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Everyday Expressions That Came From Aesop

You can't hear the name Aesop without thinking of his fables, and while it's unclear whether he was really a Greek moralist or simply a name attached to the tales Aesop's stories, and their lessons, live on.

These morals are often the first life lessons we learn when we're young, but we're also learning a bunch of different expressions we'll use for the rest of our lives from Aesop's fables.

Expressions like "slow and steady win the race", "revenge is a double-edged sword", "quality, not quantity", "look before you leap" and "one good turn deserves another" are so common we use them without thinking of their Aesop roots.

Another common expression with a very teachable story behind it- the lion's share:

7. To take the “lion’s share.”—From “The Lion, the Fox, and the Ass”

A lion, a fox, and an ass went hunting together and set to divide the spoils of their efforts between them. First, the ass divided the goods into three even piles, at which point the lion attacked and devoured him, then asked the fox to divide the food. The fox, taking a lesson from the ass, gave the lion nearly all of the game and set aside a meager portion for himself, which pleased the lion, who then allowed the fox to live. Another lesson gleaned from this tale? "Happy is the man who learns from the misfortunes of others."

Read 19 Everyday Expressions That Came From Aesop at mental_floss

A Delightfully Dark Series Of Cartoons About Suicidal Bunnies

Bunnies aren't suicidal like lemmings or hamsters in a cage, but every year around Easter they start to feel depressed because the Easter Bunny has made it suck to be an ordinary rabbit.

Every year the Easter Bunny goes around laying candy eggs in people's yards for their kids to find, thereby making every other rabbit pale in comparison to his magnificence.

So the bunnies in Andy Riley's comic series Bunny Suicides may be suffering from the Easter blues, which almost makes you feel bad about smiling at all the silly ways they try to off themselves. Almost being the key word... *written while devouring Peeps bunnies*

-Via design you trust

The Time Johnny Cash Was Nearly Killed By An Ostrich

(Johnny Cash Ostrich Attack by Erika Jane)

Johnny Cash survived quite a few dangerous situations during his stormy life on and off the road, and far too many of these situations arose because of his addiction to drugs and alcohol.

However, the time in 1981 when Uncle Johnny was almost killed by one of his own pet ostriches wasn't his fault, but be that as it may the attack caused him to become readdicted to pain pills and sent him spiraling again.

Here's Uncle Johnny's account of the incident from his book Cash: The Autobiography:

One such spell, the most serious and protracted, began when I took painkillers after eye surgery in 1981, then kept taking them after I didn’t need to. It escalated after I was almost killed by an ostrich.

Ostrich attacks are rare in Tennessee, it’s true, but this one really happened, on the grounds of the exotic animal park I’d established behind the House of Cash offices near my house on Old Hickory Lake. It occurred during a particularly bitter winter, when below-zero temperatures had reduced our ostrich population by half; the hen of our pair wouldn’t let herself be captured and taken inside the barn, so she froze to death. That, I guess, is what made her mate cranky. Before then he’d been perfectly pleasant with me, as had all the other birds and animals, when I walked through the compound.

That day, though, he was not happy to see me. I was walking through the woods in the compound when suddenly he jumped out onto the trail in front of me and crouched there with his wings spread out, hissing nastily.

Nothing came of that encounter. I just stood there until he laid his wings back, quit hissing, and moved off. Then I walked on. As I walked I plotted. He’d be waiting for me when I came back by there, ready to give me the same treatment, and I couldn’t have that. I was the boss. It was my land.

The ostrich didn’t care. When I came back I was carrying a good stout six-foot stick, and I was prepared to use it. And sure enough, there he was on the trail in front of me, doing his thing. When he started moving toward me I went on the offensive, taking a good hard swipe at him.

I missed. He wasn’t there. He was in the air, and a split second later he was on his way down again, with that big toe of his, larger than my size-thirteen shoe, extended toward my stomach. He made contact—I’m sure there was never any question he wouldn’t—and frankly, I got off lightly. All he did was break my two lower ribs and rip my stomach open down to my belt, If the belt hadn’t been good and strong, with a solid belt buckle, he’d have spilled my guts exactly the way he meant to. As it was, he knocked me over onto my back and I broke three more ribs on a rock—but I had sense enough to keep swinging the stick, so he didn’t get to finish me. I scored a good hit on one of his legs, and he ran off.

They cleaned my wounds, stitched me up, and sent me home, but I was nowhere near good as new. Those five broken ribs hurt. That’s what painkillers are for, though, so I felt perfectly justified in taking lots of them. Justification ceased to be relevant after that; once the pain subsided completely I knew I was taking them because I liked the way they made me feel. And while that troubled my conscience, it didn’t trouble it enough to keep me from going down that old addictive road again. Soon I was going around to different doctors to keep those pills coming in the kind of quantities I needed, and when they started upsetting my digestive system, I started drinking wine to settle my stomach, which worked reasonably well. The wine also took the sharper, more uncomfortable edges off the amphetamines I’d begun adding to the mix because—well, because I was still looking for that euphoria.

So there I was, up and running, strung out, slowed down, sped up, turned around, hung on the hook, having a ball, living in hell……

-Via Dangerous Minds

Clever 3D Printed Sign Changes From Open To Closed With The Turn Of A Gear

3D artists and designers keep coming up with clever and extremely useful stuff for us to print out and enjoy, stuff that wouldn't be nearly as easy to make without the aid of 3D printers.

Recently engineer and 3D designer Matt Harrison, aka Quintox303, created an amazing sign which he uploaded to Thingiverse that changes from open to closed with the turn of a gear.

This Open/Closed Sign from gifs

If your shop (or home) now feels incomplete without this mechani-cool sign you can download it here and print it out at home (or shop) like it ain't no thang- but it is a thang, a really cool thang!

-Via Laughing Squid

Things You Can Smell Just By Looking At A Picture

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Our sense of smell contributes so much more to our life experiences than we know, and even though we're more likely to remember a foul stench than a good smell during our days we often remember key points by smell.

And that's why we have so many smell memories associated with childhood- those are our formulative years, when everything is new and smells good and bad are a memorable sensory discovery.

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Who could forget how that box of crayons smelled when you opened it, or the oddly calming smell of a jar of paste? That one's a much more vivid smell memory for those who ate the paste than it is for those who didn't, memorable like the smell of a freshly opened can of cheese puffs.

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Yeah, that's a doozy of a smell, ain't it? But to me the best smells of childhood were contained in those rad scratch n sniff stickers, which came in a seemingly never ending range of flavors from pickle to cowboy boot.

(Image Link)

See 32 Things You'll Be Able To Smell Just By Looking At A Picture here

Guy Documents His 17-Day Journey Aboard Cargo Ship From Europe To Miami

Old timey tales of the sea often included stories of sailors who stowed away aboard ships in order to escape their problems and score free passage to another country, often with dire yet action packed consequences.

But adventurer Tal Oran, aka "The Travelling Clatt", didn't need to smuggle himself aboard this cargo ship or fight the crew to stay aboard- he just had to pay about $900 and submit himself to the solitude for a 17-day cargo "cruise"

(YouTube Link)

Tal began his bizarre journey in Portugal and rode all the way to Miami, Florida, recording the whole thing so people can see what the daily life of a cargo sailor looks like.

Pack your bags, step out of your comfort zone, and take a trip. You'll thank me later

A post shared by Tal (@thetravelingclatt) on Aug 9, 2016 at 1:48pm PDT

-Via reddit

Fun Ways To Mildly Annoy Your Pets

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If you have a pet that is never annoying, noisy or destructive then you are one of the luckiest pet owners on Earth...or you're lying.

Most of us fall right in the middle with pets that are annoying, destructive and noisy on occasion, so we don't hate them enough to put them on the curb with a "Free" sign around their neck.

However, they destroy and annoy at times and for that they must pay, but animal abuse of any kind is despicable and dead wrong, so how do we get revenge without going over the line?

We get back at our pets by mildly annoying them, making them wear hats, wigs or a piece of bread on their head, or better yet just use them as a placemat, they mildly hate that.

(Image Link)

See Do You Like Annoying Your Pets (Mildly)? here

Get Geared Up For A Year Full Of Great Shows With A NeatoShop T-Shirt!

P.Q 1976 by Velvetmusketeer

Some years are sadly devoid of good movies and TV shows, which contributes to that year's rep as a "sucky one", but 2017 is going to be one blockbuster year for fans!

And if you're as excited as we are about all visual media awesomeness coming out in 2017 then why not wear your excitement on your chest in the form of a NeatoShop t-shirt?!

There have already been some pretty sharp releases this year

Jolly Logan by AndreusD

With stuff for mature comic book fans and those who want to feel like a kid again

Beauty and the...um by Kuitsuku

And if Kong's grand return is any indication 2017 is going to be a great year for sequels too!

God save the King by Vitaliy Klimenko

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She's Super! - It's The Woman Of Steel, Thank You Very Much

She's Super! by hugohugo

Kal-El used to hog all the glory by being the most super hero on the planet, but ever since his cousin Kara Zor-El decided to take to the skies and do her part to save the planet she's been outshining her cocky cousin. It turns out people were tired of seeing ol' Supes and longed to see some new blood sporting the S on their chest, and Kara is just what the doctor ordered! She makes smacking down alien villains look good, and with a little help from the Martian J'onn J'onzz Kara just might outshine her famous cousin yet!

Show some love for your favorite superheroine with this She's Super! t-shirt by hugohugo, it's a classic way to tell Kara you appreciate all she's done for us mere mortals.

Visit hugohugo's Facebook fan page, Twitter and Tumblr, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more super cool designs:

We Can Do It!(Furiously) Clever Girl! NegasoniCan Do It! SIFURIO

View more designs by hugohugo | More TV T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Some Of The Strangest Products Endorsed By Famous Musicians

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It totally made sense when Chubby Checker endorsed the game Twister, or when Sammy Hagar started making his own tequila down Mexico way.

But it's strange to see musicians endorsing brands like Overstock, Country Life butter and Sour Patch Kids, and we can't help but feel like they've lost their edge when we see them schilling such normal products.

1. Andrew W.K. for Playtex Fresh + Sexy Wipes-

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Andrew W.K. gets really, really sweaty during his high octane stage performances, so he probably uses a towel or wipe to clean up after the show- which must be how he came to endorse Playtex Fresh + Sexy wipes.

Still, Playtex is associated almost exclusively with feminine hygiene products, so it was brave of Mr. W.K. to bridge the gender gap and show the world Fresh + Sexy wipes are for every sweaty one of us...oh wait, they're labeled "intimate wipes", so they're for a different kind of sweaty....

(YouTube Link)

2. Bret Michaels for Overstock-

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When Bret Michaels was the lead singer of Poison he had an insatiable appetite for booze, drugs and groupies, but Bret has come a long way from those hard rockin' days- and now he sells stuff through Overstock.com.

This may seem like a strange partnership, since Overstock is more soccer mom than rocker chick, but one of the things Bret sells on Overstock is his own line of luggage, something he'd know a thing or two since he's done so much touring.

(YouTube Link)

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10 Of The Greatest Time Travel TV Shows Ever Made

Few sci-fi TV show subgenres are more beloved than Time Travel shows- the shows that capture our imaginations about the future and bring out our inner history nerd in a major way.

1. It's About Time (1966-67)-

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Astronauts Mac McKenzie and Hector Canfield find themselves transported back to the days of cavemen and dinosaurs in the definitely not based on real science comedy It's About Time, which lasted for 26 episodes in 1967.

This good natured romp created by Sherwood Schwartz is technically a time travel TV show because Mac and Hector travel back in time and back to the present, bringing an entire cave-family with them.

(YouTube Link)

2. Seven Days (1998-2001)-

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In Seven Days the NSA creates a time machine using alien technology scavenged from Roswell to send "chrononauts" seven days into the past to prevent the destruction of the White House and the death of POTUS and the VP.

The Chronosphere can only send a chrononaut back seven days due to "limitations imposed by the fuel source and its reactor", so chrononauts are only allowed to deal with matters of national security.

Even though Seven Days managed to stay under the radar in terms of ratings the show was extremely popular with fans, who totally dug the X-Files-inspired vibe of the show.

(YouTube Link)

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The Most Popular Slang Terms From The Year You Were Born

Popular slang terms started entering the lexicon year by year in the 20th century, and it's starting to look like slang may start changing on a monthly basis due to online trends and social media.

But many of those new slang words are unlikely to stick, which is a testament to the staying power of well crafted slang terms like Gold Dig (1926), Snazzy (1931), Burp (1932), Fave (1938),  and Duh (1943).

Along the lines of Duh, did you know Doh! made it into the slang lexicon nearly 45 years before Homer Simpson would make the expression even more famous?

That's right- Doh! dates back to 1945 and has roots in radio, which is a pretty Dorky (1970) factoid that will blow the minds of your fellow Nerds (1951)!

See The Most Popular Slang The Year You Were Born here

A Guide To Los Angeles' Most Popular Hybrid Foods And Where To Find Them

Los Angeles is a lot like New York in that both cities represent the American melting pot, where people of all races, religions and nationalities coexist and share their culture's wares, fashion and delicious food creations.

This multicultural cohabitation often leads to a sharing of ideas as well, and in L.A. that sharing leads to the creation of amazing hybrid foods, like the Lobster Elote or Clam Chowder Fries.

But there's one big problem for foodies who want to try these fantastic hybrid foods- they're only served at one or two places in town.

The Lobster Elote is sold by the Latin-Asian fusion food truck Dos Chinos, who also have a stall at the 4th Street Market in Santa Ana, while Chowder Fries are sold at Slapfish Restaurant locations throughout the city.

And if you're going to drive all over town to try the new hybrid food hotness you've gotta stop by Röckenwagner Bakery, where they're serving up the heavenly Crö-Dough-

Made with Rockenwagner’s croissant dough (the fat content was adjusted to make it crispier), the Crö-Dough is filled with pastry cream, the top is coated in a thick sugar glaze, and there’s even more sugar around the pastry, much like the Cronut. You can pull apart the layers, savoring each one individually, if you can stand it. Most people finish this thing in a couple of bites.

Read Where To Find Clam Chowder Fries, Pizza Dumplings and more Hybrid Foods here

What Horror Movie Stars Look Like Underneath The Masks And Makeup

(Samara from The Ring, played by Daveigh Chase)

The faces of our favorite slasher stars have been revealed, but what about all those C-list creeps who scared us silly in movies like The Ring, The Conjuring and Insidious?

(Valak from The Conjuring 2, played by Bonnie Aarons)

Their totally normal appearance when not in makeup is mighty surprising, and who could have guessed The Bride In Black from Insidious: Chapter 2 was actually played by a man?

(Bride In Black from Insidious: Chapter 2, played by Tom Fitzpatrick)

Okay, in retrospect it wasn't that surprising to find out there was a man under that veil, but who knew the kid who played Sam in the cult classic Trick 'r Treat was such a cutie!

(Sam from Trick 'r Treat, played by Quinn Lord)

See What Horror Movie Stars Look Like In Real Life here

Band Names We've All Been Mispronouncing

It can be hard to pronounce names that aren't spelled in a standard way, and when you add in cultural or creative factors seemingly simple words get mangled and mispronounced even more often.

During the radio days band names were rarely mispronounced because radio DJs said them aloud, but streaming music services don't come with pronunciation guides and names like Haim and Die Antwoord can be hard to figure out on your own.

(YouTube Link)

This video shared by Grunge should help clear up some of the band name confusion, but actually understanding what Yolandi and Ninja are thinking remains a mystery.

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