The characters in Tim Burton's animated features aren't meant to look like real people because their proportions are based on comic characters not humans.
If they were real people then their necks would snap under the weight of their big heads and their brains would explode from all the information being delivered by those giant eyes.
Which is why it's hard to make real people look like characters from a Tim Burton movie, but as these makeup tutorials by YouTubers goldiestarling and NsomniaksDream show it's not impossible to achieve that dark and toony look- and the end results are horrifyingly good!
When Elsa stopped being a cold-hearted villain and changed her wicked ways she promised her sister Anna that she would become a chilly force for good, dropping the brooding bad girl act to become a hero.
And it appears Elsa has kept her promise to Anna and is continuing to help us mere mortals whenever she can, making an appearance in Boston during a blizzard.
Okay, that's obviously not the real Elsa from Frozen, it's actually 37-year-old attorney Jason Triplett out enjoying the snowfall in his Elsa costume.
Jason thought it would be entertaining to head out into the snow dressed as Elsa and film the fun, but Jason soon found himself proving he's a cosplay hero when a police wagon became stuck in a snowdrift.
Elsa, I mean Jason, helped push the police vehicle free of the snow, and thankfully the whole thing was caught on video by bystander Christopher Haynes:
A drag queen dressed as Elsa just single-handedly freed a stuck police wagon from a blizzard in the middle of March. If that sentence doesn't perfectly encapsulate the spirit of Boston, I don't know what does.
When people say they've been living out of their car they usually just mean they've been spending way too much time on the road, because without the basics like a stove, a fridge and running water one can't truly live in their car.
But the guy behind the YouTube channel Kiwi EV Adventures really wanted to figure out how he could live out of his tiny electric car, so he could take full advantage of camping season.
So he installed a functional kitchen in the back, complete with cabinets, a stove, refrigerator and a sink with running water, all of which can be easily removed from the car as needed.
When Iron Maiden first started out they used a papier-mâché prop that would spew fake blood from its mouth on stage to give their performances some theatrical flair, a prop that would become the mighty metal icon Eddie.
Well, that's not exactly true since the original prop was just a ghostly mask that looked nothing like Eddie. But the prop was a solid concept that would become an integral part of Iron Maiden's stage show after a chance meeting with the man who would give life to Eddie, artist Derek Riggs.
Riggs created the character Eddie and served as the band's sole cover artist from their first self-titled album in 1980 until the 1992 release Fear Of The Dark, and as the character grew so did his presence on stage.
Now fans can't imagine an Iron Maiden stage show without Eddie sharing the stage with the band, and in the last 38 years Eddie has gone from a novel idea to the grim face of heavy metal.
Black panthers are one of the most radical animals on the planet, which is why the nation of Wakanda chose the magnificent animal as their official mascot and symbol of power, well, that and the fact that the Wakandan Panther God Bast grants the chieftain of the tribe superhuman powers. In fact, these powers make the chieftain even more powerful than a black panther, so maybe the panthers should start idolizing the Wakandans instead!
Add some raw animal energy to your geeky wardrobe with this Rad Panther t-shirt by Vincent Trinidad, featuring a fierce design sure to make your fellow fans growl with glee!
Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!
People tend to invite other people to their parties, and they hang around with their fellow humans talking about boring stuff like their jobs, their finances and their families. But if people could stop being so human-centric and start inviting cats to their parties they would see how fun a party can be! There ain't no party like a neko party because a neko party goes on all night long, and when you invite celebrity cats like Jibanyan, Meowth and Vash's buddy Kuro-Neko to your party things can get really rowdy really fast- especially if video games are involved!
Add some cat-tastic color to your geeky wardrobe with this Neko Party t-shirt by Adam Works, it's a cool way to show some love for all of your favorite anime cats!
Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!
The world is full of weirdos, including those who walk around all day talking to themselves out loud, but the weirdiest weirdos of them all are those who chat with their hair all day.
These loony lock lovers are so convinced the protein strands sitting on top of their heads are actually a sentient entity that they treat their hair like their best friend- leaving the position closed for all humans.
But, as you'll see in the animated short Farkels created by Greg Kletsel, Dessarae Bassil and Valerie Lockhart, it's probably best if sentient beings of all shapes, sizes and species minimize contact with those lock-lovin' loons!
Darth Vader is about as pale as they come, and as much as he enjoyed sunning himself when he went by Anakin Skywalker, he gave up on being tan, tone and sexy when he was forced to wear a breathing thingy to stay alive.
Still, you'd think they'd have figured out some sort of force power that allowed him to get some sun without getting burned.
But as this Is It Canon comic shows, the problem may have more to do with cleanliness than UV rays. Who knew Darth was such a clean freak?
Naming NPCs is one of the banes of my existence as a DM (or GM if you prefer the more generic and broadly encompassing title), and try as I might to come up with new names I often fall back on old standards.
If the guy or gal is a rogue-like character then the words sneaky, stabby, cutter, shadow or fingers tend to find their way into their name somewhere, and rangers are almost always named Roger, Dan or Dana for some reason.
And, as this Electric Bunny comic shows, when all else fails you should just name them after the first thing you see. My personal favorites- Mr. Coffee and Senor Stinkbottom (my dog's nickname).
The Last Jedi wasn't a particularly funny movie, but it did have plenty of moments that would have made audiences laugh had they seen it through a silly filter like that applied by cartoonist Rachel J. Pierce.
Now the serious Star Wars fans would have found all the silly humor disturbing, but something tells me nobody would have objected to the jokes aimed at that Emo Sith Kylo Ren!
The song of the laughing kookaburra is one of the most distinctive bird songs in nature, and it's one of the standard sound effects used whenever footage of the Australian bush is shown on film.
That signature kookaburra sound is so unique and such a rich, full-bodied sound that it even sounds cool when it's played in slow motion, as demonstrated in this video of Dacelo the kookaburra shot by his human Connor Margetts.
It's not uncommon for people with mental disorders like paranoia, schizophrenia and mania to feel like they're being watched at all times, but believing cameras are constantly recording your life so it can be televised is a rare disorder indeed.
Psychologists call it the Truman Show delusion for obvious reasons, but when the delusional person was Olympic sailor Kevin Hall, who has actually been on TV quite a few times over the years, psychologists have their work cut out for them:
Kevin’s case posed a new dimension for the doctors: What were they to do when the patient actually had been on television, written about extensively, and competed at an international sporting event that many treat like the most important thing in the world? In fact, Kevin was the first case the doctors had ever encountered of a quasi-public figure with “Truman Show” delusion. Dr. Gold was not Kevin’s official psychiatrist, but he and Kevin developed a friendship, mutually fascinated and informed by each other’s experiences from opposing sides of the proverbial couch.
When emailing back and forth, Kevin and Dr. Joel Gold got on the topic of their educational backgrounds. It turned out that not only was Dr. Gold a fellow Brown University alum, but he had graduated in Kevin’s year, and in revisiting the cartography of their dorm room assignments, the two realized that they had lived close to each other for years.
Kevin had to tell himself this couldn’t be the work of the Director, but rather just an uncanny coincidence.
Kevin Hall was a champion sailor until the fateful day when his ship the Artemis crashed during a race, resulting in the death of his teammate Andrew "Bart" Simpson.
And even though he'd been living with the disorder for years this traumatic event brought his Truman Show delusion to the surface, making him wonder whether that career-ending crash had actually happened at all:
As Kevin Hall stood onboard the Artemis, a 72-foot catamaran, trying to help his teammates dredge Andrew Simpson’s body out of the water, he wasn’t entirely sure if the scene unfolding before him was really happening or not.
Months of preparation and millions of dollars had gone into the design of the Artemis, a vessel that had stunned other sailors with its foils and gadgets and that had seemed almost to fly over the water. Kevin suddenly felt lost. What had happened? Who, if anyone, was to blame? And why had Simpson, of all the sailors on the boat, been the one to die?
Kevin thought about all this and more as the emergency workers took Simpson’s body away and everyone went home. In the days that followed, part of him wanted to talk to his teammates about what had happened, but part of him dared not. Because, if he was honest, he still wasn’t entirely sure that the crash and Simpson’s death had really happened. It seemed too horrifying to be real. And for a few moments, there had been that flash.
The Director. Cameras. Actors. Scripts.
Kevin wondered: Had it all just been part of The Show?
When eight horror movie slashers find themselves without a movie deal or a home they come together like never before- in prime time! One day Freddy came upon the house of his dreams and as luck would have it the place was empty. It had been the site of a double homicide but Freddy really didn't mind- and it even had a large tool shed out back for his buddies Jason and Leatherface to live in. Freddy got a phone call from Ghostface and told him to sheath his knife and move on in, which the It clown heard through the toilet and got totally jealous about. But in the end they all moved in, with little Chucky occupying a dresser drawer in Freddy's room, and that's how they became the Psycho Bunch!
Add eight slashers to your wardrobe for the price of one with this THE PSYCHO BUNCH t-shirt by Skullpy, it's a full house of horror fun!
Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!
There are so many bizarre video games out there that the top ten lists kinda just make themselves, and strange games are constantly being made so these top ten lists will keep rolling out FOREVER.
In this video by WatchMojo we see Octodad-a game about an octopus pretending to be a human dad, Bad Mojo- a game where you play a guy who was turned into a cockroach, and the weirdest game of all I Am Bread, where you play a slice of bread. 'Nuff said!
Firearms are understandably a hot button issue in America these days, and while everyone is shooting their mouths off about guns the guns themselves are sitting around waiting to kill again.
Oh wait, I had that backwards, the saying goes "guns don't kill people, people kill people". And yet this saying gets us no closer to figuring out what to do about guns, so maybe this animated short by ItsAlexClark will solve the entire problem and squash the debate forever! *wink*