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People Share The Most Bizarre Rules They Had To Follow As Kids

(Image Link)

Parents need to set boundaries for their children both as a way to teach them right and wrong and to keep them safe in the outside world, because kids who run amok with no boundaries are bound to get hurt.

My Dad is a very VERY introverted guy, and he never liked to be in large crowds. So unless it was a school event, I was forbidden from going to any large crowded events/places like the mall, concerts, sporting events.

I was told that this was for my own safety.


But some parents take the setting of household boundaries too far, and their ridiculous demands affect their kids for the rest of their lives.

We could only eat 2 cookies at a time, and no more than 4 in a day.

I was living on my own for like a year abiding by this rule, until one day I was like, "man, I REALLY want three Oreos, not two." And I did it.


Redditors took to AskReddit to answer the question "What bizarre rule did your parents enforce that seemed normal, but when you grew up realized was not normal at all?" and their answers prove some parents are plumb loco.

8:30 pm bedtime. My. Entire. Damned. Life. Though, I knew as a teenager that making your high schooler go to bed when it was still light out half the time was whacko.

Well into my 20s I'd come back to visit for the holidays and dad would get up to use the toilet at night, see the light on in my room from me being awake reading a book at 10 p.m., and yell at me to go to sleep.


There may have been extenuating circumstances that the Redditors aren't sharing which led to these bizarre rules, but how does a parent justify not letting visitors poop in their house?

No one was allowed to poop in our house. We had a large house and all 4 of us had our own restrooms. There was this little girl with special needs I used to play with when I was little and once she had to use the restroom. My mom asked me where she was and I said she's in the bathroom. My mom walked in on the poor girl mid-poop and told her to go home and finish.


Read People Share Bizarre Rules They Had To Follow As Kids here

Girl Live Tweets Her Brother's Meltdown After His Runescape Account Is Hacked

Gamers who dedicate a portion of their lives to playing an MMO take their character and that character's in-game accomplishments very seriously, and they live in fear of having their account hacked.

And when you've played an MMO for ten years there's bound to be an emotional reaction when you find out your account was hacked, but don't take it out on your friends or family or they might share the meltdown online.

Twitter user bakebythepound's brother understandably flipped out when his Runescape account was hacked and held for ransom, but his immature behavior at home pissed off his fam and made him a target for live tweeting.

The incident continued through the night and then bakebythepound's bitter bro hilariously started the fight again in the morning, all over a crappy MMO with graphics that would have looked outdated in the 90s.

See Girl Live-Tweets Brothers Insane Meltdown After His Runescape Account Is Hacked And Held For Ransom here (NSFW language)

Girl Posted Sexy Selfie To Show Off Her Dress, But The Internet Saw So Much More

People post sexy selfies online hoping they'll get the attention and likes they need to bolster their self esteem, and because the poser is the focus of the selfie they often forget to check what's behind them in the shot.

When Alyssa posted the sexy selfie above she was hoping people would tell her how pretty she looked in her fancy dress, but she hadn't considered how much her dirty bedroom would distract from the dress.

Soon Alyssa's Tweet went viral as people played their own version of I Spy with her selfie, analyzing the stuff littering her filthy floor and discovering marshmallows are an essential part of her diet.

Unfortunately, the marshmallows were also feeding an uninvited houseguest who had seen the mess and assumed Alyssa's room was a rat friendly hotel.

See This Girl Posted a Sexy Selfie On Twitter, But The Internet Noticed Something Troubling Going On... here

Mother Shares Daily Pics Of Her Skin Cancer Treatment To Warn Against Tanning

Everybody knows the skin cancer risks associated with tanning in the sun or in a tanning bed, and yet people who can't stand being pale are willing to take that risk so their skin stays nicely bronzed.

These people also tend to believe tanning beds are safer than tanning in the sun, so they hit the UV beds and tan without applying sunscreen thinking they'll be fine. 

Well, Margaret Murphy from Dublin, Ireland wants these people to know that skin cancer is not a joke, so she's sharing pictures of her face while receiving daily treatments to remove pre-cancerous cells to send a message.

Margaret says she started tanning while living in Crete for a decade, and continued to use tanning beds when she returned home to Dublin, which resulted in the development of Actinic Keratosis on her face.

Now she's undergoing an Efudix treatment, which burns the pre-cancerous cells off her face, and sharing the pain on her Facebook page Mag's Murphys Journey, so people will learn from her mistake and use a high factor sunscreen. 

-Via Metro

A Wish To Be Really, Really Hot

Why are people so concerned with physical perfection?

The traits that constitute a "perfect 10" are a matter of opinion, and therefore someone probably already thinks you're a "10" and you don't even know it!

So if a genie ever grants you a wish take it from this comic by The Pigeon Gazette and don't waste it on matters of physical beauty, because people won't like you if your beauty melts their face off!

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

Disney Pixar Confirms All Of Their Films Exist In The Same Universe

They teased at the truth with Easter eggs and crossover clues in most of their movies, fans collected all the easter eggs and formed a unified world theory, and now Pixar has finally confirmed it- all of their movies exist in the same universe. 

It's one of those announcements that make you say "yeah, I figured as much", and yet it's nice to hear it straight from the studio's mouth since most creators won't admit when their projects are all interconnected.

Of course, Disney Pixar didn't just come out and admit the same universe connection- they posted this video on the official Toy Story Facebook page with the caption "Oh my spurs! You ain't never seen Easter eggs like these, partner". 

(YouTube Link)

Now the hunt for Pixar Easter eggs will never end!

-Via Cosmopolitan

A Really Cool Collection Of Wintry Cosplay Photos

(Winter Wonderland Lulu cosplay by Nimdra)

Cosplayers already look cool when they're strutting around in costume, except for those rare awkward moments when their costumes clash with their surroundings, but posing for cosplay photos in the snow is the coolest!

But cosplaying in the snow requires a different kind of commitment than Con cosplay, and those cosplayers who decide to pose for a themed shoot in the winter know they have to go big.

For example- you can't ride a horse into a convention (Ellie from The Last Of Us cosplay by EndureSurvivor)

And a horse can complete a cosplay like no prop ever could (Ellie from The Last Of Us cosplay by EndureSurvivor)

Con cosplay also limits your use of props, because nobody wants to carry around a giant, and often fragile, prop all day while they navigate through a sea of bodies (Winter Wonderland Orianna from League Of Legends by Lulu Cosplay)

And Cons don't properly capture the feeling of the winter holiday season like a trip to a mall all decked out for Christmas, where the decor makes cosplay photos that much more magical (Winter cosplay gathering by ourlivinglegacy)

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The Top Five Garlic Tips, Tested

Garlic is the king of all flavoring agents and condiments in many kitchens, and although garlic is nearly impossible to work into sweet recipes it works well in damn near every savory recipe ever created.  

But many people avoid using fresh garlic because it's a pain to peel, too sticky and stinky to chop or crush, and hard to properly roast, and their dishes are left devoid of that great garlic flavor.

Luckily, there are simple solutions to all of these garlic problems- microwaving garlic cloves for about fifteen seconds will make peeling a snap, or you can just seal the cloves in a jar and shake vigorously until the skin falls away. 

Roasted garlic is a delicious addition to salads, guacamole and other dips, or when spread on a piece of toast, but the roasting process can take about an hour which may be too long when you're making dinner. 

So rather than waiting around for an hour throw the unpeeled garlic cloves in a cast iron skillet over medium heat, turning occasionally until they're cooked evenly on all sides. 

See Our Top Five Garlic Tips, Tested here

Neat Stuff Spotted On Amazon's Interesting Finds

There are so many cool and useful new kitchen gadgets, travel accessories and household items available it's hard to keep track of them all, which is why Amazon created the Interesting Finds section.

There you'll find some of the coolest stuff on the market today, stuff like the KASIMIR Hedgehog Cheese Grater, the Big Joe Original Bean Bag Chair, and this brilliant Areaware Porcelain Bracelet Flask.

The best thing about Amazon's Interesting Finds section is you don't have to spend a dime to have a good time, you can just browse and check out all the cool stuff just to see what's out there.

Interesting Finds also seems like a great place to go for gift ideas, because there are so many cool and unique things on there that giftees are sure to love, like this Livedeal Sequined Mermaid Pillow Case.

The sequins are reversible, so you can write stuff on the pillow with the swipe of a finger!

See The Most Interesting Things You Can Find On Amazon Right Now here

Painful Places To Get Tattooed, Ranked From Least To Most Painful

Unless you're the kind of person who points at a random design on the tattoo parlor wall and says "gimme that one, anywhere you want" you probably spent time deciding what to get and where to get it before getting inked.

After all, tattoos are a lifetime commitment, so it makes sense to plot out your new body art before you go into the parlor, and yet people never seem to consider how painful the process is going to be. 

It won't hurt too bad if you get a tattoo on your bicep or forearm, but tattoo your wrist, hands or feet and you'll feel excruciating pain and an ache in your bones.

Even though the inner thigh is fleshier than your hands or feet getting tattooed there tends to hurt more, but that pain is nothing compared to getting a tattoo on the back of your knees or in your armpit.

But the two most painful places to get tattooed are also the most horrifying- the eyes or eyelids and the genitals, aka the last places you should let people go near when they're holding sharp objects!

See Painful Places To Get Tattooed, Ranked From Least To Most Painful here

The Over Enthusiastic Gamer Does An Unboxing Video

The unboxing videos featured on YouTube are an acquired taste, which is a nice way of saying most of them are pretty much unwatchable unless you have an unboxing fetish or never get any presents.

And yet this annoying trend isn't going away anytime soon, so people like The Over Enthusiastic Gamer have begun making unboxing video parodies for those of us who like a little deadpan humor with their box content reveals.

(YouTube Link)

This video made me think "WTF did I just watch?" just like a real unboxing video!

(BTW he's wearing the Toasty BBQ tee by Winter Artwork Illustration, which is available in the NeatoShop but doesn't ship in a box.)

-Via GameTyrant

Guy Buries His Shovel-Stealing Neighbor's Car In Snow

Neighbors who always borrow your tools and never bring them back is only funny in sitcoms, because in real life their borrowing forces you to go through an awkward moment to get it back.

Of course, it could be worse- your neighbor could just straight up steal the tool from your yard, and never give it back, which is why people end up installing security cameras. 

David Wells of Chicago had his shovel stolen by a sneaky neighbor who didn't know security cameras had caught her in the act, and when she didn't return the shovel he decided to get even- by burying her car in snow.  

(YouTube Link)

-Via Shareably

Sleep Vs. Not Sleep

We're surrounded by devices demanding our attention, the glow of their screens keeping us warm and unafraid when the lights go out.

We can hardly keep our bleary eyes open, let alone focus on anything for long, and yet we continue to watch stuff, look at stuff and read stuff when we should be watching the inside of our eyelids.

This Owlturd comic suggests getting plenty of not sleep, but take it from a borderline insomniac and sleep while you can!

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

The Schwiftiest Rick And Morty Fan Art

(Image Via Ghotire)

Rick and Morty is set to return to screens sometime soon, so fans need to prepare their eyeballs for all the muliverse madness, all the Meeseeks mayhem, and all those surprising twists that make us yell "WTF?!" at the TV screen.

(Image Via False Positive)

Because there's never been another TV show, animated or otherwise, like the Rick and Morty TV show, and fans tune in to have their minds blown out of their skulls by all the madcap plots Harmon & Roiland create.

(Image Via sleepy-KC)

So until that cartoon show of your sci-fi lovin' dreams comes back with new episodes you've gotta catch all the episodes from season 1 & 2 and get your mind ready to receive more Rick & Morty!

(Image Via steveyurko)

See The Schwiftiest Rick and Morty Fan Art here

The Top 11 Board Games Of 2016

There are so many beautiful looking board games that are really fun to play on the market today that my board gaming hobby has turned into a full blown passion.

But money, or rather the lack thereof, has made it impossible for me to own every single cool looking board game that comes out, and I've been burned by a few duds too.

So I went looking for a "best of" video that fit my taste in games and found this awesome Top 11 Board Games of 2016 video by Druid City Games.

James the host doesn't just show you his favorite games of the year- he tells you a bit about how the game is played, and he gives you a really good look at all the components.

(YouTube Link)

Here are the games that made James' list:

Honorable Mentions:
World's Fair 
Harry Potter Hogwarts Battle
Cottage Garden
Arkham Horror LCG

Top 11

11) Clank!
10) Inis
9) Adrenaline 
8) Scythe
7) Vast
6) Terraforming Mars
5) The Manhattan Project: Energy Empire
4) Roll Player
3) Great Western Trail 
2) Star Wars: Rebellion
1) Mansions of Madness 2nd Edition

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