Zeon Santos's Liked Blog Posts

The Deliciously Entertaining History Of Pizza In New York City

New York City is the birthplace of pizza in America, and pizza is so intrinsically tied to the city that many historical tours will include stops at pizzerias like Lombardi's, America's first pizzeria, which opened in 1905.

And that's what's kind of amazing about New York City pizza- places are serving up tasty slices all over the city, and some of these places have been in operation for a hundred years.

(YouTube Link)

Host Frank Pinello investigates the pizzas of Brooklyn in the premiere of the Munchies series "The Pizza Show":

New York is the birthplace of many things, but for today’s purposes, we’re sticking to pizza. Frank starts with a quick history lesson from Scott Wiener, the owner of Scott’s Pizza Tours. Then, we hit the streets to see and taste the history for ourselves. The best thing about the city’s pizza scene is that it’s relatively young, so you can still eat slices from the ovens of the people that started it all and put New York pizza on the map.

-Via Laughing Squid

Americans Eat Over 500 Million Jack In The Box Tacos Every Year

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Jack In The Box is known for serving up fun food that isn't exactly good for you, but fast food fans don't worry about the calories- they just want something affordable that tastes good.

And at Jack's the entire menu is priced to sell, but nothing is cheaper than their tacos, which are often sold at the nice price of 2 for a buck.

Maybe this nice price is why Jack In The Box sells over 554 million crispy tacos a year, or maybe it's the fact that they're so easy to tack on to any order?

Whatever the reason Jack's is currently selling "the same amount of tacos as McDonald's sold Big Macs in 2007".

And even though many people think Jack's tacos are gross, claiming they'd never eat them, they're being sold at a rate of 1000 per minute so somebody's scarfing them down!

-Via Esquire

Comic Book Characters Who Are Blatant Rip-Offs

Characters, storylines and art styles are all elements that are regularly ripped off in the comic book industry, which has been a standard practice even before the superfolks took over.

But once DC Comics and Marvel Comics started battling it out for the top spot they began to rip each other off at an alarming rate- which resulted in some of the most beloved comic book characters of all time.

Most comic readers know Deadpool is a blatant rip-off of DC's Slade Wilson, aka Deathstroke, but over the years Deadpool has evolved into an unique and hilarious yang to Deathstroke's dark and brooding yin. 

And speaking of brooding- Wolverine is one of the most popular comic book characters of all time, but surprisingly he's a rip-off of the DC Comics character Timber Wolf (nee Lone Wolf), who has all but the adamantium skeleton.

Doctor Strange is another rip-off character who ended up outshining the original character he's based on, DC's Doctor Fate, but readers have a hard time deciding between the two because their stories are so darn mystifying.

And lastly there's the issue of Black Cat vs Catwoman- they're both virtually the same in every regard, from their powers to their penchant for burglary, but one kisses a bat while the other kisses a spider...you decide which is better!

Read Yoink! 20 Blatant Comic Book Rip-Offs here

How To Make Your Own Rogue One Stormtrooper Doll

Ever since Rogue One: A Star Wars Story came out people have been wondering where they can get their hands on a Stormtrooper doll like the one carried by young Jyn Erso in the beginning of the movie.

Since it's not the kind of licensed Star Wars toy that typically gets released, fans have been out of luck, but now we can make our own adorable Stormtrooper doll thanks to this Instructable by backwards lamb.

All you need to make this cute little guy is some clay, elastic or twine, a few simple sculpting tools and some paint.

Or, if you're not the crafty type, you can buy this little guy from Etsy seller StormtrooperCrafts, made to order for around $45.

-Via Nerd Approved

The Most Kick-Ass Tea Commercial You've Ever Seen

People typically drink tea to relax, therefore tea is typically marketed as a relaxation-related product with calming commercials and soothing box art.

But according to this commercial bubble tea is a fun, youthful product that gets people so fired up they feel like doing some kung-fu fighting!

(YouTube Link)

This clever ad for Kung Fu Tea was created by Team Red Productions and stars the Shaolin Stooges, three guys who like taro bubble tea so much they study martial arts so they don't have to share!

Apparently they'll also fight to the death over the last slice of pizza...these guys need a bigger food budget!

(YouTube Link)

-Via GeekTyrant

Short PSA Made By AT&T In 1936 To Help Familiarize Viewers With Dial Telephones

If you wanted to make a non-local call back in 1936 you typically had to speak to a switchboard operator, who would connect your call to a number that began with exchange letters related to the location you were calling.

But as phone technology improved the old system was phased out, replaced with the ability to dial phone numbers directly via automatic exchange systems and rotary phones, which totally freaked some people out.

Thankfully, AT&T was there for folks who were frightened by all that newfangled telephone technology, alleviating their concerns with this short PSA that explains how the dial telephone works.

(YouTube Link)

-Via Laughing Squid

Nobody Does Wannabe Celebrity Like Phoebe Price

Social media has made it easy for pretty much anyone to become a celebrity in their own mind, proving that if you try hard enough any wanna-be celeb can amass quite a few followers and get the likes they seek.

But something tells me model and actress Phoebe Price would have gotten attention with or without social media, because her gonzo diva persona demands all eyes are on her- and her burrito.

Phoebe can be seen hanging around Hollywood doing totally normal stuff like posing with a burrito, reading tabloids in a sultry manner, and strutting down the sidewalk with a giant sundae.

No wonder the paparazzi love to photograph Phoebe whenever they spot her in the wild!

See Phoebe Price Is Officially The Most Ridiculous "Celebrity" Of 2016 here (NSFW-ish)

Why Does He Always Win? Because He's The Batman

(Image Link)

There's Bruce Wayne and then there's The Batman, the crime fighter in the cape and cowl who's capable of conquering any challenge physical or mental.

(Image Link)

He's the original Most Interesting Man In The World, the man who makes James Bond look like a Boy Scout, and the super guy whose silhouette is enough to strike fear into the hearts of wicked men- and sharks apparently.

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Brazilian comic artist Dragonarte continues his quest to reveal all the Bat-antics left out of the DC Comics Batman titles, and with each Dragonarte strip we come a little closer to figuring out Batman's biggest secret to success.

(Image Link)

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

Wild Animal Screams Replaced By Human Voices

Animal screams have such a distinct sound that other animals will react as if the screaming critter is in the room when they hear a recording of the unique vocalization, but human screams aren't so distinct.

That is, they're not so distinct we can tell them apart without using software, because they sound virtually the same to our ears, which is why sound effects artists are still using the same old Wilhelm screams.

But how would you react if you heard a human scream coming from the maw of a wild animal? Watch this ridiculous clip from BBC's Planet Earth 2, edited by Matt Amys, and find out!

(YouTube Link)

If you answered "I would react by laughing my face off" before you watched the clip you were correct!

-Via Laughing Squid

Photos Of A Young Christopher Walken Dressed As A Clown

Christopher Walken slips effortlessly between playing a total badass and playing roles that require him to act super silly, but his acting range isn't something he just picked up.

Christopher Walken's range comes from experience- he's been acting since he was 10 years old, when he was bitten by the acting bug after appearing in a sketch with Martin and Lewis on The Colgate Comedy Hour in 1953.

But young Ronnie Walken didn't make his official debut until 1954, when he and his brother Glenn began appearing on the soap opera Guiding Light- as the same character, Michael Bauer.

That may not have been a career highlight for young Ronnie, but these amazing photos taken by Al Barry in 1955 show us that Ronnie, who later changed his stage name to Christopher, was born to be an entertainer.

And seriously folks- if you're still scared of clowns after seeing young Ronnie Walken yukking it up in front of the camera your issues may run much deeper than mere coulrophobia!

See Christopher Walken. As a child. Dressed like a clown. here

Why It Would Suck To Date An Anime Girl

Many Otakus think anime girls would make great girlfriends, because they're powerful and beautiful, with plenty of magical charm and cute little voices that can make a raging bull stop and smile.

But if these anime girls existed in the real world they would be virtually undateable, and any Otaku who made a play for them would instantly regret their decision.

Jealous boyfriends would rage when they're forced to watch as their anime GF falls on top of their male "friends" in suggestive ways over and over again, because that's how clumsiness is portrayed in anime.

The new BF would also have to deal with the brooding and sinister ex, who still somehow has a hold on that seemingly innocent little anime girl despite having tried to once tried to kill her.

But, as this comic by JHALL shows, the worst part about dating an anime girl would be the quest to find something to talk about, because they might be kick-ass warriors but they definitely aren't known for their conversational skills.

-Via Dorkly

Film Directors Pick Their Favorite Movies Of 2016

The Other Side

There are a bunch of "best of" movie lists released at the end of every year, but the ones I always find most fascinating are the lists put together by film directors.

Their insight and exposure to many obscure movies makes their picks a cut above the rest, and since TV shows are becoming more like movies every day their lists are starting to include their TV show picks too.

Green Room

Creator of the edgy and compelling TV series Mr. Robot Sam Esmail picked an even mix of movies and TV shows for his top 10 list:

"OJ: Made In America"


"Horace and Pete"

"Black Mirror"

"Game Of Thrones"

"The Lobster"


"Manchester By The Sea"

"Green Room"

"Everybody Wants Some"


Meanwhile Jonathan Demme (of The Silence of the Lambs fame) chose films with more personal storylines about people with complicated lives:

“La La Land”
“Maggie’s Plan”
“Toni Erdmann”
“Gimme Danger”

Sausage Party

And comedian/film director Mike Birbiglia presented a list that seems to reflect his personality- part comedy, part touching drama, part documentary, all extremely enjoyable to watch:

11 faves (sorry, amazing year for movies, and there are a ton more I loved)

“Hell or High Water”
“Captain Fantastic”
“20th Century Women”
“Manchester by the Sea”
“Sausage Party”
“Where To Invade Next” (2015/16)
“Pop Star”
“Black Mirror” (S. 3 episode 4 “San Junipero”— I will fight people on this.)

Want to see many more movie lists hand picked by directors? Read 35 Directors Pick Their Favorite Movies and TV Shows of 2016 at IndieWire

Strange Food Products From The 90s You May Have Forgotten About

(YouTube Link)

We took all those strange food products on the store shelves for granted back in the 80s and 90s, never knowing those neon colored decades would be seen as the heyday for funny foods.

But now that Holiday Spice Pepsi, Hidden Valley Pizza Ranch dressing, Pop-Tarts Crunch cereal, Chicken Tonight and Nestle Bug Pops are no longer sold in stores people are starting to wonder if they were just a figment of their imagination.

It's arguable whether life is a little more bland without these funny food products, or if we're better off without these freaky foods dancing in our bellies.

But there's no denying the world is better off without that Chicken Tonight theme song dancing through our heads!

(YouTube Link)

See 21 90s Foods That You Probably, Definitely Forgot Existed here

The Most Diabolical Looking Buildings In The World

Reiyukai Shakaden Temple-Tokyo, Japan

In the comics a building owned by a supervillain has a suitably evil-looking exterior so there's no mistaking who the building belongs to, but in the real world buildings aren't built to look evil- or are they?

Polygone Riviera-Cagnes-sur-Mer, France

Perhaps architects who read comics when they're kids have their designs influenced by comic art, or maybe they simply decided dark and foreboding is the best way to make their building stand out.

The Max Planck Research Institute for Experimental Medicine-  Berlin, Germany

Take a tour of the world's most sinister looking structures via the subreddit /r/evilbuildings and see what people really mean when they say "chillin' like a villain".

MahaNakhon Tower- Bangkok, Thailand

See The Most Diabolically Evil-Looking Buildings In The World here

Masters Of The Playground - That Kid Needs To Get More Sun!

Masters of the Playground by Ed Harrington

People often wonder where the animosity between He-Man and Skeletor began, since they've been at each other's throats for as long as anyone can remember, so here's a little history lesson for the curious. It all began on the playground at Eternia Elementary School, when young Skeletor was bullied by a super strong little kid named He-Boy. Young Skeletor was a big fan of those rocking horse type things on the playground, and he would sit there for hours gently rocking back and forth. One day He-Boy decided to play a little trick on Skeletor by winding the spring super tight, so whoever sat on it next would launch straight into the air. Long story short- Skeletor didn't notice the spring, sat on the thing and went flying through the air which, by the way, is the first time he yelled "MYAH!" too...

Share the untold story of the MOTU bunch with this Masters Of The Playground t-shirt by Ed Harrington, it's the playful way to show the world what your favorite skull-faced villain looked like as a little tyke!

Visit Ed Harrington's official website, Instagram and Tumblr, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more mighty fun designs:

Tin City Tetsu-Os Son of Gotham Caution

View more designs by Ed Harrington | More Funny T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

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