Zeon Santos's Liked Blog Posts

A Dark Comic Series Created To Ruin Your Childhood

When we start adulting we're told to leave the trappings of our youth behind, but for some of us our inner child grows stronger instead of weaker as we strive to make our childhood dreams come true.

But comic artist Hugo Tamzarian seems hell bent on wounding, if not outright destroying, our inner children with his series Gone Into Rapture, and no silly willy nilly symbol of our childhood is safe.

Gone Into Rapture deals with controversial subjects like dinosaurs, animals, Disney characters,  social politics and cats- those sneaky little furballs who have infiltrated our homes and now run the show.

See 10+ Dark Comics Created To Ruin Your Childhood here

Amazing Sailor Moon Themed Figure Skating Routine

I must confess that Sailor Moon was never really my cup of tea as far as anime goes, but the fans have such an infectious energy and the costumes are so cheerful I can't help but smile when I say "Sailor Moon".

And while I'm not interested in the show I can't stop watching this Sailor Moon inspired figure skating routine performed by Evgenia Medvedeva at the World Team Trophy 2017 exhibition in Tokyo. It's more enchanting than a Tuxedo Mask entrance!

(YouTube Link)

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

Fun Facts About Carrie Fisher

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Carrie Fisher may have garnered most of her fan base by playing Princess Leia, but her film career began years earlier with studies at the Central School of Speech and Drama in London and a role in Shampoo at age 17.

She was taught how to make it in Hollywood by her mom, the prolific actress Debbie Reynolds, who had the star power to call up George Lucas and rag on him for making her daughter fly coach:

Surprisingly, the budget for the Stars Wars films was so low that the American cast and crew had to fly to England in economy class. When her mother, actress Debbie Reynolds, called George Lucas to complain, he handed the phone to Carrie who told her, “Mother, I want to fly coach, will you f**k off?!” and then hung up.

Carrie had no problem speaking her mind, but she struggled during her scenes with Peter Cushing as Grand Moff Tarkin because he was so nice to her on the set she had a hard time being mean to him.

In fact, Carrie got along really well with pretty much everyone on the set of Star Wars, but she really took a shine to Harrison Ford for obvious reasons:

Carrie once joked about drinking alcohol on the set of Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back. She stated, “Mark Hamill was off on Dagobah while Harrison Ford and I were were getting drunk in Cloud City.”

While Carrie certainly had lots of memories from the set and filming of the Star Wars trilogy, her fondest of that era may come as a surprise. She was on the record as having said that her favorite moments were during her scenes when she was arguing with Harrison Ford.

See 24 Facts About Carrie Fisher That You Probably Didn't Know here

These Clever Illustrations Describe The Icelandic Language One Word At A Time

Icelandic is a northern Germanic language descended from the Old West Norse dialect, so it is similar in some ways to Danish, Swedish and Norwegian.

But Icelandic is considered the "old language" of the North, making it the most difficult Norse language to learn, so students may need a little help putting words together in their minds.

Mynd (picture) + Band (string) = Myndband (video)

A post shared by Every Single Word In Icelandic (@everysinglewordinicelandic) on Feb 20, 2017 at 11:39am PST

Artist Eunsan Huh has come up with a clean and simple way to help students learn Icelandic by visualizing the combination of words used to create compound words.

Her Instagram account Every Single Word In Icelandic is becoming an invaluable resource for anyone interested in learning Icelandic, because her posts also include a spoken version of each word.

Eunsan on why she started this project:

Every Single Word In Icelandic is a pictographic exploration of the Icelandic language. I find an interesting compound word, then deconstruct and illustrate it as icons. The goal is to express how Icelandic can be deadpan literal and unexpectedly poetic at the same time.

Remember the word for earth, jörð, from yesterday? If you add the word for berry to the end you get jarðarber, meaning strawberry

A post shared by Every Single Word In Icelandic (@everysinglewordinicelandic) on Apr 23, 2017 at 9:18am PDT

See more from Every Single Word In Icelandic at Laughing Squid

Tom Hardy Stopped A Motorcycle Robbery In London Like A Total Badass

It should be pretty obvious by now that Tom Hardy isn't acting like a badass in movies like Mad Max and The Dark Knight Rises- he's a real life badass who also happens to be a really good actor.

So when he's in London and some punks try to make off with a stolen motorcycle Tom doesn't just stand and watch, he switches into action hero mode and helps apprehend the perps.

Cops in Richmond, south-west London report Tom helped nab two teens who crashed the bike they stole into a car, and “He looked as mad as he does on telly" while wrapping up the perps:

The two suspected thieves were 16 years old and crashed the bike into a car, apparently earning the attention of Hardy according to The Independent and The Sun.

The Hollywood star looked like he “switched into superhero mode” as he collared the man before checking him for weapons after the chase near his home in Richmond, south-west London, an onlooker told The Sun.

According to the newspaper, Hardy explained “I caught the c***t” shortly after finding the man.

The BBC quotes witness Arun Pullen in their take on the events, providing a clearer picture of how things went down:

“Tom must have been walking down the road.

“He went off like a shot in pursuit and looked furious.

“I asked Tom what happened and he told me he chased him through my back garden and caught him around the block – but the route was like an assault course.”

“Tom Hardy’s clearly not a man you’d mess with,” Pullen continued. “I think he even checked the kid’s ID before cops took over . . . If the kid had been dumb enough to resist I reckon Tom would have given him a good hiding.”

-Via Uproxx

Mad Scientist Builds A 200-Watt Laser Bazooka That Can Shoot Through A Computer Case

If you mess with science you may find yourself on the wrong end of a laser beam designed to burn right through whatever gets in its way and powerful enough to shoot through a computer case.

So be nice to Drake Anthony (aka styropro) if you ever meet him, because he built a 200-watt laser bazooka out of "scrap metal, a pile of broken ‘hybrid’ DLP projectors, and runs on a stack of lithium polymer batteries" and he ain't afraid to use it.

(YouTube Link)

-Via Laughing Squid

Indoor Plants That Are Hard To Kill

Those lucky nature lovers who have a green thumb make growing and caring for plants look easy, but what can a brown thumb do to turn their bad luck with plants around and bring some living green into their homes?

They can buy an indoor plant that's hard to kill, like the bold and beautiful bromeliad, which likes to be in temperatures around 70 degrees and produces shoots that replace the original plant.

But if the bromeliad is too flashy for you then you may want to start with the basics- the spider plant, the dieffenbachia and the calathea:

The spider plant only needs to be watered once a week, and its shoots produce babies that can be repotted so you can have as many spider plants in your home as you'd like.

The dieffenbachia is happy with filtered light and doesn't need regular watering, and the calathea or "peacock plant" thrives in low light and simply needs to be kept moist, so

See 25 Indoor Plants You Can't Kill here

Wives Who Have Turned Pranking Into An Artform

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Most of the spousal pranking stories you see online involve husbands pranking wives, which is usually more of a jump scare scenario than an actual prank and therefore has become a bit of a cliche.

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So what's the wife of a wiseguy to do when her husband calls her a "sandwich maker"? She gets mad, and then she gets even:

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Wives have proven to be far more creative pranksters than all those jump scare lovin' guys out there, so if you're married to a pranky wife you'd better keep your eyes peeled!

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See 10+ Hilarious Wives All Men Secretly Wish They Were Married To here

I'm Not Weird You're Weird

The line between normal and abnormal has become far too thin, and some people are so afraid of being seen as different and strange they worry about doing normal stuff in public in case they're seen.

But as far as I'm concerned if you're at a game cheer loudly, if you're in the smoking section then light up, and if you stink please slap some deodorant on immediately! (comic via Jakes Likes Onions)

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

Iconic Comic Book Images Recreated In The Movies

Every time a director helms a new superhero project they put their own spin on that hero's origin story, but no matter how far they stray from the source material they still include some nod to the original.

Action Comics #1 features the most iconic cover art of all time- Superman lifting a car, a scene featured in 1978's Superman and Bryan Singer's Superman Returns, which is an homage to Richard Donner's original Superman films from the 80s.

(YouTube Link)

But the cover of Captain America Comics #1, featuring Cap punching out Hitler, is arguably just as famous, so why didn't it get a proper recreation in the Captain America movie?

Because the writers and director of 2011's Captain America: The First Avenger chose Red Skull and Hydra as Cap's main foes, so including Hitler and the Nazis would just confuse the plot of future Marvel movies.

See 15 Iconic Comic Book Images Recreated In Superhero Movies here

Ridiculous Myths About The Middle Ages That Need To Die

Thanks to pop culture people assume everyone but the royals smelled like crap in the Middle Ages, knights were heroic figures who kept the kingdom safe for common folk, and scientific progress went boink thanks to the church.

But historical evidence shows these notions are pure myth, and the Middle Ages were both cleaner and dirtier than we've been told.

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Heard the one about the stinky serfs?

Working in the fields all day does make you grimy, but people in the Middle Ages continued the Roman tradition of taking communal baths, and there were even baths made just for workers and craftsmen.

They washed up before and after eating, offered to bathe with guests to be polite, and went through nearly as much soap as we do today:

Medieval demand for soap (usually made from animal fats, with a variety of oils and salts added) was so great that by the 13th century, soap was being made on an almost industrial scale in Britain, Italy, Spain, and France.

Folks kept clean until the Black Plague made them afraid to bathe, believing that bathing opened the pores and thereby made it easier to become infected by the Plague.

Now if you want to see dirty you need look no further than the knights, who were less chivalrous heroes and more ruthless gangs of greedy mercenaries who cured their between war boredom with bloodshed:

Toward the 11th century, many of the local lords started bickering over who would get a slice of the Holy Roman pie that Charlemagne baked, and the knights were at the forefront of these petty wars. These "wars" were less Braveheart-style epic battles and more knights rolling up into villages and slaughtering everybody.

The chivalric code was introduced in the 13th century in order to keep these angry young warriors in line, but the code said nothing about defending peasants so the slaughter continued.

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And lastly we discuss science in the Middle Ages- since many religious groups are anti-science these days we assume Medieval monks were anti-science too.

But the Catholic church actually saved science, and much of the scientific knowledge recorded by the Romans, from being destroyed by invading barbarians:

The church went about setting up monasteries across Europe, and along with the monks came the monks' massive libraries. Monks were just about the only educated people in the early Middle Ages, and pretty much everything we know about this entire time period was written by them.

As time went on, the church stepped it up a notch and started establishing universities to foster the preservation of knowledge. You may have heard of a few of them: Oxford, Cambridge, and the University of Paris (not to mention pretty much every other top school in Europe).

Medicine also made massive advances thanks to the university system. Contrary to popular belief, dissection of corpses was actually fine and dandy with the church, and medieval universities often did it in the basement (OK, so maybe it wasn't totally fine and dandy). By the 14th century, there were functional hospitals, and doctors had learned how to use antiseptic when lopping off people's body parts.

Read 6 Ridiculous Myths About The Middle Ages Everyone Believes here (NSFW language)

The Invisible Art Of Visual Effects

Visual effects in films are composed and constructed just like any other work of art, but there's one big difference- in order for the VFX in movies to be effective they must be so subtle you think the effects are real.

And if you think you're an expert at spotting viz fx consider this- nearly every movie made these days features some sort of digital fx compositing, from sets to weather effects to the vehicles driving by in the background.

VFX Games - The Art of Compositing from Roy Peker on Vimeo.

This eye opening video by Roy Peker gently tears back the layers of digital deception to show us what often lies beneath each frame of film, namely an actor on a green screen set.

-Via PremiumBeat

Dog Eats Banana- The Shocking Video Footage

Some dogs will do backflips for bacon, others will sit and shake paws all day long for tasty bits of human food, but those dogs are missing the boat because you get a whole lot more treat if you go gaga for bananas.

And since the little pooch in this video looks so darn cute while eating a banana he probably gets a treat any time he wants, which hopefully means we'll get to see him in more utterly adorable videos in the future!

(YouTube Link)

-Via Boing Boing

Photos From The Set Of The Original Twin Peaks

Part of me never left David Lynch's eerie town of Twin Peaks after watching the series in the early 90s, and now that the series is coming back for eighteen more episodes that Twin Peaks feeling is coming back strong too.

But simply rewatching the series and Fire Walk With Me just isn't enough to satisfy my appetite for small town Lynchian strangeness, I needed these damn fine photos from the set to silence my inner Bob.

Seeing all my old friends from Twin Peaks again has caused quite a few memories to resurface, including those "they won't be on the new episodes because they're dead!" moments that make me wanna smile-cry.

See Intimate Photos Taken On The Set Of The Original 'Twin Peaks' here

How Much Would Superheroes' NYC Apartments Cost?

Being a superhero typically isn't a paid gig, which is why even famous superheroes like Superman and Spider-Man have to keep their day jobs as journalists.

Clark Kent lives in the fictional city of Metropolis, so there's no telling how much rent he pays, but could Spider-Man actually afford to live in New York City on his salary from the Daily Bugle?

And what about our new favorite friends from Harlem and Hell's Kitchen Matt Murdock (Daredevil), Luke Cage and Jessica Jones?

ForRent.com created this slick infographic that reveals how much Marvel superheroes would pay for their apartments around NYC, as well as some trivia related to the real life equivalent of each location.

See full sized infographic here

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

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