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Declare Your Allegiance To Rock 'N' Roll With These NeatoShop T-Shirts

The Final Countdown! by Raffiti

If you have rock 'n' roll pumping through your veins and through your speakers all day long then you've declared allegiance to rock, but what if you have geeky interests besides music?

And those who like to rock out and nerd out at the same time will find your new favorite tees at the NeatoShop, where the spirit of rock lives on forever!

They said rock 'n' roll was dead

Alice Of The Dead by Vic Neko

Claiming the kids would lose interest in that heavy rock sound after a while

Rock n' Rawr by Boggs Nicolas

But as every sci-fi fan knows rock 'n' roll is here to stay from now until infinity!


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Therapy Donkey Helps A Special Needs Girl Speak Again

Some people believe the whole therapy animal thing is out of control, but if you think about it the "therapy" most of these animals provide involves calming and comforting a person, so just about any animal can provide therapy.

Just ask little Amber Austwick and she'll tell you- a donkey makes a fine therapy animal, and her hoofed friend Shock from The Donkey Sanctuary in Birmingham, England actually helped her speak again.

In 2011 Amber was born prematurely and couldn't breathe, so doctors gave her a tracheotomy that left her mute due to vocal chord scarring. Amber was also born with cerebral palsy, making the first few years of her life a struggle for the poor little girl.

But then she met Shocks the donkey, who changed her life with his gentle charm:

"She struggled to sit up and showed no signs of crawling 'til very late on," Julian Austwick, Amber's father, told The Dodo. "A friend mentioned The Donkey Sanctuary to Tracy [Amber's mother] and told her the donkeys can give therapy to additional needs children, so we decided to try it."

It was Amber's first time meeting a therapy animal — and, as it happened, Amber was Shocks's first patient. And when he met Amber, the connection was instantaneous.

"It was fairly immediate to see they had a bond together, as they were both so gentle with each other," Austwick said. "Shocks would lower his head to her and would allow her to hold him around his neck. It was scary for us, as parents, as he was so big compared to little Amber, but they really seemed smitten!"

Finally, when Amber turned 3, she was old enough for another surgery to make it possible for her to talk — but it would take practice.

She still hadn't said a word when she went to visit Shocks one day in November 2013. After taking a ride with him and getting ready to leave the sanctuary to go home, she hugged the donkey and said, "I love you, Shocky."

So there you have it- donkeys actually make pretty great therapy animals, and unlike a dogs or cats you get to ride them too!

-Via The Dodo

Guy Demonstrates The Method He Used To Train His Cat To Walk On A Leash

I once semi-successfully trained my cat to walk around my backyard on a leash- he would walk around okay for a while, and even climb trees here and there while tethered to me below. But you could tell he was holding back, and it only made him want to run away more when the leash was off.

My mission to leash my cat would have been more successful had I watched these videos by Doug Meyers of Berkeley, California, and then I could have taken my cat everywhere just like he does.

(YouTube Link)

Doug's videos reveal how he trained his Ragdoll cat Eduardo to walk on a leash by taking him out of his comfort zone:

Using a knapsack was my key discovery in getting Eduardo to go for long walks. He was reluctant to walk away from his home territory. He was uncomfortable doing that it was a hard direction for him to walk in. The easy direction is toward home. By using the knapsack I carry Eduardo away from his home territory and when I put him down he has a natural goal or purpose for his walk, which is to get home. Once I began using the knapsack to carry him, he started to walk almost like a well-trained dog, moving right along

(YouTube Link)

Man, strolling around Berkeley in the spring with a cat on a leash, life does not get much more chill than that!

-Via Laughing Squid

Wolverine's Wildest Offspring

Wolverine's offspring have proven to be an entertaining cast of characters who give their dad a run for his money in terms of ferocity and bloodthirst only most of 'em ain't as nice as Logan, bub.

Daken is a lot like his dad only without the warmth or human compassion, and the first time he met Wolverine he slashed his old man's stomach open and left him to die.

Daken's one scary dude but he looks like a choir boy compared to Raze Darkholme- offspring of Wolverine and Mystique.

Raze can shapeshift, has bone claws, an incredible healing factor and heightened senses, and since his power level rivals that of his parents he keeps them both looking over their shoulders Did I mention Raze is also a time traveler?

Poor Wolverine can't seem to win with his angsty mutant offsprings, but there's one kid who actually loved and cared for Wolvie during the post-apocalyptic Old Man Logan storyline- Hulk Jr.:

After Old Man Logan wipes out the Hulk Gang, he rides off into the sunset with the last surviving member of Bruce Banner’s family, his grandson Hulk Jr., who also happened to be Banner’s favorite. Logan forsakes his former identity as the Wolverine and becomes the Hooded Man, raising Hulk Jr. to be a force for good. Together, they retake the United States, joining with the Fantastic Four and other heroes to form the New Defenders.

Read Lone Wolf And Cubs: Wolverine's 15 Wildest Kids here

Pastor Finds Massive 706-Carat Diamond In Sierra Leone Mine

There are people willing to enslave, exploit and kill other humans without a second thought for a fistful of diamonds, so imagine what they would do to get their hands on a 706-carat diamond worth millions.

That's the dilemma pastor Emmanuel Momoh faced when he discovered the monster diamond in an artisanal mine in Sierra Leone, and knowing the discovery put his life in danger he gave it to the government for safe keeping:

According to The Guardian, the government said that Emmanuel Momoh found the gem in an artisanal mine in the village of Koyadu within the diamond-rich Kono region. It weighs in at 706 carats. The stone was presented on Thursday and will be sold in a government-held transparent auction in the Sierra Leone to benefit the community.

"I have to help the government and my people, so all of us can benefit," presidential spokesman Abdulai Bayraytay quoted Momoh as saying.

The diamond still needs to be analyzed by experts, but it's probable that it's among the largest, behind the 3,106-carat Cullian diamond and a 1,111-carat diamond discovered in 2015. Diamond expert Paul Zimnisky told the AFP news agency that it could possibly rank "between the 10th and 15th largest dem-diamonds ever recovered."

-Via Esquire

Tiny Dancers Among Us

Children usually dance, play and explore the world with reckless abandon, but when kids are serious about developing a skill like dancing they become far more focused than they ever have while sitting in class.

And even though they know their bodies may someday change into a less flexible form they keep practicing anyway, pushing their tiny bodies to the limit to express their love of dance.

Photographer Jordan Matter likes to shoot pics of dancers in motion, and his latest series Tiny Dancers Among Us shows us kids may not have the choreography down pat but they're able to soar much higher than most adult dancers.

See Tiny Dancers Among Us: Jordan Matter Captures Amazing Photos of Dancing Kids here

This Diner Is Full Of Dark Secrets

Rest your eyes on this image of a seemingly ordinary diner for a while and you'll start to notice strange and sinister things are afoot in this particular beanery which smack of black magic and the Old Gods. 

Thankfully this illustration by Jeff Lee Johnson is purely fictitious, created for Fantasy Flight Games' illustrated short story collection The Investigators of Arkham Horror, Tales of Adventure and Madness.

But if you notice any of the strange things you see in this image happening in the real world seek out your nearest Mythos investigator so they can battle the squirming forces of chaos before great Cthulhu is awakened...

See full sized image here

-Via HouseBeautiful

Black And White Photos Of Famous People On Skateboards

Lots of people ride a skateboard when they're young only to give up sidewalk surfing when they become adults, but the truly passionate will keep on skating until their dying day.

Just look at how much fun Pete Townshend is having on his skate, and he's skating after becoming rich and famous so you know he's still riding to this day!

Okay, there's no evidence online to prove that Pete still skates but he sure liked to shred back in the day, I wonder if he and John Lennon ever got together for a skate session? Imagine that!

See Black And White Pictures of Famous People on Skateboards at Dangerous Minds

The Robbery Is A Single Take Dark Comedy Short About Armed Robbery Gone Wrong

People who are desperate enough to attempt an armed robbery often feel like they have nothing left to lose in their lives so they're not afraid to take whatever they want at gunpoint.

The dumbest and most desperate criminals are those who steal to feed their addiction, because they're too high or low to think about the consequences of their actions.

The Robbery is a dark comedy short by Jim Cummings and Dustin Hahn that was shot in one take to capture the feeling of confusion and chaos as things go wrong during an armed robbery. (NSFW language)

The Robbery from Jim Cummings on Vimeo.

-Via Laughing Squid

Former Students Share Stories About What Got Them Expelled From College

(Image Link)

It's not uncommon for college students to wind up on academic probation if they spend too much time partying, which usually makes them clean up their act and study hard again so they don't get kicked out.

(Via CatPawSoup)

But some people simply do not belong at a university, or for that matter any place where there are other people!

(Via VaginaDangerous)

Not every explulsion story involves drugs, booze and/or degenerate behavior, because believe it or not sometimes students get expelled for not following the rules of a college they shouldn't be attending in the first place. Rule of thumb- if you're not Mormon then you probably shouldn't be going to BYU.

(Via JunkAcount123)

Redditor innout7 asked their fellow oversharers "Expelled college students of Reddit, why are you expelled?" and they got some pretty tasty responses. Because what's campus life without a little ice cream and Greensleeves at 2 a.m.?

I was expelled from all college residences for stumbling home from the pub, finding an unlocked door in the food hall, taking 3 10 litre tubs of icecream and going around on a bike blasting Greensleeves pretending to be an ice-cream truck at 2am. (Via Music_Is_Crap)

Read 30 Expelled Students Share What Got Them Kicked Out Of School here (NSFW language)

Simply Endearing Comic Strips About The Joy And Pain Of Relationships

Every relationship has its share of joy and pain, with bouts of swooning, sadness and giddy glee, but mostly there is talking and sharing and caring, so if that's not your cup of tea then Tuna Dunn's comics may not appeal to you.

But you might want to take a quick glance at Tuna's comics anyway, and please forgive the Thai artist's grammatical errors, because they'll show you what you've been missing.

If you've been on the relationship ride more than a few times then Tuna's comics will remind you of your current love or an ex, and if the ride makes you sick then Tuna's comics will make you sick too.

But, as every good relationshipper knows, you've got to be a little sick to stay with somebody who loves you this much!

See The Beauty And Pain Of Relationships In 10+ Comics By Thai Artist Tuna Dunn here

Beloved TV Characters Who Are Really Bad People

Whenever fans develop strong feelings for a pop culture character they start to feel like that character can do no wrong, because every choice they make and action they take is just character development.

But if you put the fan feels aside and actually look at what these characters have done during their storylines they start to look like really bad people.

Characters like Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel started out evil, and made no bones about their allegiance to the dark side, but there's evil and then there's staking your own mother evil.

Spike is scary and all, and I wouldn't want to be on the wrong end of Tyrion's crossbow, but sometimes the scariest and most dangerous characters look like harmless dimwits.

See 10 Favorite TV Characters Who Are Actually Very Bad People here

Russian Grandma Teaches People How To Use A Green Screen

People don't look to their grandmas for advice on how to up their digital art game, since most grandmas seem to have a hard time understanding how to use the computer let alone software with a steep learning curve.

But Russian grandma and Chroma Key guru Tatiana Subbotina has a good handle on the whole digital video editing game, and she's sharing her advice with the world in the weirdest way possible.

(YouTube Link)

Even though the videos don't really give much usable advice on video editing they're really fun to watch, and Tatiana seems to really enjoy making them:

Subbotina spoke to BuzzFeed saying, “I decided that I too could talk about this [editing videos]. So I started making stories on my YouTube channel about how I work with it. I didn’t invent anything there, but I try to explain it as simply as possible. It’s very exciting and I like it.”

(YouTube Link)

-Via DesignTAXI

How To Put On A Sweater With Minimal Disturbance To The Cat Around Your Neck

You may think it's a good and fun idea to teach your cat how to perch on your shoulders and wrap around your neck, but the fun quickly wears off when you discover you can't shake off your new fur collar.

Musician Roger Brawn made the mistake of letting his cat Spiggy perch without making him sign a lease, and now Spiggy refuses to vacate Roger's shoulders.

But Roger seems to enjoy having a Spiggy-shaped scarf wrapped around his neck, so much so that he has figured out a way to put on a jumper without disturbing that spoiled shoulder dweller.

(YouTube Link)

-Via Tastefully Offensive

How To Prepare Jake's Perfect Sandwich From Adventure Time

Jake is half dog, half shapeshifter, and he has the magical ability to stretch his body into nearly any shape and size, which means he could devour a Dagwood sandwich better than Scooby Doo if he wanted to.

But Jake's also a dog with refined tastes, so when he crafts a sandwich you can be sure his creation will taste totally mathematical.

(YouTube Link)

So what do you need to make Jake's perfect sandwich? A whole loaf of bread, a sous vide steak, a deboned cornish game hen, bacon, cream cheese, a bunch of other stuff and, most importantly, a lobster's soul.

Andrew Rea isn't the only human who has ever attempted to recreate Jake's perfect sandwich, but the monstrosity he creates on this episode of Binging With Babish actually looks drool worthy!

-Via Laughing Squid

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