off revealing a pug's face underneath we'd all go "awww, look at how cute that little doggy Darth is!" instead of cringing in horror.

Show the world why pugs are always the star of the dog world with this Pugtrooper t-shirt by Kellabell9, it's the funniest design in the galaxy and an adorable force for good!

Visit Kellabell9's Facebook fan page, official website, Instagram and Twitter, then head on over to her NeatoShop for more doggone good designs:

Mad Scientist Kaylee Kawaii Savage Squatchin You

View more designs by Kellabell9 | More Funny T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Bizarre Love - Nothing Drives People Batty Like Forbidden Romance

Bizarre Love by Butcher Billy

You can't blame Harley for having a fickle heart, because even though she truly loves Mister J he treats her so poorly it's only natural for her to go looking for comfort in the arms of someone who treats her with love and respect. But of all the people to fall in love with crushing on the Bat seems like the craziest move Harley could make! Of course, Harley is known for her maddeningly madcap nature, and ol' Batsy is one hell of a sexy man, but it's more likely Harley is hooking up with him just so she can get under the Joker's skin...

Show the world how crazy superhuman love can be with this Bizarre Love t-shirt by Butcher Billy, it's the perfect blend of comic book cool, red hot romance and dark clowny intrigue.

Visit Butcher Billy's Facebook fan page, official website and Twitter, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more crazy cool designs:

Rock Spirited Hello Eye of the Tiger, Man Do U Feel Emoji, Punk?

View more designs by Butcher Billy | More Comic T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

The Samurai Slasher - When The Thirteenth Hour Strikes Blood Will Rain Down On Us All

The Samurai Slasher by Vincent Trinidad

Samurai who were dishonored and became ronin usually spent their time in exile roaming around the countryside looking for purpose and redemption, but the oddly-named samurai Jason stuck around the lake of crystal like his life depended on it. He also let his dishonorable discharge twist him up inside, becoming a psychotic slasher who no longer valued human life and who protected the lake of crystal as if it were his own personal kingdom of death....

Add a feudal Japanese twist to your horror tee collection with this The Samurai Slasher t-shirt by Vincent Trinidad, it's a cut above the rest of the geeky mashup tees out there and it'll make your fellow horror fans scream with delight!

Visit Vincent Trinidad's Facebook fan page, official website and Instagram, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more bloody good designs:

Love at Beer Sight Corginator Soulmates Mega and Rush

View more designs by Vincent Trinidad | More Horror T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Great Cataclysm - Hyrule History Comes Alive!

Great Cataclysm by Adam Works

Hyrule has dealt with many tragic events and evil villains in its time, but the worst by far was the awful incident with the equally awful name- the Great Cataclysm caused by Ganondorf. The Great Cataclysm was triggered when that jerk Ganondorf entered the Sacred Realm and snatched the Triforce, and if it weren't for the small but legendary hero Link the land of Hyrule would still be dealing with the chaos and destruction unleashed by Ganondorf's evil act. And you thought ocarinas were only good for playing sweet little songs!

Wear your love of video game history on your chest with this Great Cataclysm t-shirt by Adam Works, featuring a fantastic looking design that'll blow your fellow gamers' minds!

Visit Adam Works's Facebook fan page, official website and Twitter, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more awesomely adventurous designs:

Infinite Power Salmonids Greetings from Hyrule Handheld Legacy

View more designs by Adam Works | More Video Game T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Vintage Photos Capture The Fabulous London Streetstyle In The 1960s

London was a city full of clashing cultures in the 1960s, with the Mods, Swingers and Hippies facing off against the squares and the staunchly aristocratic Brits who wanted to keep England properly uptight.

This clash often spilled out onto the streets of Piccadilly Circus and Soho, where the swinging scene was all "yeah, baby, yeah!" while the button down Brits muttered "oh no" to themselves and scowled at all the freaks.

But then Twiggy came along and put London fashion on the map, forcing the button down Brits to admit the new subculture-inspired modern fashions could be quite pleasing to the eye.

In the end diversity made London a better place, and even though they hated to admit it uptight Brits actually learned a thing or two from the Swingers about loosening up, having fun and not taking themselves too seriously.

See Beautiful Photos Of Fabulous London Streetstyle In The 1960s at Vintage Everyday

Leia & Jasmine - Rebel Princesses Have The Power To Topple Empires

Leia & Jasmine by Nicole Graham Art

Everybody knows Jabba is a jerk, but it turns out he's a bigger jerk than anybody thought because he helped orchestrate the merger between the big D and the one they call Lucas- all so he could add more slave princesses to his harem. But it turns out the joke is on Jabba, because all of the princesses who come from the land of D are tough, fearless and most of them have already taken on foes way bigger and badder than that slimeball Hutt. So now instead of a small struggle against Leia Organa the Hutt is about to go to war against a dozen or so proud and powerful cartoon princesses led by Leia- and they're gonna turn Jabba into space slug stew!

Show the world the unexpected consequences of bringing stars from pop culture galaxies together with this Leia & Jasmine t-shirt by Nicole Graham Art, featuring a geeky scene sure to make your fellow fans cheer with delight!

Visit Nicole Graham Art's Facebook fan page, Instagram, Tumblr and Twitter, then head on over to her NeatoShop for more fierce and fabulous designs:

Beauty and the Beast; Live Action Jasmine & Nala The Wolf Among Us

Briar Rose & Snow White

View more designs by Nicole Graham Art | More Cartoon T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Crabby Day

Kids love to check out all the cute little crabs when they go to the beach, but you'd better keep a close eye on your little ones when you're at the shore- or else they may learn crabs are clawful jerks the hard way!

That being said, it is fun to see their wheels turning as they watch those strange little sea creatures scuttle around, and I'd give anything to know what kids are thinking about when they see a crab for the first time.

(YouTube Link)

Crabby Day is a super animated short by Sara Ho that captures the imaginative fun kids have when they hit the shore, but it also teaches parents a good lesson- keep an eye on your kids or their imagination may get them into trouble!

Solving The Labyrinth

If the movie Labyrinth had taken place in the 21st century then Sarah would have had all the help she needs to find her baby brother right in her pocket- because her smartphone would have made the job fun and easy.

That's assuming, of course, that Sarah's smartphone could connect to a network in the Goblin Kingdom, and that her phone was fully charged and the GPS app updated before she headed in after baby Toby... never mind, she did just fine without a smartphone! 

I love Adam Ellis and the comics he creates, and if you do to give him a follow on Instagram and Facebook and consider donating to his artistic lifestyle on Patreon!

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

Magician Has All Of His Secrets Revealed By His Grumpy Assistant

People always joke about magicians having no friends, which according to Davids Blaine and Copperfield isn't true at all, but maybe some magicians purposely avoid making friends so their friends don't reveal the secrets behind their tricks.

(YouTube Link)

The magician in this video is Chinese internet star A Gan, and for some reason he doesn't mind bringing his assistant/buddy along with him everywhere he goes even though his friend keeps revealing all of his secrets.

They're like a vaudeville duo for the 21st century combined with a primer on how many basic magic tricks actually work, and despite his deadpan demeanor A Gan's friend brings a fun energy to these videos that would be otherwise absent. Plus he's keeping A Gan humble!

(YouTube Link)

-Via Daily Mail

Lazy Bulldog Enjoys A Half Body Massage From A Roomba

Bulldogs are the laziest of all dogs, and they'd rather spend their lives laying around snoring and drooling than running around chasing critters and balls like their canine cousins.

But Bosco the English bulldog takes laziness to a whole new low, low energy that is, and he is such a sleepy pooch he doesn't even lift an eyelid when the Roomba starts "attacking" him for getting in the way of its cleaning.

In fact, Bosco seems to think of the Roomba as his own personal robo-massager!

(YouTube Link)

-Via Laughing Squid

Iron Will - He Was One Hulking Mass Of A Man

Iron Will by OneBluebird Art

Before there was an Incredible Hulk there was the Iron Will, the green-skinned behemoth who helped build railroads across North America. Iron Will was a hero with a wicked temper, and as much as the railroad companies liked having his help when laying down the tracks they hated dealing with him after hours. So they hired a young inventor named Stark who had created a steam powered suit of armor to help keep Will in line. Stark was a cocky little dandy with a wax moustache, but he claimed his armor would give him the power to bust the strongest bronco and tame even the most ferocious beasts, including a raging Hulk of a man...

Add some old school tattoo cool to your geeky wardrobe with this Iron Will t-shirt by OneBluebird Art, featuring an eye-catching design that'll make you a fashion hero to all of your friends!

Visit OneBluebird Art's Facebook fan page, official website, Twitter and Tumblr, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more mighty cool designs:

Ohhh Mamma Mia! Little Plumbers Falcon Dress shirts and Blasters Little Hellions

View more designs by OneBluebird Art | More Comic T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

What Happens When Graphic Designers Do Everything The Client Requests

Designers don't have to deal with the same problems regular 9 to 5 workers deal with every day, since they're typically in business for themselves, set their own schedule and don't have to deal with a boss or manager.

Ironically the worst thing about working as an independent designer is dealing with the clients, aka the people who pay for your work and therefore think they can tie you up on one project for as long as they want.

Clients never seem to know what they want when they hire you, yet they see every little thing wrong with every proof piece you show them and offer the most ridiculous edits, which you have to interpret- or you end up with this:

Nissin Cup Noodles shared these ridiculous images on Twitter that show what happens when a designer makes every little change a client requests, but they didn't stop with the already bad looking image above.

They took the edits one step further and ended up with this cringeworthy eyesore:

-Via design you trust

The World's Oldest Restaurant Has Had The Same Flame Burning In Its Oven For Nearly 300 Years

Everything is older in Europe, from the roads to the buildings to the culture, but only one restaurant in Europe has the honor of being the oldest restaurant in the world- Restaurante Sobrino de Botín in Madrid, Spain.

Restaurante Sobrino de Botín has been serving up great food to hungry customers since 1725, their cellar dates back to 1590 and the Spanish painter Francisco Goya is said to have worked there as an adolescent back in 1765.

But even more impressive than Restaurante Sobrino de Botín staying open for nearly three centuries- the flame in their oven has been burning for 293 years.

(YouTube Link)

Great Big Story was given a tour of the world's oldest restaurant by the restaurant's manager Luis Javier Sànchez Alvarez, who has embraced the restaurant's history and hopes he and his family can help keep the doors open for centuries to come.

-Via Laughing Squid

Nobody Nose Cleopatra

Cleopatra is said to have been one of the most seductive and beautiful women who ever lived, but there was one part of her body which she was never happy with- her nose.

If they had nose jobs in ancient Egypt Cleopatra would have gotten one, and if a suitor looked at her schnoz for too long it would shake her confidence something fierce.

So Queen Cleopatra always made sure her royal portrait artists made her nose look acceptably normal in their paintings- or else.

(YouTube Link)

Nobody Nose Cleopatra was created by students from ISART DIGITAL, the Video Game and Animation/VFX School, that shows us a funny side of Queen Cleopatra we never knew about!

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