Zeon Santos's Comments

@ antdude- this sketch is from season 17, which is the 1991-1992 season of SNL. Doubt me? Look it up.

@ R.Rocket- you act as if I somehow have something to do with Hulu's policies. Offending is a verb not an adjective, so does it feel offending or offensive? Sorry this has offended you so much, but you really need to get a life! It's a short comedy sketch, not a video of the birth of Jesus or something, so you're not missing much. Please take your negativity elsewhere!
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Wow, I am overwhelmed by the great comments here guys! I really like what you guys have to say, and I guess I hadn't thought about the game from the perspective of a simulation enthusiast. It still sounds awful though, at least according to the gamespot review.

@ algomeysa-great insight, and how great would a crazy easter egg be in an otherwise mundane game?!

@ nick-the game is probably good "clean" fun, but I think most kids would find it boring compared to all the other games on the market. Maybe if this was the first game the kid ever played...

@ feodor-you make some great points, and I agree that having this stinkbomb dropped on your desk would make you rethink your interest in being a professional game reviewer.

@ ted-the player reviews were so funny that I was tempted to check out the game myself! Then I turned on my xbox and forgot all about it...

@ anonymous-i guess i'm just a jaded old gamer, since I enjoy playing games that don't simulate the mundane activities found in real life.

@ jason-i really hope they were planning on ending up in the cheap games bin, because if this was a labor of love then someone's heart was surely broken!
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Hey guys, sorry I posted a video that wouldn't play internationally! I'm a bit new to this, and I had no idea that Hulu wouldn't play outside the US. I agree that it's crappy on their part not to let international viewers watch their videos, and I will no longer post videos from their site. In the future try not to get so angry over something so stupid though! It's really not a big deal that you can't watch this video, your life will go on believe me. You're acting less like a rainbow goddess and more like Kali, goddess of destruction. We're trying to build a site with constructive commenting, not a place for angry souls to rant and talk trash. If you want to continue being allowed to comment on this site, be more constructive in the future rainbow, sarcasm and snarky commenting is no longer welcome here.
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What is the "purpose" of any art? Appreciation of the human form, how cool it is that a sponge can be made to look so much like the contours of a body, the "purpose" of art can even be simple visual interest, its all a matter of opinion.
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Who are you to say what is Neatorama-worthy? If you don't have anything constructive to say, don't say anything at all. That applies to life as well as posting snarky comments on blogs.
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Thanks for the heads up Rachelxs! I thought he contributed to the look of the show because of how spot on his drawings of Jake are, which makes sense considering he draws storyboards for the show. And thanks for sharing Natasha's tumblr page, it is full of adorable awesomeness!
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