Zeon Santos's Liked Blog Posts

The Salmon Mousse - Darling, You Didn't Use Canned Salmon

The Salmon Mousse by Stationjack

Souls who have left their physical bodies should feel lucky to still have any experiences at all, since many of them are stuck in the pitch black limbo of their own post-mortem minds. But some souls have yet to realize they're actually dead, so they sit there arguing with Death like a silly person until the surety of their demise finally sinks in. This is one of the reasons why humans can't seem to figure out the meaning of life, because they're about as familiar with the feeling of being alive as a python is with the feeling of having arms!

Add a cold, bony touch of classic comedy to your geeky wardrobe with this The Salmon Mousse t-shirt by Stationjack, it's the perfect way to show love for the Monty Python crew without slapping people in the face with a fish!

Visit Stationjack's Facebook fan page, official website, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more delightfully geeky designs:

Zombie World Believe in Daryl Monster Hunt Club Don't Keep Calm

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I Would Walk 500 Miles - A Commitment To Catching 'Em All

I Would Walk 500 Miles by Rocky Davies

Ash didn't listen to music much while he was out huning for pocket monsters, because he needed to see as well as hear in order to track them down, but one song had earwormed into his head and wouldn't let go. It was from a Scottish band called The Proclaimers, who sang a catchy song about walking 500 miles to be back with the one they loved. This song really struck a chord with Ash, and so he started playing it over and over again while he explored regions with his pal Pika. Then came the day when the song became all too relevant to his own life, as Team Rocket had kidnapped poor Pikachu and were holding him approximately 500 miles away from Ash...

This I Would Walk 500 Miles t-shirt by Rocky Davies is music to your eyeballs, and it's sure to put that catchy song in people's heads wherever you go!

Visit Rocky Davies's Facebook fan page, official website, Instagram and Tumblr, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more delightfully geeky designs:

Bad to the Bone Another One Bites the Dust You Gotta Fight Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto

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Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Save The Galaxy - Do Real Trees Dance?

Save the Galaxy by Vincent Trinidad 

Rocket may not seem like an ecological type of guy, but it makes sense when you consider he is a raccoon and once lived in the forest like a savage beast. And he's also best friends with a tree man named Groot, so that tends to make him a bit more ecologically minded too. But mostly it's the fact that female mammals love an eco-friendly dude that makes Rocket want to tell everyone he meets to go green, plant a tree and help save the galaxy!

Become an eco-guardian on your planet with this Save The Galaxy t-shirt by Vincent Trinidad, it's the fun way to spread ecological awareness and show love for your favorite far out superhero squad at the same time!

Visit Vincent Trinidad's Facebook fan page, official website and Instagram, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more delightfully geeky designs:

Scarif Vice Monster Cookie Dance Lord Crossing the Dark Path

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Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Follow Your Fate - The Crossover Crossroads

Follow Your Fate by Karen Hallion

She'd always known that in order to get where she wanted to go in life she would have to follow her fate and let the path which had already been set for her guide her to her heroic destiny. But she found it very hard to follow this path because a blue police box kept blocking her way! Merida was wary of the box at first, but since she was a brave and curious soul she couldn't help but wonder how the box kept appearing in her path, and what was inside the box. One day she finally worked up the nerve to knock on the door and see if anybody would answer, and to her surprise somebody did- an oddly dressed man who carried a magic wand the likes of which she'd never seen before, who called himself The Doctor...

Get geared up for adventure with this Follow Your Fate t-shirt by Karen Hallion, it's a fun and imaginative design that will make your fellow Whovians drool with delight!

Visit Karen Hallion's Facebook fan page, official website, Twitter and Tumblr, then head on over to her NeatoShop for more fantastically geeky designs:

Escape From the Dark Forest Emotional Heroes Part of Every World Paper Who

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Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Demon Of Morgoth - Somebody Get This Guy A Breath Mint!

Demon of Morgoth by Dr.Monekers

The hobbits were definitely tough little guys who were able to handle a lot more than anyone thought they could, and both the dwarves and the elves proved they had nerve and mettle to spare. But do you know who's the toughest character by far in Middle Earth? The wizard Gandalf, that's who, because the guy came face-to-face with a balrog and didn't even break a sweat! If anyone deserves to be thought of as a hero it's Gandalf, the guy in the pointy hat and robe who helped save the world time and time again.

Declare your love of classic fantasy creatures with this Demon Of Morgoth t-shirt by Dr.Monekers, it's one fiery design that's sure to blow your fellow fantasy fans away!

Visit Dr.Monekers's Facebook fan page, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more dark and geeky designs:

Forest View God of R´lyeh Negan Major League v.2 Death Trooper

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Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Game Over, Little Dude - The Mini Alien Menace

Game Over, Little Dude by Pacalin

Those alien space invaders seem like they'd be awe-inspiringly massive in the classic arcade game, but in real life their little pixelated space ships are so tiny they wouldn't scare a house cat! But despite their small size their pew-pew squares can do some real damage, but those antiquated little suckers are stuck moving from left to right anyway so it's not that hard to dodge their shots. It's actually hard to imagine why game designers thought such silly little starships would pose a threat to the Earth, but they do get bonus points for being the first to blow the whistle on the invasion of the mini aliens!

Add a touch of 80s arcade magic to your geeky wardrobe with this Game Over, Little Dude t-shirt by Pacalin, it's a great way to celebrate the days when entertainment came a quarter at a time.

Visit Pacalin's Facebook fan page, official website and Twitter, then head on over to her NeatoShop for more gamer-iffic designs:

Super Meat Boy Grid Invader Orange County Astronomers Wanna Take A Ride?

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Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Who Would Win? - Always Bet On One Punch

Who would win? by Coinbox Tees

He doesn't look like much, and most people mistake him for a skinny, bald-headed twerp who would be blown away by a stiff breeze, but Saitama is the mightiest being on the planet. Heck, he might even be the mightiest being in the universe, he's not really sure because he's never actually left the planet, but nobody on Earth has ever been able to beat him, no matter how powerful they are. Superheroes, saiyans, mech, monsters and mega-sized kaiju all fall to his fists, and even though it has helped keep him alive this one punch thing is really starting to get boring!

Show the world that Saitama can't be stopped with this Who Would Win? t-shirt by Coinbox Tees, it's one powerfully cool design that will settle any superhero-related arguments once and for all!

Visit Coinbox Tees's Facebook fan page, Tumblr and Twitter, then head on over to their NeatoShop for more mighty geeky designs:

1986 Big Bob's On an Open Bonfire Legend of Umaru

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Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Banana Skater - With Scratch And Sniff Grip Tape

Banana Skater by happinessinatee

There are lots of sports that involve slipping and sliding around, but skateboarding is the activity that bananas find most a-peeling. The only problem bananas have with skating is they bruise easily, so they have to wear full body pads that make them look a bit silly when they're out playing with their fruity friends. They also can't seem to find a helmet that works well with their stem, so very few banana mothers let their their kids get anywhere near a skateboard until they're fully ripened.

Add some colorful fun to your geeky wardrobe with this Banana Skater t-shirt by happinessinatee, it's one sweet design that will make people smile wherever you go!

Visit happinessinatee's Instagram, then head on over to their NeatoShop for more tasty designs:

Cute and adorable kawaii food art Think outside the box t-shirt Adorable Cat With A Heart T-Shirt Cool Coffee Typography T-Shirt

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Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

PARK AIR - The Spidey Slamma Jamma

PARK AIR by Scott Neilson 

Spidey was always swinging high above the city streets on webs, but the swinging game tended to get a bit monotonous. So he decided to change up his routine by trying to get across the city using the power of parkour, leaping and diving from building to building and showing off his super spider-like agility. Soon Peter was catching air left and right, and man did it ever feel good, and with a little practice he found the length and height of his leaps had increased considerably, and although he couldn't give the Hulk a run for his money he had outshined Cap in the long jump. Naturally, this made young Mr. Parker get a bit cocky, so he called up Michael Jordan and challenged him to a game of one-on-one...

Show the world how Spidey soars with this PARK AIR t-shirt by Scott Neilson, it's a geeky slam dunk!

Visit Scott Neilson's Facebook fan page, Twitter and Tumblr, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more geek-tastic designs:

Spideys Nightmare The Symbol Rises Goro's Gym

The Saviors

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Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Dog Beers - Math Is Hard After A Six-Pack

Dog Beers by BRIK

The Peanuts gang had been hanging around together for over fifty years, and yet none of them had ever aged more than a few years. How was this possible? And how was that bratty beagle Snoopy still alive, not to mention his bird friend Woodstock who supposedly had a lifespan that was half as long? These existential questions started to tear at their young minds, and the strain of their strange existence became too much to handle so they turned to drink and drugs to cope with their impossible lives. Snoopy found beer to be most appealing, and after a six pack he could actually smile about it all, the absurdity of a bald boy named Charlie Brown who was actually 83 years old!

Spread smiles wherever you go without the aid of alcohol by wearing this Dog Beers t-shirt by BRIK, it's the hilarious way to show the world that seven regular human beers equals only one dog beer!

Visit BRIK's Facebook fan page, then head over to his NeatoShop for more delightfully geeky designs:

Apathy Bear HypnoFrog Johntaun Second Breakfast

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Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

T-Rex - Dinosaurs At Dusk

T-rex by Albertocubatas

They call him the king of the dinosaurs, and despite his tiny arms Tyrannosaurus Rex really did rule over many of the placid herbivores in his kingdom. But T-Rex wasn't all bite- he was also an adventurous soul, who roamed around his kingdom exploring places weaker dinosaurs would never dare to tread. For his legs were every bit as strong as his jaw, and his mind was as sharp as his teeth, so standing around all day eating the same old stuff wasn't going to work for him- he needed to find new places, with new creatures to taste...

Take your favorite dinosaur with you wherever you go with this T-Rex t-shirt by Albertocubatas, it's a roaring good design that will blow your fellow dino fans' minds!

Visit Albertocubatas's Facebook fan page and official website, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more epic designs:

The Joke Final Circle Very tall Beautiful fantasy

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Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Daredevil Photographer Shoots Urban Landscapes From A Fresh Perspective

If you want your urban landscape photos to get attention online you have to present images taken from a fresh perspective, which is why daredevils and urban explorers take the freshest photos.

And speaking of fresh- these stunning photos by self-taught photographer Tatsuto Shibata take my breath away, because Tatsuto's perspectives are anything but ordinary.

Tatsuto shoots from way up high and deep inside, showing us the sights from several different, and quite unusual, perspectives.

But he doesn't just show us the city from a daredevil's perspective- he takes us on an enthralling  tour of each town, as Tatsuto switches up his style on a whim.

See Daredevil Japanese Photographer Explores Urban Landscapes From A New Perspective here

Dashcam Video Footage Of A Driver Hitting 240 Green Lights In A Row

One of the more popular automotive-related urban legends is the tale of "nothing but green", in which a driver claims to have hit X amount of green lights in a row while driving through the city.

This urban legend is hard to believe in big cities like Los Angeles, New York or San Francisco, because it seems like all the other drivers on the road would make it really hard to continuously  every light, green or not.

But NYC ride-share driver Noah Forman hit an astounding 240 green lights while driving through Manhattan, and Shawn Swetsky posted Noah's dashcam footage to prove it.

Noah hits 240 green lights. from Shawn Swetsky - Post Producer on Vimeo.

You can also watch Noah hit 240 green lights in a row in real time on the full 26 minute long video here.

-Via Boing Boing

The Creepiest Facts About Mister Sinister

With a name like Mister Sinister you don't expect him to be a nice guy, but the guy is so depraved that his actions have pushed the boundary of what is acceptable for publication in a comic book.

He was born Nathaniel Essex, a scientist and contemporary of Charles Darwin so obsessed with human evolution he conducted experiments on his disabled son- and after his son died he dug up the body so he could continue experimenting on the boy.

His wife dubbed him "Sinister" with her dying breath, but she had no idea how cruel Mr. Sinister would become as he kept tinkering with his own DNA and the DNA of many other mutants.

This tinkering would result in the creation of Jean Grey and Namor clones, the birth of Cable and the Morlocks (who were products of Mr. Sinister's former student), and the deaths of many people.

Mister Sinister continues to play God, which is why he makes such an interesting enemy for the X-Men, who have proven to be the only superfolks who stand a chance against Sinister.

See The 15 Creepiest Things About Mr. Sinister here

These Crappy Retro Board Games Show Us How Good Gamers Have It These Days

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Back in the 70s and 80s companies were making board games based on anything and everything, and they were trying to appeal to adults with both theme and gameplay.

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But it seems like their idea of adult meant bland and boring, because retro games like The Backbone and 15 Love are easily identified as mind-numbingly dull simply by looking at the board.

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They, like many of the games on Cracked's sarcastically titled list of The 9 Most Insane Board Games Of All Time, also feature themes and box art that have nothing to do with the game.

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With crazy clowns, angry lemons, and Kilkenny cats dueling with pistols on the boxes you'd think these games would have something interesting about them, but their colorful box art was pure gimmick.

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The clown game Narro is just a simplified version of checkers, the angry lemons game Früchtchen plays like Old Maid with dice, and The Amusing Game of Kilkenny Cats is simply checkers mixed with Sorry!, with no cats, no guns and no fun!

Read The 9 Most Insane Board Games Of All Time here (NSFW language)

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