Zeon Santos's Liked Blog Posts

Artist Plants Hand Painted Mushrooms Across The U.S. For Cross-Country Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger hunts are fun while you're playing the game, but the stuff you scavenge is typically thrown out afterwards because it's not of any real value, meaning you've spent hours gathering garbage.

But artists are starting to rewrite the scavenger hunt script to make the game worth our while, and the art-ventures they send their fans on are full of visual wonder and free original artwork.

Hi Fructose magazine founder Attaboy has begun "planting" these adorable little mushroom paintings all across the U.S., hinting at their location on his Instagram account.

For Attaboy the project has been both a fun way to connect with his fans and a therapeutic break from the non-stop cycle of bad news:

“I’ve always loved Easter egg hunts and have struggled with painting since I was a kid,” he says. “Painting was never therapeutic to me. Yet, for some reason, because this is a sort of game, this is different. For the first time I’m enjoying the process. I can’t stop painting these mushrooms, mainly to take a break from the constant barrage of news. I think it’s my own way of taking back control of my mind, remind myself that, while we must fight the recent tide of awful, it’s important to keep an eye out for the unexpected things, those little absurd buoys of wonder, we mustn’t lose them, they’re more important than ever.”

-Via Hi Fructose

The Worst Mistakes People Make When They Fly

While the ever more intrusive TSA screenings, horrible treatment by airlines and increased tension among passengers have made flying less comfortable than ever before it's still a necessary travel evil.

So if you have to fly, for business or otherwise, you might as well make sure the trip is as painless as possible, so don't wear uncomfortable shoes or bring devices on the plane that rely on a WiFi signal.

The shoes will help you get across the airport in a flash, in case you have to change terminals or catch a flight, and devices that aren't reliant on WiFi will help you stay busy, or entertained, on any flight.

Another commonly overlooked element of flight comfort is seat location, which many travelers don't bother to choose while booking their ticket.

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Leave the choice up to the airline and you may end up in the back row with no incline, forced to "hang out" with the people who constantly hover outside the bathroom.

Read The 15 Worst Mistakes You Can Make When Flying here

The "Forgotten" Uses For Everyday Objects

Objects we consider ordinary and useful become strange and obsolete as time goes by unless we pass down the knowledge of where each object came from and its intended use.

Let's start with the loop on the back of men's (and some women's) shirts- they're called locker loops, and they're thought to have originated with sailors, who would "hang their shirts on ship hooks while changing".

Nowadays they're rarely used for their intended purpose since we use hangers more than hooks, and some school kids even cut them off as a "fashion statement".

Next let's talk about that drawer under your oven, where most people store their baking pans and sheets.

Some ovens actually include this as a storage drawer, but this was originally a warming drawer- a place to (you guessed it!) keep food warm while the rest was still cooking.

Nowadays there are oven drawers for storage, others are used for warming, and a select few have a broiling pan down there that makes broiling a steak a breeze!

And speaking of cooking- did you know that little hole in the handle of your pot was made to be more than just a way to hang it on a hook?

Those little holes in the handle were originally included as both a hook loop and a place to park your spoon or spatula while cooking, so it wouldn't fall into the pot.

See The Forgotten Uses Of 8 Everyday Objects at mental_floss

Jameson Distillery's Smooth April Fool's Day Prank

On April 1st, 2017 Jameson Irish Whiskey announced they'd discovered a 230-year-old barrel of whiskey during renovations that had been buried in the foundation of their Bow Street distillery.

The whiskey was thought to be pretty special, considering founder John Jameson himself made the barrel out of reclaimed wood from a ship and stashed it for safe keeping.

But alas the barrel contained but one glass of whiskey, since "the angels had taken more than their fair share" over the centuries, and they mistakenly entrusted it to a bumbling fool.

(YouTube Link)

Jameson did a great job of combining an April Fool's Day prank with viral marketing, it's classy and smooth just like Jameson whiskey. *hic*


Dark Comics About Kevin The Horrible Optimist

Most optimists can be a little pessimistic at times, and no matter how much they want to believe their glass will always be half full they know sometimes it's just plain empty- and there are no more free refills.

But Nick Fisher's eternally gleeful guy Kevin sees the silver lining on every mushroom cloud and the gold nuggets in every pile of poop, and his comic strip Kevin & Friends shows how sickening the eternal optimist can be.

Kevin & Friends is demotivational, dark and disgusting in all the right ways, and even though life sucks for saccharine Kevin his misfortune makes us smile, so that makes it all worthwhile, right?

See Dark Comics About A Horrible Optimist Kevin here

Rage Against The Machine's Killing In The Name Performed On Children's Toys

When Rage Against The Machine hit the L.A. music scene back in 1991 their hybrid sound and intense lyrics made them popular with metal heads and hip hop fans alike but left some parents feeling scared.

Their music was angry and radical, so parents were afraid Rage's aggressive songs would turn their kids into fiery anarchists, but THE WACKIDS grew up listening to Rage and they turned out all right.

And if Rage had played songs like Killing In The Name on a Spider-Man drum set, a plastic guitar and a kooky looking Otamotone parents wouldn't have been afraid of the Rage.

(YouTube Link)

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

Comical Coincidences Caught On Camera

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Perfectly timed coincidences can make you feel crazy when you're the only one who saw the moment happen and nobody believes you, which is why perfectly timed photos of these moments are priceless.

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Of course, not all coincidences happen in a fleeting moment, some just sit there and wait for the camera to capture their good side.

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And finally there are those sightings that are called "coincidences" for lack of a better term, like seeing two signs which may or may not have been put up together on purpose. I mean, did the city sign installer really not see the extraterrestrial connection?

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See 15 Perfectly Timed Coincidences Caught On Camera here

Japanese People Try To Speak English To Siri

Siri has a hard time understanding English speakers who mumble or have an accent, so imagine how hard it is for Siri to understand someone to whom English is a second language.

On second thought don't imagine it- watch these videos full of Japanese people trying to talk to Siri in English and you'll see how frustrating it can be!

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These candid social experiment videos shared by YouTuber NeKo JGT are from the late night variety show Otona No Kiss Eigo, which apparently translates to Adult's Kiss English? Okay then! Here's part 2:

(YouTube Link)

These Mysterious NeatoShop T-Shirts Will Spark Conversations Wherever You Go

Kabuto by AndreusD

There are all kinds of benefits to wearing funny, cute or just plain geeky tees, but nothing sparks imagination and starts conversations like a mysterious shirt design that appeals to both the eyes and the mind.

And among the thousands of designs available at the NeatoShop you'll find many mysterious designs that tell a strange and wondrous tale, designs that'll make people stop and stare and

A mystery tee always tells a visual story

Doctor Where? by ikado

One which is often left open to interpretation by the viewer

Mermaid Skull 2 by Qetza

And gets those wheels spinning as their minds try to figure out what is going on in the design

Depths Below by Max58

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Dad Photoshops His Baby Daughter Into Marginally Dangerous Situations

Despite what people who don't know the story behind these photos believe redditor Steec is a good dad, a caring dad, one who wants to shield his baby daughter from danger so she lives a long and healthy life.

But Steec's photos are making people think he's a careless creep and a bad parent- which is exactly what he wants them to think.

Steec is using his Photoshop skills to prank the internet, and when people inevitably fall for the prank and cry "for shame!" you'll be in on the joke and ready to put those tsk-tskers in their place!

-Via Bored Panda

I Really Need A Day Off

Blogging is a daily affair 365 days a year, and after a while you stop caring about weekends or holidays because you never really get a day off.

And yet I totally relate to this comic by Jacob Andrews in a different way- because when every day is a work day that means every day is potentially a day off too, as we juggle free time and work time to keep those posts flowing...

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

Two Ventriloquists Swap Voices And Carry On A Conversation

Ventriloquism is often seen as cheesy, campy and outdated because people always relate it to dummy acts like Jeff Dunham, but the art of ventriloquism goes far beyond a mere puppet show.

And truly gifted ventriloquists are capable of doing some amazing things with their voices, like swapping voices with another ventriloquist as demonstrated by Rudi Rok and his friend Sari Alto in this fun video.

There ain't no overdubbing or audio tricks involved folks, just pure ventriloquistic vocal magic!

(YouTube Link)

-Via Laughing Squid

How To Film One Scene In Four Different Genres

Directors use lighting and color to set the emotional tone of their film, changing these things up during the film to emphasize the way certain scenes should make the audience feel.

Usage of these elements is most effective when they're hardly noticed by the audience at all, so viewers feel the tension, dread or laughter welling up within them without really knowing why.

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This episode of 4 Minute Film School by Aputure shows what a difference these elements make to the mood of a film, and how lighting and color are used differently according to genre.

-Via DesignTAXI

Some Of The Most WTF Things People Have Seen At College

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Going away to college is exciting, terrifying and earth shattering all at the same time, and as teens turn into young adults they sow their wild oats like never before, resulting in epic memories both good and bad:

“In the first week of December, I saw a man dressed as Santa Claus sprinting across campus while being chased by a man in a green morph suit wearing a Grinch mask. They were both yelling and screaming about Christmas as they ran. It was so close to finals week, literally no one even turned their heads.”

“The BDSM club – Bible Discussion and Study Meeting. I literally had to go back to make sure I read that correctly. I go to a Christian university and yes, people are THAT innocent. After that, we now have to send all flyers to be reviewed.”
—Ariana Coyne, Facebook

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College days are chock full of surprises- pop quizzes, instant crushes, parties in the middle of the week, spontaneous makeout sessions and sudden breakups that leaves the dumpee feeling desperate:

“I once woke up to a drunk bagpiper, in his full uniform (kilt and all) playing a medley of Lady Gaga hits in my apartment complex’s parking lot. It was around 4am. He was trying to win back a girl who dumped him.”
—Katie Copley, Facebook

And more often than not college craziness is fueled by alcohol and a sense of freedom most students have never felt before:

“Some friends and I were apartment hunting, and this guy was showing us his place. He moved this giant cardboard beer advertisement cutout and showed us a giant hole in the living room wall. We all looked at him simultaneously and he just shrugged and explained ‘battle axe’.

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But the memories that really stick out for most college students are those moments when being free meant letting your freak flag fly high, knowing no one would judge you for nerding out:

“I was walking in the quad and I saw a tightrope strung between some trees. Then a big group of furries in full fursuits congregated around it, taking turns trying to walk the tightrope.

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See 23 Of The Most WTF Things People Have Witnessed At University here (NSFW)

How Far Can You Drive Your Vehicle On Empty?

Many drivers start to worry when that little red gas pump light comes on, and unless they know their car's fuel usage well they start to wonder how far they'll be able to go before they totally run out of gas.

Most cars have about 1 to 3 gallons left when the gas light comes on, which is why it's good to know how many miles per gallon your car gets so you know how far you can go before it sputters out.

This handy chart created by YourMechanic shows how much gas is remaining, and how far the car can go, when the fuel warning light is triggered in the 50 best selling cars in the U.S., so you'll never have to pull a Kramer to find out.

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See full sized chart here

-Via Good Housekeeping

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