Zeon Santos's Blog Posts

Pixel Art Game Scenes Based On Popular Movies And TV Shows

It's funny how much cooler scenes from movies and TV shows look when we picture them in our minds, because our imagination and memory fill in the blanks and put characters together even if they don't appear in the scene.

We typically picture these scenes as a wide or full shot showing the entire surroundings and every character rather than the series of cut-together shots we actually saw on the screen.

So when you picture a scene from Seinfeld, The Empire Strikes Back or The Walking Dead you probably picture something like these video game-inspired pixel art scenes created by Argentinian artist Gustavo Viselner, only less pixelated and without subtitles.

Gustavo's awesome pixel art renditions capture the mood without bogging our eyes down with all that fine detail, and they're so retro fresh I wanna see more pop culture scenes through Gustavo's eyes!

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Dance Moves For Shy People

Lots of people are shy about their dancing skills, so if you're hesitant to break out your patented brand of footloose fun in front of strangers then you're not alone. In fact, the only reason so many people go out on the dance floor at nightclubs, parties and weddings is because they've been drinking.

As you can see in this Poorly Drawn Lines comic alcohol is the key to unlocking your body's natural boogie potential, but beware of the dehydration caused by drunken dancing- or else you'll be stuck doing the Robot.

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

Every Reason Bruce Banner Hulks Out On The Classic The Incredible Hulk TV Series

There's a big difference between the Hulk in the Marvel movies and the one from the classic TV show The Incredible Hulk, and that difference is Lou Ferrigno- the mighty man who portrayed Bruce's angry green alter ego.

Lou Ferrigno really brought the Hulk's rage to life, and he made the scenes where Bruce Banner Hulks out exciting to watch, as viewers sat wondering what he was going to smash next.

But before Bruce could turn into the Hulk he had to be provoked into having a full-blown Hulk Attack, and the reasons Bruce Hulked out were often pretty ridiculous:

  • Receiving a lethal injection, and then having the person say, “Oh. I just gave you a lethal injection. Sorry, David.”
  • Wandering around in the service ducts of a hotel (predating Bruce Willis) only to accidentally yank several of the pipes loose and get a full blast of hot steam
  • Being tied up and fed soup by an elderly Japanese woman who doesn’t
    understand words like “You’ve GOT to cut me loose!”
  • Being thrown under a New Orleans Mardi Gras parade float by a mean guy in a gorilla suit who gives David a few kicks for good measure
  • Receiving a speeding ticket
  • Wandering around inside a carnival funhouse, only to have someone turn on the machinery so that David is somehow caught in a rolling tumbler and flipped over a few times and then thrown down a convenient slide

Producer and creator of The Incredible Hulk, Kenneth Johnson, compiled a list of all 131 reasons Banner Hulks out in the series and posted it to his blog under the title Incredible HULK Provocations or "Ways To Make Dr. David Banner Angry". Here are a few more that made me laugh:

107.  Tied up by the Japanese mob in San Francisco and thrown in his bathtub with the shower blasting scalding hot water on him (why he doesn't simply get out of the tub is a mystery)

92.  Being trapped in the middle of a forest fire so that burning branches keep falling on him and setting him on fire, and a giant, burning tree falls directly on him as the last straw (Different from last forest fire predicament)

56.  Somehow getting himself into a bellfry and then realizing that a bell is there, just as it strikes the hour

47.  Being stuck in a cab in New York rush hour traffic - "You don't understand, I have to be there by 4:00!" - "Hey, mac, it's rush hour, we ain't gettin' there til five, so relax." - "BUT I HAVE TO BE THERE BY FOUR!!!"

52.  Locked in a drunk tank with a crazy person who insists he is Ernest Hemingway and then beats the stuffing out of David

-Via io9

The Chinese Zodiac Explained

The Chinese New Year fell on February 16th this year, which means it's officially the Year Of The Dog and a good year for wearing purple and smelling the roses but a bad year for those born on a Dog year.

Over a quarter of the world's population celebrate the Lunar New Year and follow the Chinese Zodiac, but the rest don't understand why all those animal signs are such a big deal, which technologist ShaoLan Hseuh thinks is a shame.

So she gave an educational and fun TED talk explaining how the Chinese Zodiac works, including "how it's believed to influence your personality, career, marriage prospects and how you'll do in a given year."

(YouTube Link)

Husband Writes Passive Aggressive Note To Wife About Her Bathroom Habits

Discussing "the bathroom situation" is usually enough to resolve it before it gets out of hand, and if the one causing the situation needs a little push then their partner should work with them to get them on track.

But you should never ever leave a letter like Rosie's husband did because it makes you look spineless and you may not like the nasty letter you receive in return.

Rosie's husband left the wonderful letter "RE: The Bathroom" on the bathroom mirror for his wife to find, and it started off nice enough:

‘Babe can you remember 20 days ago, you said, ‘babe, I know my bathroom habits really piss you off, but I am gong to change this year I promise!’ Unfortunately, not much has changed.

‘In fact, it’s worse, to the point that I now suffer from Bathroom Surprise Anxiety.

But then Rosie's dear old hubbie went off, which is an understatement considering he got anal about covering all the bases, from the drawers to the toothpaste to the towels to the trash bin:

‘You have 4 drawers and I have 1. Do you have some sort of drawer FOMO that incites you to invade my only drawer area? Granted I do have the top drawer vanity – and this is so I don’t have to bend down as far to get MY things: remember I am 6ft effing 6, compared to your 5ft 7, and I have 2 titanium hips, so bending isn’t my strong point.’

‘The toothpaste: how effing hard is it to put the lid back on the tube so that the next person (i.e. me) comes along to use it and it’s not dry and congealed like roadkill. Do we need his and hers toothpaste?? If I didn’t love you quite as much I may be tempted to sabotage the toothpaste with some foreign matter (use your imagination) to teach you a lesson.

He wrote: ‘Bath towels: they belong on hooks not on the floor! For your well-educated benefit, the Oxford Concise dictionary defines HOOK as the device that protrudes from the wall for you to hang things on.’

‘Bathroom bin: tell me honestly, do you believe in some sort of bathroom bin fairy? We have been together 8 years = 416 weeks, with the bin emptied once a week by me = 416 by me and donuts, zero, Roy Orbinson by you – any chance babe?”

Read more at Metro

Darth Banksy - Sci-Fi Street Art By A Sith Master

Darth Banksy by Dr Simon Butler

After faking his own death and going into hiding the dark Sith lord they call Darth started to feel like his life lacked purpose, and since he had a chip on his shoulder as big as a Star Destroyer he decided to rebel against the Empire in his own way- by becoming a street artist. His force powers made it easy to tag and slap up posters wherever he wanted without getting caught, so he started hitting the sides of Imperial vehicles and on the backs of oblivious stormtroopers, Darth's equivalent of a "kick me" sign. This naturally pissed off the Sith powers that be, and soon Darth had a bounty on his head that made Fett foam at the mouth, but one of the perks of being a badass fighter with force powers is nobody wants to mess with you even when they catch you red handed!

Paint the town red while wearing this Darth Banksy t-shirt by Dr. Simon Butler and you'll be declaring your independence from the dark forces of boring fashion.

Visit Dr Simon Butler's Facebook fan page and Twitter, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more rebelliously geeky designs:

Rebellious Streak Call It A Draw Super rebellion Bros Plumbus Instructions

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Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

The Bagheads Get Trashed

I used to trip out on how cool the Unknown Comic looked when he came out on The Gong Show and did his stand up while wearing a paper bag over his head.

It was avant-garde performance art, it was edgy in a "he might be in the witness protection program" kinda way and it made me want to become a Baghead.

But after watching this animated short created by D.R. Beitzel for Cartoon Hangover called "The Bagheads: Get Trashed" I'm starting to think the Unknown Comic's bag was actually a mask of shame.

(YouTube Link)

70 People Reveal Their Country's Most Popular Stereotypes And Clichés

People have always and will always stereotype other people, hell we even stereotype animals, inanimate objects and entire religions so why wouldn't they stereotype other humans, right?

Attempting to characterize millions of people seems a bit strange, but sterotyping an entire country is bonkers- because a country's population is almost always made up of people from different regions who come together under one flag.

Is Romania really full of vampires? Are all Swedes tall, drunk Vikings? Does every Haitian know Voodoo? Does the Pope crap in the woods? Wait, don't answer that...

(YouTube Link)

In this episode from the Many People From Many Countries Say Things by Condé Nast Traveler we meet 70 people who reveal the most prevalent stereotypes about their respective countries, most of which are truly laughable.

-Via Tastefully Offensive

Quirky Photo Series Of Models Wearing All Of Their Clothes At Once

(All photos via Libby Oliver/CHEW ON THIS ART)

It's natural to assume fashion models own a lot of clothes, especially when you consider many of the designers and brands they pose for give them a ton of free clothes after the shoot.

But how many articles of clothing is considered too many? I guess that's a subjective question that can only be answered by seeing all the clothes a person owns heaped up in one big pile.

Or better yet do like Canadian artist and photographer Libby Oliver did for her series "Soft Shells" and make the models wear all the clothes they own at once, so you can really get a sense of how much is too much.

Libby's photos were recently exhibited at the arc.hive gallery in Vancouver, and now she's selling the Soft Shells Fashion Magazine through her Instagram page, for people who dig these spooky living style totems as much as I do.

A post shared by Libby Oliver (@chewonthisart) on Jan 21, 2018 at 11:08am PST

-Via Laughing Squid

Interview With The Vampire

According to the myths and movies vampires cast no reflection in mirrors because they have no soul, making it easy to identify any bloodsuckers hanging around your house.

But this part of the vampire myth has always made me wonder- do vampires see a reflection when they look in the mirror, or do they see an empty frame like normal humans do?

That sucks for them if they can't see their reflection in the mirror because, as this Random Crab comic shows, vampires are hardcore pranksters so mirrors probably factor into a lot of their pranks.

Maybe that's why so many vampires carry parrots around on their shoulders...

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

Go Forth And Conquer The Day With These Mighty Geeky NeatoShop T-Shirts

Pegacorn by Hillary White

Confidence is a state of mind, which is why all of the pop culture heroes we love exude confidence- because they're fictional people, so if their writers say they're badass heroes brimming with confidence then that's what they are.

In the real world confidence isn't so easily acquired, but a heroic wardrobe will make you feel more confident because if you look good you'll feel good, and no geeky shirt looks as good as a NeatoShop shirt- because our print quality is legendary!

Pop culture heroes show us that nerds are actually really cool

New Jersey Mallrats by Nemons

And they give goofballs enough confidence to let their freak flag fly

Spin Your Tales by RexelRetro

But overall they show us that bravery is the most heroic attribute of all

The Captain by Captain Sunshine

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Classic Pop Culture Romances That Were Doomed After Credits Rolled

When Valentine's Day rolls around our minds turn to thoughts of romance, and before you know it spring has arrived and love is everywhere you look, from the birds to the bees to the stray dogs in the streets.

Real life romances can go on for decades, but in the fictional worlds of movies and TV shows our favorite characters are often involved in romances that are doomed to end really badly, after the credits have rolled of course.

Thinking about the tragic fate that awaits our favorite pop culture characters may make you feel a bit blue, but don't let their doomed love get you down- let it remind you how good you've had it with your loved ones.

After all, you get to snuggle up in front of the fireplace with your loved ones- instead of hanging out on the wall above it!

See 20 Classic Romances That Were Doomed After Credits Rolled here

Artist Reimagines Maps Of The UK's National Parks In J.R.R. Tolkien's Style

The maps of Middle-Earth J.R.R. Tolkien created for The Hobbit and The Lord Of The Rings are among the first examples of a fantasy author creating original maps to go along with their novels.

These iconic maps are elegantly simple, with just enough so the reader's imagination can fill in the rest and beautiful hand-drawn lettering that has become an intrinsic part of the world of Tolkien. 

Since Tolkien is an intrinsic part of UK history illustrator Dan Bell found a natural connection between Tolkien's maps and the map of the UK's national parks, so he is reimagining the UK parks maps in Tolkien's style:

To start his maps, Bell says that he works from an open source Ordnance Survey map, and begins drawing by hand. “I try to emulate his typeface as closely as possible, but have modified his mountains in an effort to develop a little bit of my own style.” He adds in additional details, such as forests, Hobbit holes, towers, and castles.

Presently, Bell has adapted a handful of the UK’s national parks, as well as places like Oxford, London, Yellowstone National Park, and George R.R. Martin’s Westeros, and has begun offering them for sale on his site. Once he’s done with England’s parks, he says that he’ll move on to converting the national parks of Wales, Scotland, and eventually, more of the US’s parks.

-Via The Verge

Fight With Style - He Brings The Boom

Fight with style by ddjvigo

Guile is a noun in more than one way- it's a word meaning cunning intelligence and it's the name of a flat-topped street fighter who represents the good ol' U S of A. When guile is used in a fight a guy Guile's size can take down a bison or a mountain of a man like Sagat, but can we call doing a mid-air flip kick or throwing a sonic boom using guile? It's more like good ol' American ingenuity, and with his moves and his might Guile almost makes that flattop haircut look cool! Almost...

Show the world that Guile is your homeboy with this Fight With Style t-shirt by Ddjvigo, wearing it is a great way to meet your fellow Street Fighter fans and plan a tournament!

Visit ddjvigo's NeatoShop for more mighty cool designs:

Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There. I can... but I won’t Red Sun Princess Dragon Hunting

View more designs by ddjvigo | More Video Game T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Monster Family Photo - Smile And Say "Scream Cheese!"

Monster Family Photo by Sombras Blancas Art & Design

Monsters have been villified for so long that people still aren't willing to accept the fact that they're just like us, so seeing a bunch of happy monsters posing for a family photo may seem a bit jarring at first. But once you realize monsters aren't all bad, they can be happy and have families that they love, perhaps you'll think twice about calling in the monster slayers to blow them all away like a bunch of savages. After all, how can we call them monsters when humans are so quick to kill each other, and any other form of life on the planet?

Show people the creatures that lurk in the night need love too with this Monster Family Photo t-shirt by Sombras Blancas Art & Design, it's sure to make people scream with delight!

Visit Sombras Blancas Art & Design's Facebook fan page, official website, Twitter and Tumblr, then head on over to her NeatoShop for more fun-tastic designs:

Pixel Milkshake Book Landscape Pixel Fries Unicorn Cookie

View more designs by Sombras Blancas Art & Design | More Funny T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

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