Zeon Santos's Liked Blog Posts

People Turn Into Creatures From Another World When A Face Is Drawn On Their Back

Some humans seem like they come from another world, and yet their strangeness is hard to define until you see a photo or video that reveals their true face.

These bizarre individuals live among us, and when they're well hidden from prying eyes they like to change back into their original form and let their truly odd looking face out for some air.

Photographer AnaHell figured out how normal humans can infiltrate the ranks of these aliens among us in her series "Secret Friends"- have someone draw a face on your back, bend over as far as you can go, cover your head and put a wig on your waist. 

Now you're ready to rub elbows (shoulders?) with these creatures and see how the secret half live!  

-Via Laughing Squid

What Every Wand In Harry Potter Looks Like

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J.K. Rowling paid far more attention to minor details while writing the Harry Potter series than most children's authors do while creating their world, because they assume kids won't even notice these missing details.

From the type of clothing worn by each character to the significance of each color and animal used to represent the four main houses at Hogwarts to the shape of and material used to make each wand, there is no small detail left unaccounted for in the Harry Potter series. 

The rich details included in the books gave the propmakers who worked on the Harry Potter films a clear idea of what each character's signature wand should look like, and their creations exceeded expectations.

Lucius's Wand might be the most spectacular looking of the bunch, with its shiny silver snake pommel, but the fun details included in Slughorn's Wand and the simplistic elegance of Luna's Wand give it a run for its money.

But the most famous of all is Dumbledore's Wand (aka the Elder Wand), which was crafted out of elder wood with a Thestral tail-hair core.

It has the fantastic look fantasy fans expect from a magic wand, with the pedigree and firepower to prove it wasn't made to be all style and no substance. 

See What Every Wand in Harry Potter Looks Like here

Inside The German Museum Full Of Perfectly Preserved Corpses

If you ever consider visiting the Plastinarium in Guben you'd better make sure you have the stomach to handle what you'll see inside, because the Plastinarium is home to over 16,000 perfectly preserved corpses.

Have you ever heard of the traveling exhibition Body Worlds?

That's the Plastinarium's handiwork, and they've perfected the plastination process developed by anatomist Gunther von Hagens in 1977 to the point where the corpses are effectively preserved forever: 

In a vacuum chamber, silicone and other polyurethane polymers are injected in lifeless corpses, preventing the natural process of withering decay. The skinless corpses have been used in medical schools across the globe, enabling future anatomists to understand how diseases affect the body. Each body takes about 1500 hours to plastinate and color to give a life-like appearance to cadavers.

Gunther gave control of the Plastinarium over to his son Rurik after being diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, and despite a few lean years the Plastinarium has had no shortage of visitors...or donated bodies.

People are very interested in seeing the 40 different scientists employed by the Plastinarium dissect, embalm and plastinate the donated bodies piece by piece, the human body deconstructed right before their eyes.

This interest is also inspiring more people than ever before to donate their body to the plastination process because, as Rurik explains:

“They want to do something useful with their bodies, after they’re deceased, instead of being eaten by the worms.”

Read Inside The German Museum Of Perfectly Preserved Corpses here, or for an in-depth look into this unusual museum read The Plastinarium of Dr. von Hagens at Wired

Start The New Year In Style With A Hilarious New Shirt From The NeatoShop

Did Somebody Say Sassy? by Wolf Krusemark

The best way to leave the dumpster fire of a year 2016 behind is with a new you- new hobbies, new habits, new lifestyle, new improvements and a new attitude.

Or you can just skip all that and grab some new shirts from the NeatoShop, where you'll find the geeky new wardrobe of your dreams!

Have you been thinking about getting a new pet?

PUGussaurus Rex. by JCMaziu

Or trying out a new look?

Boring by Vó Maria

Whatever you need to do to feel good again DO IT! Or don't, what do I care...

Nope resolution by ormadraws

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Awful Sounding Sandwiches From TV Shows Built And Tested

TV shows are always coming up with crazy food inventions no person would ever eat in real life, or at least wouldn't have eaten before the internet turned making and eating food monstrosities into a great blog post.

The Tang-wich and Toothpaste Sandwich from Married With Children, the Take Me Out To The Burger burger from Bob's Burgers, and the classic Super Shaggy Sandwich from Scooby Doo all seem too ridiculous to make and eat in real life.

But Cracked's Loryn Stone proved she has an appetite for ridiculousness when she made these sandwiches, along with the Twinkie Wiener Sandwich from UHF and the El Burdigato Supreme from Teen Titans GO!, then taste tested every one of them.

The results were surprising with some (Loryn loved the Take Me Out To The Burger burger with Cracker Jack and peanuts) and not surprising at all with others (The Super Shaggy has sardines, marshmallows and fudge in it, so Loryn naturally found it to be inedible).

And in the end Loryn sacrificed her stomach to show us why these sandwiches don't belong in the real world.

See 6 Awful Sounding Sandwiches From TV (Built and Tested) here (NSFW language)

A Child's Imagination Can Really Sting

Parents should always encourage kids to use their imaginations, and they can help foster a child's imagination by providing them with props and costumes so the kid can really get into the role.

But as this comic from Jim Benton shows parents should also protect their vital bits when a kid's imagination is in full swing, because poster tube lightsabers really sting!

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

An Interesting Strategy For Efficiently Visiting Museums

Efficiency isn't a priority for most museum visitors, but sometimes you're on a really tight schedule yet still want to see all the museum has to offer, so it becomes important to view the exhibits efficiently.

Luckily, Nick Gray of Museum Hacks has come up with a clever and ultra-efficient way to visit a museum, keep walking and still take in all the exhibits- and it all starts when you grab a map.

(YouTube Link)

Nick's method in a nutshell- grab a map, then keep walking through the entire museum without stopping to read text on first lap.

Take a break and plan your strategy for re-entry, go back in and explore the exhibits at your own pace, spending time on the exhibits you care to learn more about, and you've now seen it all- twice!

-Via Laughing Squid

The Iconic Seinfeld Theme Song Was Totally Improvised

The Seinfeld theme song is like no other TV theme song, with a funky synth bass sound that set it apart from the rest of the poppy-singy 90s theme songs.

It also succeeds in getting stuck in your head for days, if not weeks, at a time, which either makes you want to watch more or never watch the show again, depending on how you feel about the theme.

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But love it or hate it the Seinfeld theme song is an iconic part of TV history and a major highlight in composer Jonathan Wolff's career- which was completely improvised.

(YouTube Link)

This video by Great Big Story discusses the origin of the Seinfeld theme song and the man behind Seinfeld's iconic sound, Jonathan Wolff. He's even got the jacket to prove it!

-Via Mashable

The 5 Types Of Romantic Comedy Posters

Romantic comedies are (arguably) the most formulaic of all movies, and studios use that rom-com formula to make a bunch of money with very little effort.

Many fans enjoy the predictable nature of rom-coms, and will actually get upset if a film strays too far from the norm, so it's no wonder filmmakers don't even try to do anything different with the genre.

In fact, romantic comedies are kept predictable right down to their poster layouts, of which there are exactly around five types.

There's the Back to Back, the Two Guys One Girl, the Pick-Me-Up, the Men Are Inept and the Well, Here's Everyone!!, five poster types used to advertise the less than five types of romantic comedy plots.

The list is missing one overused type of rom-com poster- the Close-Up of Guy and Girl Making "Funny" Faces, a true classic!

-Via CollegeHumor

Nifty Household Uses For Chalkboard Paint

Drawing on stuff around the house can be fun, but as most kids discover when they get in trouble for drawing on the walls ink is extremely hard to wipe off, unlike chalk off a chalkboard.

That's why people who want to write on stuff like dressers, pitchers, serving trays, crockpots or staircases need to grab a can of chalkboard paint and turn those surfaces into something to chalk about.

And if you're really dedicated to adding chalkable surfaces to your home you can turn an entire wall into a can't miss chalkboard calendar.

Too big of a space commitment? Why not turn the side of your file cabinet into a chalkboard instead?

Now you've got a place to write all those important notes in the place where you need it most.

See Creative Ways To Use Chalkboard Paint Around The House here

Adopted Pit Bull And Two Guinea Pigs Are Best Friends

According to the media pit bulls are savage and vicious killers who have no problem sinking their teeth into innocent children and animals whenever they get the chance.

But according to these two tiny guinea pigs pit bulls are straight up lovers, and make for great cuddle buddies.

When Kristy Gamayo adopted Moki the pit bull she was told to keep him away from her little guinea pigs Frida and Pandora, but the three unlikely friends immediately began bonding and have since become best friends:

'The piggies are always crawling up to Moki - smelling her - and Moki in return licks them as she lies down with them.

'To this day, Moki and the piggies cuddle together and Moki likes to give them kisses.'

Now Kristy has set up an Instagram account @piggiesandpitty so people around the world can bask in the glory of their crazy critter love!

-Via Daily Mail

Artist Recreates Items Most Often Stolen From UK Stores In Felt

Which items do you think are most often stolen from stores in the UK?

If you guessed DVDs, electronics or smartphones you're wrong, because the things thieves like to steal from stores in the UK tend to be edible.

Bacon, pints of liquor, cheese, champagne and nicotine gum are among the top choices for thieves in the UK, and these items are also the top choice for artist Lucy Sparrow to recreate as felt plushies.

Lucy created a basket full of pilfered goods for her Shoplifting project, which was shown at the Lawrence Alkin Gallery in London last November, and her soft sculpture renditions of these stolen items are priceless.

Hopefully Lucy's plush goods were well guarded because they're so cute I wanna steal 'em all!

See An Artist Recreates The Most Stolen Objects In Stores here

These Two Google Home Units Have Been Arguing For Days

Companies like Amazon, Apple and Google would love to put one of their AI assistant units in every home, preferably with the owner's credit card info on file and one word payment enabled.

But they still have a lot of bugs to work out before those little voices in the speaker are of any actual use to people as a whole, and until then AI assistants will be seen largely as a source of entertainment.

(YouTube Link)

Recently two Google Home units named Vladamir and Estragon have been arguing for all the world to see via their Twitch stream @seebotschat, and the argument has gone on for days.

If you're wondering what an argument between two AI assistants sounds like it's pretty much as vapid, ridiculous and nonsensical as you'd imagine

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With some strange twists and unexpectedly dark turns

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And the occasional flights of bot fancy.

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Their conversation sounds like an argument between two drunken barflys, only less coherent!

-Via some life

Korean Artist Creates Death Themed Love Comics To Cope With Her Depression

Drawing pictures of a skeleton hanging out with a sad girl may not seem like a great way to battle depression, but it's better to work out your issues through your art rather than letting them fester.

And that's why Korean illustrator and fashion designer Haenuli Shin copes with her depression by creating comics starring a skeleton and a(n often naked) girl, who may or may not represent Haenuli herself.

Haenuli's comics are inspired by a painting in the Musee d'Orsay, Paris by Marianne Stoke called "Young Girl and the Angel of Death", and her take on the morbid themes of death and depression is simply refreshing.

See Death-Inspired Love Comics That I Create To Cope With My Depression here

Why Fantasy Football Is Just Like Playing Pokemon

I'm not an active Pokemon hunter by any means, but it still irks me when people talk trash about geeky pursuits then proceed to obsess over something equally geeky yet hidden behind a veil of normalcy, like fantasy football.

The similarities between the two seem pretty obvious- both games involve an ever changing cast of characters, which you use to battle against your friends while hoping they don't suffer from a status ailment.

Both games are boring as hell to hear about when you're not a player, and those who are obsessed with the game let it bring out the worst in them even though the game itself is a waste of time.

The only thing this comic by Nathan Yaffe left out is the fact that you can win cash playing fantasy football, but it never seems to be enough to justify all the time and effort that goes into playing the game!

See Why Fantasy Football is Just Pokemon For Adults here

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