Zeon Santos's Liked Blog Posts

Try Guy Keith Lets Google Search Decide What To Do For A Day

I wouldn't suggest letting Siri or Cortana or any other annoying AI assistant suggest places for you to eat or drink while you're out on the town, because they're liable to suggest places to go based on sponsored content.

Instead, you should do like Try Guy Keith and go Google Search if you're looking to let an app control your life for a day...oh wait, they use sponsored content too, don't they?

Well, Keith had pretty good luck trusting Google Search to tell him what to eat, drink and do nearby (within a mile of his location, Santa Monica), and he even made a new friend from the Valley!

(YouTube Link)

Keith then headed Downtown, met a new buddy and went to brunch, a bar and a Lakers game at the Staples Center, because they were livin' that Google sponsored life.

(YouTube Link)

I guess the moral of the story is if you run in to Try Guy Keith and he tries to make friends with you take him up on his offer, because you're in for a delicious adventure!

This Space Age Cat Backpack Lets Your Kitty Come With You Wherever You Go

Many cat owners wish they could take their kitty with them wherever they go, so felines and humans can explore the world together like true friends, but cats usually don't dig strutting around town on a leash.

So what's the alternative?

This kooky looking cat carrier backpack called the U-Pet has earned rave reviews from feline fanciers who felt bad that their indoor cats were stuck indoors day in and day out.

Now their kitties can explore the world like little astronauts while hanging around in this space age backpack, which features a viewing dome and a bunch of air vents on the front and side so kitty doesn't suffocate.

The U-Pet looks like great fun for humans to wear, but judging by the photos cats are not impressed by this backpack-shaped kitty pod.

In fact, a few of those angry kittehs look like they would have preferred to stay home!

See Genius Cat-Pack Lets Your Pet Travel Like A Little Astronaut here

Home Alone With Blood

Home Alone is a family film, so director Chris Columbus and writer John Hughes wisely chose to keep the film free of any blood and gore, even though some of those traps look like they really put a hurting on the robbers.

(YouTube Link)

Fans have speculated about what the robbers would actually look like if they'd been hit in the face with a steel pipe or beaned with a brick, so animator BitMassive added the gore effects and created Home Alone With Blood.

(YouTube Link)

So far BitMassive has added bloody effects to four scenes from Home Alone 1 and 2, but he could run with this premise forever if you consider how many movies contain slapstick violence in need of a gory makeover.

(YouTube Link)

-Via JoBlo

The Aghast Guinea Pig Stars In A Photoshop Battle

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Guinea pigs are a humble species, so they don't like to wear theatrical costumes or draw too much attention to themselves, but every guinea pig respects a good facial reaction.

It's the way they show off their acting skills without making a scene, and their faces say loud and clear what no oink ever could.

(Image Link)

When humans spot a guinea pig making a spectacularly emotive face they want to put a costume on that cavy and see what they would look like as, say, Sherlock Holmes.

(Image Link)

Since guinea pig society forbids such showy displays of pomposity humans have to settle for Photoshopped pics of guinea pigs dressed as pop culture characters, which is actually an offer we can't refuse.

(Image Link)

Redditor i_love_applebees started a Photoshop battle starring a bald, aghast looking guinea pig and the crowds went wild, applauding the effort that went in to transforming his expression into a work of art.

(Image Link)

See Comical Edits Of Aghast Guinea Pig As Celebs, Pop Culture Characters here

Guy Makes Sweaters Based On Locations To Wear While Visiting Those Locations

It's a good idea to dress for every occasion, so you're comfortable whether you're going out to dinner with the fam or traveling to far off destinations to do some epic level sightseeing.

But there's one garment that works for virtually every occasion, and comfort is its middle name- the sweater.

You can wear a sweater to dinner, a show and while visiting Stonehenge and you'll be comfy the entire time, which is why sweaters are Sam Barsky's outerwear of choice.

Sam dresses for every occasion by making a sweater with graphics based on the location he's about to visit then heads out, all warm and comfy and ready to pose for some photos.

He shares his creations via his Artistic Knitting of Sam Barsky Facebook page, where you can see a sampling of the over 100 different pictorial sweaters Sam has created, including this refreshingly exotic sweater.

See This Guy Makes Sweaters Based On Locations, Then Visits Those Places here

The Quick Spruce Up

Leaving the house without sprucing myself up a bit makes me feel like a foul creature among cleaner and less disgusting looking humans who should avoid contact with me at all costs.

But at least I don't have to throw on some boring old monkey suit before I can be seen in public, imagine what a pain in the neck it must be for those diehard suit and tie guys.

Thanks, cartoonist Jim Benton, for reminding me how stupid I look every time I wear a tie, and how fabulous I look when I wear lipstick!

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

This Dad Proves It's Hip To Be Square

When people are proud of something they've built they like to share pics of it via social media, so they can show off their creation and have everyone "like" it or leave a comment.

Sometimes that pride is unjustified, and the pics elicit pity from their social media network, but this dad's pride for his just plain perfect cube is justified and utterly adorable.

(Image Link)

Shaun Moriarty's dad Tom wasn't trying to strut his awesome cube all over the internet, he just wanted to share pics of it with his family iMessage group starting with this puzzling pic and "quick quiz":

But Shaun really wanted to share his dad's cubic pride with his social network, and because of his share the story went viral, which thrilled Tom after all:

So what is Tom's square deal? He's a photographer who wants to use the cube to show lens distortion at different focal lengths.

(Image Link)

See People Are Totally Obsessed With This Dad Sending His Family Weird Photos Of His Huge Cube here

Ghost Shark Filmed Alive In The Ocean For The First Time

They're strange looking relatives of sharks and rays, they're elusive and live 2600 meters or more below the surface, and they have retractable sex organs on their foreheads.

They're Chimaeras, or ghost sharks or pointy-nosed blue ratfish, and they've never been captured on video before 2016, when a remotely operated vehicle deployed by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute caught this swim-by on camera.

(YouTube Link)

Chimaeras are normally thought to inhabit the waters around New Zealand and Australia, but the remote vehicle captured the Chimaera swimming in the Northern Hemisphere, which researchers found interesting.

What you might find interesting are these strange physical traits of the Ghost Sharks, via National Geographic:

Unlike those more well-known sharks, chimaeras don’t have rows of ragged teeth, but instead munch up their prey—mollusks, worms, and other bottom-dwellers—with mineralized tooth plates.

A pattern of open channels on their heads and faces, called lateral line canals, contain sensory cells that sense movement in the water and help the ghost sharks locate lunch.

And perhaps most fascinating, male chimaeras sport retractable sex organs on their foreheads.

-Via Boing Boing

Clever Door Sensor Plays The Seinfeld Bass Riff Whenever Someone Enters The Room

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That funky Seinfeld theme song bass riff has been stuck in my head since the 90s, and every time I think about a scene from the show I hear that bass riff playing in my head once again.

Thanks to the efforts of maker Caliixxs that totally 90s synth-bass riff played between scenes on Seinfeld has made the leap out of my head and in to a door sensor- that plays the song whenever someone opens the door.

(YouTube Link)

Caliixxs built it using an infrared sensor, an Arduino unit and the Adafruit Music Maker Shield, but she must have used some TV magic too, because the thing makes real life feel like a ridiculous sitcom.  Anybody handy with electronics wanna build me one?

-Via Laughing Squid

The Most Ridiculous Dragon Ball Z Cosplay Ever

Dragon Ball Z cosplay has been done to death, so cosplayers who are looking to bring fresh ideas to the world of DBZ cosplay have to either create a new hybrid or come up with something utterly ridiculous.

This cosplayer from Japan chose to go the ridiculous route when he dressed up as a kamehameha wave attack, and in doing so he has completely changed the game for DBZ cosplayers.

Now they can start dressing up like all of their favorite attack types, vehicles, inanimate objects in the background, a flying nimbus, the Dragon Balls themselves...the possibilities are endless!

-Via GeekTyrant

This Young Man Spends Two Weeks A Year With His Alpine Marmot Pals

In the hills of Austria you can find magical moments unfolding as a child discovers how to speak to the animals, in this case marmots, and relate to them on their level.

Whether he knows exactly what they're saying or not is anyone's guess, but his special rapport with the normally shy marmots is truly something special, and their connection makes for some magical photo-ops.

12-year-old Matteo Walch became pals with the alpine marmots at an early age, when his mom Michaela introduced him to the joy of nature and he had the good fortune of meeting a colony of marmots.

They've come back to Grossglockner for two weeks a year ever since, where Michaela takes some great shots that truly capture the unusual yet heartwarming bond between Matteo and the marmots.

Alex first posted about Matteo and the marmots back in 2012, and it's interesting to see that even though Matteo is now a tween the marmots still see him as their little buddy!

See Adorable Photos Of A Young Austrian Boy Enjoys A Special Friendship With Shy Marmots here

Inside The Canadian Cult Of Staring

Cults have been known to do some pretty strange things, and when we take a look at their activities we're left wondering what could possess people to take part in such odd activities.

In Canada this odd cult activity comes in the form of staring at a screen featuring video footage of a blue eyed cult leader named John de Ruiter for hours at a time.

John's strange staring cult has thousands of members, who have moved to Edmonton just to be a part of his College of Integrated Philosophy and worship their messiah by staring deeply at his face for three-hour-long "meetings".

(YouTube Link)

John was once a humble preacher and orthopedic shoemaker before he discovered there's a lot more money in commanding a flock of followers who are susceptible to suggestion, and now he's the man with the million dollar stare.

Read about The Canadian Man Who Commands A Cult With His Gaze here

Adidas Didn't Accept This Ad Submitted By Student, But Everyone Else Loved It

Adidas is one of the largest athletic shoe companies in the world, so they have plenty of funding for their advertising campaigns and don't need to go looking for free submissions from film students.

But Eugene Merher, a 26-year-old student filmmaker from Germany, decided to submit the ad he'd made for Adidas to their communications department anyway- and found his submission completely ignored.

Determined to show off his hard work despite the cold shoulder he received from Adidas he posted the ad online, where it instantly went viral and gave viewers all sorts of feels.

(YouTube Link)

Now Adidas is probably wishing they'd sent Eugene Merher a "thank you but no" letter at least, because this ad is getting way more love than any Adidas commercial in recent memory.

-Via Bored Panda

Artist Ships Glass Boxes Inside FedEx Boxes To Create Unique Art Pieces

Shipping fragile stuff is always risky, because you never know whether the shipping company is going to handle the package with care or mangle it during transit.

And if you're shipping something as fragile as a glass box you'd have to be crazy not to swathe it in bubble wrap to protect it from getting smashed to bits by careless carriers.

Either that or the packages and the glass boxes are being used in an art project, and the shipping damage turns each glass box into a physical representation of the journey it took across the country.

Artist Walea Beshty created laminated glass boxes that fit perfectly inside FedEx shipping boxes then sent them all over the place, pairing each piece with the original shipping box to create pieces like FedEx Large Box, LA to NYC, 2007.

Here's a video of Walea describing the project at the 2008 Whitney Biennial:

(YouTube Link)

-Via Boing Boing

Why Do So Many Characters Drink Milk In Movies?

In the movie A Clockwork Orange Alex and the boys drink glasses of Moloko Plus, which are milk and drug cocktails that fuel the gang's wicked behavior, so they have a valid reason for drinking milk.

But why did Anton Chigurh in No Country For Old Men, Hans Landa in Inglorious Basterds and Leon in The Professional drink milk by the bottle?

Because it's seen as unsettling when an adult male drinks milk, especially when they look all menacing or nutsy while they drink it.

And in Leon's case it's also a sign of his maternal nature, and a way to add a whimsical element that feels natural for the character.

(YouTube Link)

Now You See It explores the various reasons why characters drink milk more often in movies than whiskey or Coke, and once you've seen all those characters drinking milk you'll be looking for it in every movie you watch!

-Via Sploid

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