Zeon Santos's Blog Posts

When You Don't See A Movie That Everyone Is Talking About

Some movies are such a big deal that people can't stop talking about them, making those who haven't seen it yet feel totally left out of the loop- and lost in every related conversation.

This cinematic mania makes some people want to see every buzzworthy new movie that comes out just so they can talk about it with their friends, others do like the girl in this Dorkly comic by Julia Lepetit and stay lost until they see the film a year later.

Personally I like to just read a bit about the movie online so I don't feel left out until I see it, because all of those so-called "spoilers" turn out to be fairly obvious and no big deal, and so not worth all the secrecy and drama. It's just a movie, people! Get a life!

-Via Dorkly

Invageddon: The Movie

Some people think an alien invasion is imminent, and that we're not doing enough to prepare for the little green or gray invaders who want to conquer our planet.

Others believe aliens have already been here, and that these extraterrestrial visitors left some of their DNA behind to infiltrate humanity from within.

Of course, both theories are silly because anybody who knows anything about aliens knows they only share their DNA with their own species- and if they want a planet they'll exterminate every life form on that planet to acquire it.

Our only consolation is that these aliens will inevitably exterminate each other at some point, leaving our planet free for the taking!

(YouTube Link)

Invageddon is a cutesy looking yet totally twisted animated series by RiggXAnimation, presented here in its entirety so you can see the whole crazy story from out of this world beginning to ridiculous end!

The Real Story Behind Disney's Mulan

Mulan is seen as one of the most inspirational Disney feature films because Mulan isn't some helpless and demure princess who has to be saved by a tough prince- she's tough enough to take on any challenge by herself.

Add the fact that Mulan is also the first and only Chinese Disney princess and you've got history in the making, but the true history of the historical figure Mulan is based on plays out a bit different than the film.

And in the end the legendary Hua Mulan was even more of a badass than the cartoon version!

(YouTube Link)

The Blue & The Beyond

People love to tell dreamers that their heads are in the clouds, acting as if this is a bad thing, but isn't it better to keep your dreams alive and soaring high rather than letting your dreams die?

The drab gray monotonousness of modern life constantly threatens to drain the magic and wonder from a dreamer's life, so they turn to books to keep the magic and wonder alive in their minds.

And there's an instant connection when they come across a fellow dreamer who shares their passion for literary escape, so who can blame them for falling head over heels in love with their fellow dreamer?

(YouTube Link)

The Blue & The Beyond is a sweet animated short directed by Youri Dekker and created by students from San Jose State University, with an art style that's just as sweet as the storyline!

Woman Discovers As An Adult That Her Family Has Been Running From The Mafia Her Entire Life

We often discover some really strange facts about our family's past when we reach adulthood, as all the truths that our parents kept from us when we were young are revealed.

These revelations about our relatives often fill in the blanks in our past and make us feel closer to our family, as we realize that we've gone through quite a few strange experiences together.

But Pauline Dakin's childhood experiences during the 1970s and 80s are some of the strangest I've ever heard, and it all started when her family left Vancouver to vacation in Winnipeg- where their mother Ruth told them they were never going back.

"There was no opportunity to say goodbye, it was just this abrupt, severing of relationships," Pauline says.

When she asked her mother why she had done this, there was never a good explanation.

"She would only say, 'I'm sorry, I can't tell you, when you're older I will tell you.'"

The same thing happened again four years later - this time the family moved to New Brunswick, on Canada's eastern coast.

"I knew something bad was happening," she says. "I didn't know what it was, but there was always a sense of something dire that was unspoken."

Along the way Pauline lost touch with her father and anyone she'd ever known as the family sans father kept moving until, at age 23, her family put down roots for a while in New Brunswick. Now it seemed her mom was finally ready to tell her the truth:

"She said, 'OK, I'm ready to explain all of these strange things that have happened throughout your life.'"

Pauline was to meet her mother outside a motel halfway between the two cities they were living in. When she arrived, Ruth slipped a note and an empty envelope into Pauline's hands.

The note read: "Don't say anything. Take your jewellery off. Put it in the envelope. I'll explain, just don't talk."

"It was just the most bizarre thing," Pauline remembers. "I thought, 'Who are you? What are you doing?' But I did what she told me."

Her mother took her to a motel room where Pauline was surprised to find Stan Sears waiting for them.

Stan and Ruth told Pauline that for the past 16 years they had been on the run from the mafia and that Pauline's family had been targeted because her father, Warren, had been involved in organised crime. She couldn't wear her jewellery because it needed to be tested for bugs.

Read 'The Story Of A Weird World I Was Warned Never To Tell' here

Emo Kids Give Their Parents A Makeover

They say to truly understand someone you've got to walk a mile in their shoes, but when it comes to understanding Emo kids you've gotta trade the shoes in for guyliner, some black hair dye and a lip ring to truly understand their angst.

So a group of parents who wanted to better understand their Emo teens actually agreed to let their Emo kids give them a makeover so they can see what it's like to dress like the owner of a permanently broken heart.

BuzzFeedVideo presents three of the bravest and most accepting parents ever expressing their love for their children by giving away all their dignity!

(YouTube Link)

She's Got Legs

You know that ZZ Top song "Legs"? Well Ariel the mermaid has legs now and she knows how to use them, only she forgot to specify what kind of legs she wanted so Ursula the sea witch stuck her with some sexy crab legs.

She seems to be fine with it, and Eric sees her sexy crab legs as a form of life insurance, guaranteeing he'll have a crab leg buffet waiting for him when Ariel dies.

But, as this Electric Bunny Comics strip shows, the townies aren't as open-minded as Eric so they ran poor Ariel out of town. Maybe if Eric had told them there was a possibility of all-you-can-eat crab legs they would have let her stick around...

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

Precious Ring - Love Makes People Do Crazy Things

Precious Ring by daletheskater 

Some people lose their minds over material possessions, but the poor hobbit who became the creature known as Gollum takes the cake in terms of materialism- because he fell madly in love with the One Ring, until death do they part! Gollum didn't have much of a life left once he'd declared his love for his precious ring, but it still seems a bit crazy to throw yourself into a pit full of lava in the middle of the earth just to try and save it from melting. I guess love really does make people do crazy things...

You'll be able to lord over your fellow fantasy fans when you wear this Precious Ring t-shirt by Daletheskater- because it's one of the hottest LOTR-inspired designs ever created!

Visit daletheskater's Facebook fan page, official website, Tumblr and Twitter, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more fantastically geeky designs:

Vendetta Wasted Scrooge Little Sister

View more designs by daletheskater | More Funny T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

To See Or Not To See

People have been trying to locate the human soul in its physical form for centuries, and over time people have theorized that our conscience, intelligence and spirit are all physical forces within us, detectable and extractable as necessary.

But as science advanced so too did our understanding of these intangible forces within us all, and those who pursued the unseen were forced to face the reality that these forces within us cannot be touched.

(YouTube Link)

To See Or Not To See is a strange animated short created by Czech animator Bretislav Pojar in 1969 and released by The National Film Board of Canada. It's rendered in a cool modern art style and totally reminds me of the animated shorts they used to show on Sesame Street back in the 70s.

Sometimes Even Monsters Can Experience Shyness Too

Nobody is born shy, but as we grow older we find more and more reasons to be bashful and insecure, and for some that shyness can be downright crippling.

But it's hard to imagine a monster dealing with a crippling case of shyness because they're usually portrayed as such savage creatures, and yet even monsters who were made to be fearsome brutes can experience bouts of bashfulness.

(YouTube Link)

Shyness was created by Les Drew and released by The National Film Board of Canada back in 1996. It's drawn in a sketchy style that reminds me of John Kovalic's artwork and the groovy shorts they used to show on Sesame Street.

Demovenom - It Seems That Symbiote Has Finally Met His Match

Demovenom by Andriu

All kinds of strange things can happen to a person when they head to the Upside Down, but to see the weirdest effect that dark dimension can have on a body you've gotta see what it did to the symbiote known as Venom. When that wily alien bodysnatcher discovered there was an entire dimension as black as his soul sitting right on the other side of Earth's normal reality he got very excited, the wicked possibilities dancing in his head. But then he met the powers that be on the other side of reality, and they showed him things aren't as black and white in the land where darkness reigns supreme...

Add some stranger mashup style to your geeky wardrobe with this Demovenom t-shirt by Andriu, it's a scary good design that'll scare up smiles wherever you go!

Visit Andriu's Facebook fan page and Twitter, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more dark and geeky designs:

King´s Labyrinth Vitruvian Devil Steamboat Cuphead Dark Critter

View more designs by Andriu | More Comic T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

I'll Sleep When I'm Dead

Having an infant son in the house has taught me the value of solid sack time, and he has shown me that I've spent my whole life taking sleep for granted- and now it's too late to get those years of good snoozin' back.

I've played the tough guy, telling people "I'll sleep whem I'm dead", but now that I spend my days shambling around like a zombie I really wish I hadn't tempted fate with those bold words.

And according to this Safely Endangered comic I won't be getting any sleep after I'm dead either...so much for my retirement plans!

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

Sleeping Betty

The story of Sleeping Beauty was such a big hit that it left very little room for other sleeping dudes and damsels to receive their due recognition, which is a shame because Beauty's story was booooooring.

Now if you wanna watch an exciting animated story about a sleeping gal, one starring kooky characters full of visual verve and a sketchy animation style that's outta sight you've gotta watch Sleeping Betty- a totally hand-drawn animated short by Claude Cloutier, released by The National Film Board of Canada in 2007. It's anything but a snoozefest!

(YouTube Link)

10 Of Finland's Greatest Innovations

(Image Link)

Some people think Finland's greatest contribution to the world is the song Finland, but that was actually written by a bunch of British blokes who call themselves Monty Python.

And as it turns out Finland's actual contributions to the world are much more important than some catchy song, because their creations like paternity leave, Xylitol and maternity boxes are truly making the world a better place.

Finland first introduced paternity leave in 1978, allowing dads to take up to 158 of the 263 paid working days alloted to the parents after the child is born, and under certain conditions dads can also take an additional "father's month" off.

Maternity packs and Xylitol are equally brilliant ideas that could improve lives the world over:

Maternity pack

Finland’s “baby box” was introduced for poor mothers in 1938 and extended to all in 1949, when it held fabrics, a sewing kit, baby clothes, nappies and a mattress (the box itself doubled as a cot). The contents has changed over time (it now includes a duvet, quilted suit, bonnet, socks and gloves) but it remains hugely popular: 95% of mothers choose it over a cash alternative.


Finland began researching the natural sweetener Xylitol and its capacity to dramatically reduce dental plaque in the early 1970s and developed and launched a Xylitol chewing gum – arguably the world’s first health-improving food product – in 1975.

But the Finnish contribution the world needs now more than ever is their free comprehensive education system:

Finnish free comprehensive education

Finnish law guarantees a free, high-quality, nine-year basic education (to age 15) in municipal-run schools to every child, regardless of where they live or the wealth of their parents, declaring it an essential human right. Half then go to high school or polytechnic, and half into vocational education, which is also free – as is further and university education. All school teachers have at least a university master’s degree.

See 10 Great Finnish Innovations at The Guardian

Workout Tips From A 14th Century Knight

(art by Daniel Meeker)

These days everybody is going back to basics with their workout routine, trading in their expensive exercise machines and electronic gadgets for kettlebells, free weights and good old fashioned freestyle cardio.


Dance vigorously and often to your favorite lute melody or hip-hop album while wearing mail armor.

So it stands to reason that out of shape modern people might seek guidance from the fit people of the past, and if you're looking for a CrossFit-style workout that makes losing weight fun you should go to Knight classes.


Pick up a large stone. Throw it. Repeat as necessary. (This was one of Boucicaut's favorite childhood games, which no doubt served him well on the battlefield.)

French knight Jean Le Maingre, aka Boucicaut, shared the details of his strict fitness regimen in his 1409 biography, revealing the exercises that made him such a mighty warrior, all done while fully armored, of course.


Take a sledgehammer and swing it about. Note your surroundings. Splitting wood with an ax is a suitable alternative.

See 10 Workout Tips From A 14th Century Knight at Mental Floss

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