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Some Of The Best Foreign Horror Movies You May Have Missed In 2016

It's really hard to catch every horror movie that comes out in a year, and even harder to hunt down great new films when you have to hack your way through so many crappy horror flicks to find the choice cuts. 

Add the international releases and the search becomes way too bloody tough, so rather than going mad reading movie reviews you should check out this list of 10 Horror Movies You Missed In 2016 and go global.

(YouTube Link)

There you'll find trailers for the scary cool crossover THE RING VS. THE GRUDGE, where vengeful spirits Sadako and Kayako get to "fight in the ultimate battle for supremacy". 

You'll also see a trailer for a real corker of a film from Australia called Scare Campaign, about a prank video gone horribly wrong. (NSFW language)

(YouTube Link)

If you like nihilistic horror movies and suspenseful storylines then you may enjoy ATAÚD BLANCO: EL JUEGO DIABÓLICO (White Coffin), a dark film from Argentina that will stay with you after viewing.

(YouTube Link)

Lastly we have Train To Busan, which didn't make their list but really should have, because this South Korean zombie apocalypse flick looks deliciously dark.

(YouTube Link)

See Around the World In 10 Horror Movies You Missed In 2016 here

This Beer Serving Robot Won't Be Replacing Bartenders Anytime Soon

Love them or hate them, at least hipster bartenders know how to make delicious cocktails (even if they are way overpriced) but it's safe to say robots won't be replacing human bartenders anytime soon. 

That's because robots just don't have the finesse and flair to sling drinks, and they make horrible conversationalists because they don't possess an empathy chip.

There are a few robots out there who can effectively pour a pint of beer, but they clearly weren't built by roboteer Simone Giertz- because her beer-pourin' bot can't even set the glass down without shattering it! (NSFW language)

(YouTube Link)

-Via Popular Mechanics

Who's That Tapping At My Window?

(Image Link)

If you hear tap-tap-tapping at your window and creaky cracking sounds go turn on your heater and steel your nerves- because you've got an ice ghost outside your window looking to chill you to the bone. 

Ice ghosts are hard to spot until they're fully formed, but the photo above should help you spot that spirited chunk of ice before it breaks in and wraps you in death's cold embrace.

And if you're thinking about doing some barbecuing during the winter months but your barbecue has been sitting outside you'd better call an exorcist first...

(Image Link)

-Via Boing Boing

These Felted Dragons Are Utterly Fantastic

Dragons are still capturing the imagination of adults and children alike after centuries of breathing fire and battling armored knights, and yet artists often have a hard time coming up with original dragon designs.

This means most of the dragon-shaped stuff that comes out looks like the same olde same olde, but the felted characters created by Russian artist Alena Bobrova are fantastically unique. 

Alena's dragons have lots of scales and spines and such growing out of their backs, and some are even sprouting 'shrooms because they're just that lazy. 

The best thing about Alena's felted dragons is that each one's totally unique, with a very distinct color scheme and personality, so the humans who adopt them know their dragon is theirs and theirs alone!

See more from Felt Dragons By Russian Artist Alena Bobrova here

Mom And Son Install Neighborhood Pantry Box In Their Front Yard

Neighborhood food pantries are a novel idea that's catching on in big cities around the world, and some small towns have also begun sharing by installing pantry boxes in the town centers.

But Maggie Ballard and her 6-year-old son Paxton of Wichita, Kansas have decided to bring the concept home with them- by installing a "Blessing Box" in their front yard

Now their neighbors in need have access to free food from a food pantry close to home, and those who want to directly help their neighbors can share food knowing it will go to somebody who lives nearby.


But the Ballards aren't the first people to install a pantry box in their neighborhood, as NPR reports:

Similar "yard-based" food pantries have gone up across the country, in states like Oklahoma, Indiana, Kentucky, Florida and Minnesota. Much of it seems to trace back to Jessica McClard, who created what she calls the "little free pantry" in northwest Arkansas.

"The products that are stocked are put directly inside the pantry and turnover is in about 30 to 45 minutes," McClard says. "The frequency of the turnover and the fact that other sites in town are also turning over that frequently, it suggests to me that the need is tremendous."

See Inside Wichita's "Blessing Box", A Micro Food Pantry here

What Really Happens When You Don't Turn Off Your Cell Phone On A Plane

Passengers get really annoyed every time a flight attendant tells them to turn off their phones and devices while the plane is taking off or landing, but they begrudgingly comply.

Some angry phone addicts will even argue they read an article online that said they don't really need to turn their phones off anymore, because there is a picocell on the plane.

Well, they're right as long as they're on a plane equipped with picocell technology, but chances are they're being told to turn their devices off because the plane does not have a picocell.

And maybe if passengers understood that cell phone signals bounce off multiple towers, which makes it hard for pilots to clearly communicate with control towers, they would comply without all that grumbling!

(YouTube Link)

-Via Travel + Leisure

Bunny Plays Jenga Like A Boss

All those cute videos people post online make rabbits look like really fun pets, because they're playful, silly and affectionate, not to mention super cute and fairly easy to care for.

However, I've owned three rabbits at different points in my life and this has not been my experience, because all three bunnies were bitey, skittish and wanted nothing to do with humans. 

I'd given up on being a bunny daddy before I saw this video posted by Foinz showing their bunny Simba playing Jenga like a little champ, and now I need all the bunnies!

(YouTube Link)

-Via Laughing Squid

A Walking Dead Themed Photo Shoot Starring Kids Is Causing Controversy

The Walking Dead has accomplished something few other TV shows ever could- the mainstreaming of extreme horror. 

No horror TV show has a demographic as wide as The Walking Dead, which is great for the people involved with the show but is seen as a problem by censorship groups who are afraid young children will be exposed to the show. 

These groups naturally freaked out when Alana Hubbard of Mother Hubbard Photography posted pics online from a Walking Dead themed photo shoot starring children re-enacting scenes from the show. 

Alana says "all of the parents are 100 percent supporting me and love the pictures", and most of the photos look like kids horsing around, a bit violent perhaps but nothing too crazy...until you get to photos like these:

Maybe knowing what happened on the show is what makes this pic seem so creepy, but it's still a shot of a kid putting a revolver to the back of another kid's head execution-style, so it's easy to see why there'd be controversy!

See Controversial Walking Dead Photo Shoot Gets People Talking here

I Am Going To Throw My Christmas Tree Into The Ocean

There are no hard and fast rules regarding when it's appropriate to dispose of your Christmas tree and when it's too late, so our trees often end up hanging around our homes well into January. 

Some people figure out a mischievous way to dispose of their tree, others toss it to the curb and hope somebody hauls it away.

But nobody tosses their Christmas tree into the ocean, or rather, nobody should toss their tree into the ocean, because it's a dumb idea.

(YouTube Link)

Brendan O'Hare and Cory Snearowski are Couch Friends, and they made this video so we can LOL. 

-Via Boing Boing

We Work Hard For The Money

(Comic Via Rhymes With Orange)

Some people spend money like it grows on a tree in their front yard, while others scrimp and save every dime so they can have that nest egg waiting for them when they finally decide to shell out some cash.

(Comic via Sarah Andersen)

But no matter how you are with your money there comes a time when you have to make a difficult monetary decision and weigh your hourly wages against the true value of an item you want to buy.

(Comic via Toothpaste For Dinner)

That's why people have such a love-hate relationship with work and the concept of a paycheck, because we feel like we're spending 40+ hours a week at work and still don't have any money to burn.

(Comic via Books Of Adam)

And once your brain is stuck on saving money for bills, retirement and other unfun things those glory days of frivolous spending are over, that is, until the new (insert product name here) comes out!

(Comic via The Awkward Yeti)

This Kitchen Tool Turns Radishes Into Mario Power-Up Mushrooms

Mario eats mushrooms that look way too brightly colored to be safe, and the red and white ones are clearly inspired by fly amanita mushrooms, which can be toxic if not ingested properly. 

But Mario has all the extra lives he could ever need, which make it okay for him to ingest potentially toxic substances, so what are humans with one life left supposed to eat instead of toxic mushrooms? 

How about radishes that are sliced to look just like power up mushrooms from the Marioverse?

This fun kitchen gadget created by Israeli industrial designer Avichai Tadmor is called the Ravanello, and it turns ordinary radishes into fun mushroom shapes in just a few simple steps. 

The Ravanello won't actually imbue radishes with the power-up abilities of a Mario mushroom, nor will it make people who can't stand radishes suddenly change their minds, but it does make some adorable food art!

-Via Laughing Squid

Company Recalls Boots After Redditor Reveals Soles Leave Swastika Footprints

Nobody in their right mind would want a pair of boots that leave tiny swastika footprints wherever they go, but  the Polar Fox boot company clearly had a very specific customer in mind for their line of military combat boots.

You know, the kind of customer who would proudly describe them as "altright" while shaving their scalps clean before the next rally, basically someone who would get a kick out of leaving swastika footprints everywhere they go.

Redditor FRSHFSHFCKR is not a fan of Nazis, so when he discovered his new work boots left little swastikas behind as he walked he exposed the scandal on Reddit Pics, where Redditors proceeded to go crazy with the Nazi jokes. Seriously, they're really bad, so don't read them unless you have a strong stomach for dark comedy.

Since none of the other boots made by Polar Fox feature a swastika-shaped ridge on each tread it's hard to believe this was a mistake, as the company claimed before they recalled the boots.

There's also the fact that the company shares a name with a WWII German military operation (Unternehmen Polarfuchs, or Operation Arctic Fox). Coincidence? Your guess is as good as mein...

-Via Esquire

The Architecture Of Fairy Tale Characters

Architecture doesn't really factor into fairy tales much, and even though stories like Hansel & Gretel, the Three Little Pigs and Baba Yaga feature a building as a main part of the tale that's about as architectural as these stories get.

But that didn't stop Barcelona-based architect Federico Babina from imagining what fairy tales would look like as houses, and his imaginative interpretations are bringing a fresh look to the make believe neighborhood.

Federico has turned all kinds of different stuff into real estate properties, from bands to movies to famous artists, but his dreamy series Architale really makes me want to sign the lease!

See Federico Babina tells fairy tales through architecture here

Free-Spirited Nuns Sledding In Central Park

(Image Link)

Nuns agree to forego many of life's pleasures when they dedicate their lives to the Catholic church, but that seems to make them enjoy simple pleasures even more.

They can't drink, smoke or act promiscuously, so what? Who needs all that sin when you can go sledding in Central Park?

(Image Link)

The nuns featured in these photos taken by @mikefriedman77 and shared by ABC News after the Snowmageddon 2016 look like they're having some "I feel like a kid again" kind of fun.

And couldn't we all use more of that kind of fun in our lives?

(Image Link)

-Via CountryLiving

Facts You May Not Know About Disney's Adventureland

Disney's Adventureland has been overshadowed by flashier theme park areas like Toon Town or Tomorrowland, but back in the early days of Disneyland it was considered the most exotic and exciting part of the park. 

Adventureland has it all- a boat cruise that takes visitors down the wildest rivers in the world, a Hawaiian-themed show where the birds all sing and the flowers croon, and a thrilling yet bumpy ride starring Indiana Jones.

But Adventureland was really different on paper- the Jungle Cruise didn't have any witty banter, there was supposed to be an Indiana Jones mine cart roller coaster in addition to the Jeep Ride, and the Enchanted Tiki Room was originally supposed to be a restaurant.

(YouTube Link)

The singing plants in the Tiki Room may be fake, but the plants seen on the Jungle Cruise are the real deal- and really beautiful:

Morgan “Bill” Evans, Disneyland’s establishing horticulturist, turned the orange groves of Anaheim into a lush, low-key arboretum that includes a $100,000 palm tree, species of ficus he himself brought into California and even Queen palms native to Brazil that were rescued from the Santa Ana Freeway. The trees have reached up to 70 feet tall, creating a canopy—and plant life that thrives in the shade below—that’s truly reminiscent of its territories.

See 14 Surprising Stories You've Never Heard About Disney's Adventureland here

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