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Actors Who Began Their Careers On Miami Vice

Miami Vice launched the career of Don Johnson while simultaneously destroying the career of Philip Michael Thomas, but did you know the hippest of all 80s crime shows also introduced the world to Jimmy Smits, Benicio Del Toro and Ben Stiller?

Jimmy Smits appeared on the first episode of Miami Vice as Crockett's first partner Eddie Rivera, in Jimmy's first on screen appearance.

Miami Vice was also Benicio Del Toro's first stop in a storied career when, at age 20, he appeared on the show as "Pito, an ex-con-turned-thespian with a local theater group, Mi Vida Loca."

For Ben Stiller Miami Vice was only his third appearance on TV, and yet he was already developing the kooky fast talking persona he's known for today when he appeared as Fast Eddie Felcher on episode 2 of season 4.

Miami Vice was also a major starting point for tough guy actor Dennis Farina, who worked as a consultant for exec. producer Michael Mann after 18 years with the Chicago Police Department.

Mann liked Dennis so much he not only cast him as recurring character Albert Lombard on Miami Vice- he cast Dennis as the lead in Crime Story, one of the best historical crime shows ever made.

Lastly we have Liam Neeson, who was already a bit of a veteran when he appeared on the first episode of Miami Vice's third season as a former IRA hitman who woos detective Gina Calabrese (Saundra Santiago).

Liam used his appearance on the show in 1986 to launch his film career in Hollywood, and he would play a similar character a year later in the film A Prayer For The Dying.

See 27 Actors Who Got Their Start On Miami Vice at mental_floss

Dig This Crazy Pink Panthermobile

The Pink Panther was the coolest cat on television in the 60s and 70s, and even though he's had quite a few different shows he's best known for The Pink Panther Show, which ran on NBC from 1969 to 1976.

NBC obviously had faith that the show would succeed because they had this far out custom built Panthermobile made for the intro of the show:

(YouTube Link)

The Panthermobile measure 23 feet long, sports a seven-litre engine and a "Pleasure Capsule":

This part of the Panthermobile lives up to its name as it is tricked out with a bar; pink satin upholstery; pink shag carpet; an old school pink push button phone and seats already in the recline position. It was also equipped with a little black and white television and a camera that allowed the driver to spy on the party going on in the back.

Ten years ago the Panthermobile was sold at auction for $143,500, but when it reappeared at auction in 2011 the Panthermobile looked like something the cat coughed up.

Thankfully it was purchased by Galpin Auto Sports, who put in the time and money to restore the Panthermobile to its former fuzzy pink glory.

-Via Dangerous Minds

Pablo Picasso's Cubist Paintings Reimagined As 3D Forms

Pablo Picasso's Cubist paintings give the viewer a sense of depth and dimension despite his use of simplistic shapes, flat colors and minimal shading to render each scene.

This is a testament to his skills as a painter, as he gives our minds just enough information to see the scene as more than a bunch of 2D colored shapes, and his paintings even inspire the digital artists of today.

Pakistani artist Omar Aqil is one of the many digital artists who has been inspired by Picasso's paintings, but he has set himself apart from the rest by attempting to faithfully recreate each painting as a 3D render.

His series MIMIC features 3D scenes that are every bit as unusual looking as Picasso's original paintings but with much more textural interest and depth. Here's what Omar has to say about this unusual project:

MIMIC is a series of new visual experiments using art from the past. In this project I have randomly picked 6 paintings from the Pablo Picasso’s (One of the greatest and most influential artists of the 20th century) work and recreate them into modern 3D visuals. In this visual mimicry I have shown, how the skill responds when it come across the complexity of someone’s thought and how the meanings of the shapes and forms have been changed and create new physical qualities. It’s propose to give a new implication of Picasso’s artworks with a series of hyper-realistic visuals. I am trying to explore more to his geometric forms.
It’s really difficult to me to recreate the artwork of Pablo Picasso. I have been studying his artworks since I have started my career, his abstract visual language always inspired me and I have found new forms interacting with each other.

See Pablo Picasso's Paintings Get Recreated Into Absolutely Stunning 3D Forms here


Take A Picture, It'll Last Longer

That old line "why don't you take a picture, it will last longer" is so tired and so clichéd people who use it might as well be saying "I don't like to be looked at- and I'm also not very witty."

I get that they don't want every slack jawed yokel staring at them while they're walking down the street, but does an altercation full of harsh words really accomplish anything good?

According to this strip by A Comik these encounters can sometimes lead to hugs and a deeper understanding of the human condition- and the photo op of a lifetime.

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

Being A Dog Is Like Being A Video Game Protagonist

Some dogs see the world as a great big canine roleplaying game full of human NPCs to feed them and scoop their poop, multiplayer trips to the junkyard to gain XP by eating gross stuff, and the occasional leashed "escort quest".

Illustrator Anna-Maria Jung created this cute comic strip to show us how dogs play through the game of life, and it has inspired me to buy my dog more Worthless Costume DLC...which he's not going to be very happy about.

-Via Dorkly

Hackers Cause Mayhem In Dallas By Setting Off All Of The City's Tornado Sirens

Unbeknownst to many there are sirens set up throughout the city of Dallas, Texas to warn the citizens in case of tornado or other natural disaster, a total of 156 emergency weather sirens to be exact.

These sirens are designed to go off a section at a time if a tornado decides to rip through the city, but at just before midnight on April 7th every single siren in the city started screaming:

It took city officials an hour and a half to realize they wouldn't be able to fix the problem- because the system had been hacked:

By 1:20 a.m., flummoxed officials had decided the only way to stop the noise was “to unplug the radio systems and the repeater, and pretty much turn the siren system completely off,” as emergency management director Rocky Vaz explained to reporters the next day.

At that same news conference (ironically drowned out at one point by ambulance sirens) city spokeswoman Sana Syed announced that the 95 minutes of howling had not been a glitch after all.

“It does appear at this time it was a hack,” she said. “And we do believe it came from the Dallas area.”

Officials have ruled out a remote hack — telling reporters someone gained physical access to a hub connecting all the sirens, which may not be turned on again until Monday as the city tries to figure out who, how and why.

Read Someone Hacked Every Tornado Siren In Dallas. It Was Loud. here

How Two Different Guys Ended Up With Eyeglasses Tattooed On Their Faces

(Image Link)

This here's the story of two unlucky guys who ended up with a tattoo on their face shaped like a pair of glasses, and the craziest part of this tale is one of them actually got the glasses tattooed on purpose.

Matthew was tired of having his Hipster status questioned because he didn't wear Ray-Ban Wayfarers without lenses like all the other Hipsters so he decided to show them all- by getting a pair of Ray-Bans permanently tattooed on his face.

(Image Link)

It turns out Matthew did it all as a publicity stunt (hoax?) for a Ray-Ban ad, but this poor old sod from Swansea woke up this way after a stag party.

The Welsh man in his fifties has chosen to remain anonymous for reasons that are abundantly clear, and he claims he woke up with the horrible tattoo on his face after blacking out during a night of heavy drinking.

After receiving laser surgeries for two years the eyeglass-shaped eyesore has been completely removed from his face, leaving him with nothing but memories of his drunken mistake.

The world needs trailblazers like Matthew and the Man from Swansea- so we can show those who would dare to do such a thing that getting eyeglasses tattooed on your face is a really dumb idea!

-Via Daily Mail

Incredibly Realistic Sculptures Of Ice King And Lemongrab From Adventure Time

The characters on Adventure Time are purposely drawn in a completely unrealistic style to suit the strange and silly tone of the show- and because they would look totally creepy if drawn to look realistic.

In fact, most of the characters on the show would probably look quite horrifying in real life and give kids nightmares, especially Simon the Ice King and that sourpuss the Earl of Lemongrab.

Sculptor Adam Edwards decided to show the world just how creepy Lemongrab and the Ice King would look in real life by creating unnervingly realistic busts of the two baddies.

This transformation has not only caused the characters to lose their cartoony appeal- it has taken them from the Land of Ooo and transported them straight to Westeros!

-Via Laughing Squid

Guy Builds NERF Dart Gun That Breaks The Sound Barrier

NERF modders were obsessed with pushing their store-bought NERF guns to the limit, but once those limits were reached they ditched the guns and started making devices built to launch darts further than ever before.

Recently YouTuber Giaco Whatever created a pneumatic "gun" that launches NERF darts at such a high speed those little foam and plastic darts actually break the sound barrier, traveling at around 800 meters per second. The NERF wars are about to turn deadly...

(YouTube Link)

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

Hip Baby Name Ideas From The Dictionary Of Medieval Names

Preparing for parenthood means going through dozens of different names looking for a winner, and that means doing some digging to discover new names and weigh your options.

Unless you're a futurist like my dad was you'll probably look to the past for inspiration, so why not go way, way, way back and search for naming inspiration in The Dictionary Of Medieval Names from European Sources?

It is a hefty work of scholarship that “aims to contain all given (fore, Christian) names recorded in European sources written between 500 and 1600, less the names of historical/non-contemporary people and names occurring only in fictional literature or poetry.”

It really is a treasure trove of long unused names that deserve to make a comeback, here are a few of the olde timey names that caught my eye:

2. Cherubina

This variant on the word cherub showed up as a name in Rome in 1527.

3. Aylward

There were spelling variations on this one, including Eilwardus, Aloardus, and Æðeluuard, but this one probably works best for the Kindergartener learning to write.

8. Everbern

For your dangerously cuddly cub, ever goes back to the Old High German for "boar," and bern goes back to the word for "bear."

10. Ysoria

The etymology is uncertain, “but perhaps related to Latin Isaura, an ethic byname derived from the region of Isauria in Asia Minor.”

16. Magner 

Feel like Magnus is too common? Go for Magner, which can be traced back to the Old High German for "mighty army."

17. Alleaume

This name of a 10th century French saint means "noble helmet."

See 23 Hipster Baby Name Ideas From The Dictionary Of Medieval Names here

Waffle Iron Lets Out A Stream Of Farts While Cooking

We expect our kitchen appliances to be subservient and do their jobs as quietly as possible, and if one of them starts acting up or making a racket we replace them with a quieter model.

But something tells me redditor sillymuffincakes will be hanging on to his waffle maker despite the fact that it farts while cooking- because it really lightens the mood in the morning!

(YouTube Link)

-Via Laughing Squid

Kim Kardashian Is Now Selling A Pool Float Shaped Like Her Butt

(Image Link)

Kim Kardashian's posterior has arguably become more famous than the woman herself, and it's virtually impossible to read about Kim K. without some wiseacre commenting on the size of her rear end.

This fact is not lost on Kim, so she has decided to embrace the attention and use her company Kimoji to capitalize on her famous assets- by selling pool floats shaped like her butt.

The totally tasteless Kimoji Butt Pool Float will set you back $98, which is less than Kim's butt charges to sign an autograph these days!

-Via Huffington Post

Strange Food Combos That Are Supposedly Delicious

Food hacks usually sound like an odd yet delicious combination of flavors, and you can tell the combo works just by reading about it, but the strange food combos shared by Cracked readers via Photoplasty sound strange...and scary.

I've tried a few of the combos on their list, like adding banana slices to ham pizza or adding some cinnamon to spaghetti sauce, and these odd flavor mashups just weren't my jam.

But there are some tasty sounding combos on the list that I really want to try now, like sprinkling powdered soup mix on popcorn or adding ground walnuts to mashed potatoes, so it does have merit.

But I'll be honest- I have no intention of adding garlic or onion powder to my coffee, and I'm really scared of what will happen in my mouth if I eat chocolate and kimchi at the same time.

But no matter how horrifying the other combinations may be the MuffinCup will make it all better...

See 17 Hacks That Make Boring Foods Delicious here

Studio Ghibli's Sound Director Brews Coffee In A Really Strange Way

Studio Ghibli films are great looking, with brilliant stories and amazing characters, but there's one element both newbies and diehard fans enjoy without paying them any mind- the amazing sound effects.

Sound director Koji Kasamatsu is the man behind the sounds in Studio Ghibli films, and believe it or not he creates most of the sound effects with his mouth or body.

Here's sound effect master Koji brewing a pot of coffee with his mouth to promote Japanese coffee brand WONDA:

(YouTube Link)

-Via Grape

Trophy Wife Barbie

Barbie has come so far over the last few decades as both a (plastic) woman and a role model that she's ready to stop striving and see what life is like as a trophy wife.

She's tired of having to work all the time, sick of hiding all her guns, booze and drugs for the sake of the kiddies, and now she's ready to get baked and take a bite out of that trophy wife life.

Trophy Wife Barbie is a raunchy and ridiculous conceptual photo series by South African artist Annelies Hofmeyr, aka WIT MYT, who started shooting the series on the day of her divorce:

Her first photograph featured Barbie clutching Ken’s decapitated head with the caption “Yay! My divorce went through today!” underneath. She posts her pictures on her Instagram page. Hofmeyr uses Barbie to make satirical and politically-charged comment about gender and everyday sexism. As Hofmeyr has said:

She has been judged by her appearance and now that her situation has changed (and she’s no longer a wife) she needs to find her identity outside of her label.

See more from Trophy Wife Barbie at Dangerous Minds (NSFW-ish)

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