Zeon Santos's Blog Posts

A Pickpocket Wrestles With His Inner Demon In "Pinched"

Saying It's easy to get pinched when you ride public transportation in the big city is a true statement no matter how you interpret the word, because there are just as many handsy creepers on the trains as there are thieves.

But in this instance we're talking about pinchers, aka the pickpockets who prey on their fellow riders by letting their sticky fingers loose on a train full of unsuspecting marks.

Those who pinch pretend they don't care about the crimes they commit or the sadness they cause the victims, but they inevitably steal from the wrong person which forces them to take a long, hard look at themselves. (NSFW language and material)

(YouTube Link)

Pinched was created by David Vandervoort and the legendary animation studio Titmouse, it's reminiscent of a Jamie Hewlett drawn Gorillaz video or the great adult animation created by Ralph Bakshi.

Things Only Poor Teens Understand About Poverty

Growing up poor for me meant having one pair of shoes per school year, eating no frills food made from the same staple ingredients, and earning my own money to buy toys my friends got from their parents for "being good".

My family wasn't so poor we went hungry, and we could afford basic electronics and electricity so we weren't bored, but I had a few friends who were so poor their lifestyle seemed bizarre to me.

Which is why I appreciated and enjoyed reading this article revealing 5 Things Only Poor People Understand About Poverty by Cracked's John Cheese, a guy who understands there's broke and then there's BROKE.

John discusses issues only people living in poverty truly understand, like how cleanliness becomes a luxury you sometimes can't afford, haircuts are done at home and fads can make it hard to afford new clothes.

Read 5 Things Only Poor Teens Understand About Poverty here (NSFW language)

Raccoon Attempts To Rob Woman On Paddleboard

Raccoons generally prefer to remain unseen when they're stealing food from unsuspecting humans, since many humans will kill a raccoon caught with their paws in the cookie jar.

But this stealthy style of thievery seems to be used only by city raccoons, because coastal 'coons don't give a crap about stealth or sublety.

Case in point- this video posted by Janna Breslin which shows her struggle with a brazen coastal 'coon from Weeki Wachee Springs in Florida as the critter tries to snatch her bag.

(YouTube Link)

-Via Boing Boing

Gordon Ramsay Roasts Wanna-Be Chefs On Twitter

(Image Link)

Gordon Ramsay isn't a perpetually angry jerk in real life but he does play one on TV, and his tirades have made things a little too hot in the kitchen for many aspiring chefs hoping Gordon's success will rub off on them.

(Image Link)

Those aspiring chefs agreed to appear on a show knowing Gordon's rep and they were paid for their time, but viewers like the idea of getting roasted by Gordon so much they're willing to face the heat for free.

And Gordon, nice guy that he is, happily obliges by dishing out some steaming hot burns on Twitter.

(Image Link)

So if you want to catch heat from this master chef just tag him in a tweet with a pic of your food and prepare to be singed!

(Image Link)

See more on BuzzFeed and Smosh

How You Describe Your Job To Different People

It's a joy to tell people what you do for a living when your job has a clear title, and those clear titles make your job sound more important than it is because they're easier for people to understand.

But less easily understood jobs require a little more explanation, and some fudging of the truth to make "blogger" and "social media manager" sound like real jobs, which they totally are in case you were wondering.

Equally real job situation that's equally hard to explain- being "between jobs":

If you have trouble describing your job to people then take some notes from the creators of these fine comics H. Caldwell Tanner and Dan Hopper and lie through your teeth whenever anyone asks what you do!

See How You Describe Your Job To Different People here

Why Do We Forget What We're Doing The Moment We Enter A Room?

Do you ever go into another room for a specific reason only to find you've forgotten what that reason is, even if only for a moment?

This is known as the Doorway Effect, and a vast majority of people have experienced the Doorway Effect at one time or another in their lives, if not on a daily basis, and it means your mind is working just fine.

The Doorway Effect is thought to be a way for our brains to pay attention to new details and free up memory space for new information:

A 2011 study found that the Doorway Effect is the result of several of these brain programs running simultaneously. Researchers taught 55 college students to play a computer game in which they moved through a virtual building, collecting and carrying objects from room to room. Every so often as the participants traversed the space, a picture of an object popped up on the screen. If the object shown was the one they were carrying or the one they had just put down, the participants clicked “Yes.” Sometimes these pictures appeared after the participant had walked into a room; other times they appeared while the participant was still in the middle of a room. The researchers then built a real-world version of the environment and ran the experiment again, using a box to hide the objects people were carrying so they couldn’t double-check.

The results of both trials were the same: The simple act of walking through a doorway made people forget what they were doing. And it wasn’t a matter of distance, either. The researchers asked the question (“Is this what you’re carrying?”) after people had walked a certain distance within a room, and a certain distance between rooms. Within a room, their memories remained mostly intact. But crossing a threshold was like shaking a mental Etch-a-Sketch.

The researchers concluded that their subjects’ brains perceived doorways as a kind of cut-off point. The memories and movement that carried the students through one context literally hit a wall. On the other side of that wall was new context, and a fresh landscape for memory. The participants’ mental computers were combining the tasks of spatial awareness, movement, and memory. But each task requires attention, and you can’t pay attention to everything at once.

-Via Mental Floss

Using A Single Photo To Describe Each State

I'm not a fan of sweeping generalizations and black and white mentalities, because in my experience the world and all the people in it are various shades of gray morally, ethically and philosophically speaking.

And when you factor in environmental influences, how we were brought up by our family and the information we're exposed to (and have chosen to believe) it's a wonder fifty states full of people get along at all.


So is all the stereotyping keeping us from getting along, or are these stereotypes keeping us from tearing the Union apart because we know what to expect from each state? I don't know about all that, but I do know what helps people stay chummy in California!

Maybe there isn't much truth to these stereotypes, or maybe they're spot-on for a small percentage of each state's population who has come to represent the entire state.

But maybe, just maybe, we all want to believe New Jersey is full of Jersey Shore wanna-bes because that means magic still exists in the world.

See States That Can Be Described By A Single Photo here

-Via Obsev

When Your Head Is In The Clouds

Everybody sees something different when they look up at the clouds in the sky, and what they see depends greatly on their imagination, the types of clouds in the sky and the viewer's state of mind.

When you're a kid the clouds are shaped like fantastic creatures or the stuff of dreams, and for some kids those dreams have to do with their grown-up future selves.

And as you can see in these Things In Squares comics we then grow up to watch our dreams come crashing down when we discover "cloud engineer" isn't a real job- and getting drunk while flying isn't always a good idea.

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

A Clever Technique For Scaling A Wall Using A Bamboo Pole And Two Strong Friends

People think the only way to scale a wall is by using a ladder or a rope, or climbing claws if you're an old timey ninja, but the Vietnamese SWAT team in this video use a technique straight from ancient times.

All you need is a long bamboo pole and a pair of strong friends at the base of the pole to help prop you up and you can scale any wall as swiftly and silently as the aforementioned ninja.

This clever technique allows SWAT officers to "sneak up on a target unannounced" during hostage situations and standoffs, which is as close as these officers will ever come to being Batman.

(YouTube Link)

-Via Geekologie

Two Polyglots Have A Casual Chat In 21 Different Languages

I've always preferred the honorific "multilingual speaker" to "polyglot" since it sounds a whole lot nicer, but according to definition if a person "learns multiple languages as an avocation" they're a polyglot.

And when a polyglot comes across another language enthusiast in the wild their conversation sounds like a trip around the world.

(YouTube Link)

In this video Dutch artist and polyglot Wouter Corduwener chats with a Macedonian hyperpolyglot named Zoran Radiceski, who speaks a staggering 35 different languages, in a conversation only a fellow polyglot could follow!

-Via Digg

Color Photos Of Florida's Beautiful Beaches From The 1950s

Florida is a state full of contradictions, where intense beauty meets hardcore ugliness, cultural diversity meets racist extremism, and the unchecked growth of nature meets the destructive nature of mankind.

But for many landlocked Americans Florida represents three things- alligators, massive theme parks and some of the most beautiful beaches in the world.

People come to Florida for the theme parks but stay for the beaches, which aren't hard to find since Florida has over 600 miles of beaches enjoyed by young and old alike.

But let's not forget about all the shows and attractions in Florida, seeing as how they're the main reason tourists flock to the peninsular state in the first place. Florida's got some amazing shows, y'all!

See 55 Color Photos Document Beautiful Life of Florida in the 1950s here

Mind Blowing Three Dimensional Optical Illusion Tattoos

Wearing something with an optical illusion on it makes people say "whoa!" wherever you go, and may result in Stoners getting stuck staring at the optical trap you set for them.

Did this #pinkfloyd piece a little while back. He wanted the wall and dark side of the moon, so I thought adding the characters as old tattoos would be a cool way to help integrate the two. I love adding older looking tattoos to my work and would love to do more! Tattoo was done using @inkjecta @eternalink and @stencilstuff #inkjecta #eternalink #tattoodo @inkfreakz #inkfreakz #inkedmag @Inkedmag @inkjunkeyz #inkjunkeyz #featured_ink @featured_ink #tattooed_body_art @TATTOOED_BODY_ART #tattoos #TattooistArtMagazine #jesserix #jesserixtattoos #realistictattoos #superb_tattoos @stencilstuff #stencilstuff #the_inkmasters #cooltattoos #AmazingTattoos #radtattoos #hushanesthetic @hushanesthetic #supportgoodtattooers #skinartmag #evolvedmagazine #mindblowingtattoos

A post shared by Jesse Rix (@jesse_rix) on Nov 22, 2016 at 8:13am PST

So if you don't like it when people stare then you wouldn't be interested in hiring tattoo artist Jesse Rix to apply his mind blowing 3D art to your body, because people will want to stare when they see your new tattoo.

The New Hampshire-based artist has amassed a long waiting list of clients since his geometric tattoos starting making the rounds online, so if you want a Rix original applied to your skin you'll just have to get in line!

-Via Laughing Squid

Regular People Try Stabbing An Olympic Fencer

For some reason people watch fencing during the Olympics and think "I could do that", and folks with some degree of fighting or combat experience take it a step further and say "I bet I could get a thrust in on that Olympian".

If you know anything about fencing you know they're being ridiculous, since fencers train hard to avoid all attacks and riposte whenever possible, their lightning fast reflexes giving them an edge in battle.

But if you still think it would be easy to best an Olympic fencer in a duel then maybe this BuzzFeed Blue video will change your mind as it shows you why it's not as easy as you think to stab a fencer.

(YouTube Link)

Artist Sculpts Her Hair Into Hand Gestures

Long hair is a pain to wash, takes forever to dry, gets in your face constantly, makes your neck hot and gets tangled way too easily, so if you're going to have long hair you might as well make it worth the trouble- by playing with it.

Ivorian artist Laetitia Ky plays with her long hair by "sculpting" it into various hand gestures so she can shoot an unique set of photos that prove four hands are better than two.

Here's what Laetitia has to say about her hairy photo series:

“My hair in the shape of hands is the expression of my thought, which is so strong that it decides to materialize before I even go through with the action,” she says.

See more from Ivorian Artist Sculpts Her Hair Into Hand Gestures here

Street Artist Turns Abandoned Building Into A Giant Skull

Abandoned buildings are the rotting corpses of the concrete jungle- they're left to rot and picked clean until just a skeleton remains, and only the dastardly, desperate and deranged see them as a positive.

And now we have to add street artists to that list, because they see abandoned buildings as both a canvas and a gallery in one, a forsaken showcase for their art.

When street artist Greg Suits, aka Suitswon, saw this abandoned building in New York's Greenpoint district he saw the corpse of another building left to rot, so he sped up the process by revealing its skull.

And then photographer Raphael Gonzalez went in and shot these eerily great post-mortem photos to commemorate the building's temporary resurrection.

-Via design you trust

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